Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3333: The new book has been released, Aura is Impressive!


The new book "Spiritual Qi is Compelling" has been released. You can find Lao Niu's author name, or scroll down the fourth page of the Qidian app to find it.

In fact, I didn’t plan to publish the book so early. Everyone knows that "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation" has been written for too long. To be honest, it is not only mental work, but also physical work. Sitting in front of the computer for a long time and typing is a physical and Double consumption of spirit.

When I was still serializing, I endured it all at once, and I didn’t feel many ailments. After I finished writing, various problems such as mouse hands, lumbar muscle strain, and so on all popped up.

At that time, I really wanted to rest for three to five months, take it easy, and even go on a trip or something.

But when I really lie down and rest, after a few days of "comfortable days" where I don't need to write, I don't need to conceive, my brain is empty, and I don't need anything, I feel uncomfortable no matter what, no matter where I am.

Really, maybe codewords have become a habit, and even integrated into my bone marrow. I feel uncomfortable if I don’t codeword for a day, I feel uncomfortable if I don’t hear the keyboard “cracking” for a day, and I feel uncomfortable if I don’t chat with my dear book friends , Lying on the bed, the whole person is very empty, as if cut off from the whole world.

It’s as if there are a lot of little people shut down in their minds, dancing and waving their flagella non-stop, telling the old cow, “We still have many stories to tell, many adventures to experience, many worlds to explore, what? It's time to release us, we can't wait!"

To be honest, Lao Niu couldn't wait.

"The Impressive Spirit" is a brand new story, but it is also inextricably linked with "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation". The main reason is that "Cultivation Four" has various regrets in the creation process. At that time, Li Yao's mentality changed too quickly, and the description of the whole world was not enough. Often the highest level of thought clashed, and there was a big battle. If Li Yao single-handedly solved the enemy's boss with force, the world would be peaceful and everything would be fine.

In fact, the operation of the world has never been such a simple matter.

The drastic changes in the world have far more impact on ordinary people than what is written in the book.

About the collision of civilizations, about the contradictions, conflicts, collisions, compromises, and fusions between "superman" and "mortals"... There are many, many wonderful stories to tell, and many joys and sorrows, wonderful and exciting things to write.

Thus, there was "Aura of Impressiveness".

As can be seen from the title of the book, this is a story about "in the great era of resurgence of spiritual energy, human civilization is forced to break out of the siege, advance triumphantly, and create the future in the sea of stars".

Still the same blood, still the same persistence, still the same positive, high-spirited fighting spirit, no matter how dark the universe is, we all have to sing about the distant light in the darkness. I think this is a subject that I will never tire of writing about in my life.

The new book is on the shelves, and it is still a very immature little life that needs the love of me and everyone. I hope this time it will be like "Xiu Si". You and I will join hands and walk side by side. We will once again create a world, a dream, and a wonderful event. A happy, happy, optimistic and fearless journey.

Finally, many book lovers are concerned about whether the characters in "Xiu Si" will appear in "Aura". Lao Niu can only say that it is still unknown. It is the most exciting to explore slowly. Let yourself go, maybe everyone will gain A different touch and joy.

thank you all!