Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3325: Fish girl fourteen friends


There were several doctors and nurses guarding her outside the door.

There are also my brother's subordinates—those "soldiers" with hulking backs, beards and staring eyes.

In the air shock attack, they have already turned into rolling gourds, and they don't know where to roll.

Pepe turned on the light on the protective clothing, groping in the dark and twisted corridor, and encountered many crew members along the way, but they all bowed their waists like shrimps, vomited until tears flowed, and couldn't even stand. Not straight, let alone stop her.

Some people staggered as if drunk, and giggled when they saw her, with weird expressions, like a group of lunatics.

Peipei knew that this was a hasty jump into the star sea. The brain experienced a process of "three-dimensional disintegration, four-dimensional transmission, and three-dimensional reorganization" in a short period of time, resulting in a special concussion, also known as "star sea jump syndrome."

Because the jump came so suddenly, almost none of the crew members took adequate protection, so most of them were hit by the trick and couldn't recover for a long time.

Only Pepe was unharmed.

—The dream maker who can communicate with the void hunter is originally the person with the most stable brain and the most powerful soul.

In the process of communicating with Shannuya, Pepe was subtly influenced by Shannuya, and his brain was also affected by Shannuya, so he was more able to adapt to the side effects of Xinghai Jump than ordinary people.

This is her biggest hole card.

It is also the key to her escape.

Following the instructions of the portable crystal brain, the girl stumbled and found the escape area.

Thankfully, there are still three escape pods that have not been launched, and the medical ship is still in an emergency state, and the escape pods can be launched!

Pepe didn't hesitate to get into one of the escape pods.

When designing the escape pod, it adopts a fully automated fool-proof operation mode to ensure that every child in the fleet can master the most basic settings and driving methods.

—The sea of stars is vast and full of dangers. Only such a design can ensure the survival rate of the "fire" in a fleet to the greatest extent.


Pepe heard a piercing sound of jets coming from behind the buttocks of the escape pod, as if someone had kicked her hard in the back. After a while, the twisted steel was replaced by bright stars, and she was launched into space.

Behind it is a group of starships that are scattered and spinning around.

In front is Shannuya, quietly floating in the universe, life and death are uncertain.

Pepe gritted her teeth, set the sprint direction of the escape pod, and slammed into Shannuya quickly.

"Hold on, Shannuya, I'm coming!"

Although it was only a small escape pod, when all the starships were still in shock and had not yet regained control, the directional stream of flames it ejected still seemed very abrupt.

Soon, a "beep" sound came from the communication channel of the escape pod, and a familiar voice sounded: "Who is in the escape pod, is it out of control, why are you flying towards the void hunter?"

It's brother!

My brother is still alive, he should be on the flagship with my father, so my father is fine

Pepe had a sore nose, resisted the urge to respond, and bowed her head forward.

"... Pepe?"

Brother and sister bond, maybe it's intuition, maybe it's because the elder brother knows that only Pepe on the hospital ship can recover from the "Star Sea Jump Syndrome" so quickly, or maybe the elder brother knows that only Pepe will foolishly drive the escape pod to find the void hunter , he asked tentatively.

Peipei didn't need to answer, but she couldn't help but shed tears, and the girl tremblingly said, "Brother!"

"Pepe, is it really you?"

The elder brother was ecstatic at first, and then flew into a rage, "What are you doing, come back quickly!"

"No... no!"

Pepe gritted her teeth, the white teeth were deeply embedded in her lips, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, tremblingly said, "I'm doing what I should do, I'm going to save Shannuya!"

"You, what did you say?"

Brother growled, "You're crazy!"

"I'm not crazy, I'm lucid, lucid enough to see everything and remember what just happened!"

The girl screamed, "Just now, Shannuya spared his life to save us and everyone in this fleet! It didn't hesitate at all, didn't calculate the slightest gain or loss, and didn't have the slightest suspicion of us And jealousy, it regards us as best friends, friends worth saving with their lives!

"Now, I'm going to save it too, like it just saved us, it's my friend, it's His Highness Prince Shannuya, it's unique, me, our best friend, what's the problem What, brother!"


The elder brother said, "How are you going to save it?"

"I want to tell it the truth, let it escape from here far away, to a place where there are no human beings, and never come back."

Pepe gritted his teeth, "The signal ship you used to activate the 'explosive agent' in its body was destroyed by an air shock just now, and it will take at least one day for you to prepare a new signal transmitter, enough for Shannuya to escape. "

"What if it doesn't escape?"

My brother said coldly, "What if it knows the truth, becomes enraged, destroys our starship and kills all of us?"

"Why do you always use hypothetical questions to pre-sentence others to death!"

Pepe's voice became sharper, "If it weren't for Shannuya's sacrifice, we would all be dead! All starships would be torn apart by the 'air shock', and everyone would have turned into cold dust in the sea of stars! Nuya just sacrificed herself to save us, but you still haven't got rid of the 'star sea jumping syndrome', and you start to doubt it again, trying to kill it in every possible way, you, what are you adults thinking about!

"I, I have to tell Shannuya the truth, even if... it gets angry after hearing it, all of us owe it a life, no matter what the consequences are, we deserve it!"

The communication channel was silent for a long time, and my brother seemed speechless.

"… elder brother?"

A bad premonition emerged in the girl's heart.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for her to see a faint blue light, coming from the group of starships at high speed, the last to arrive first, and soon caught up with the round-headed and extremely clumsy escape pod.

He is the older brother equipped with space armor.

This kind of psionic weapon specially designed for warfare, for surprise and sprinting, is naturally much faster than the escape pod.

At this time, they were still tens of thousands of kilometers away from Shannuya.

The elder brother opened his arms, surrounded by spiritual flames, like a demon god with teeth and claws, blocking the front of the escape pod.

"I'm sorry, Pepe, it's my duty, I can't let you move on."

Brother whispered in the communication channel, his voice was full of guilt and entanglement.