Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3351: The Legend of Han Te (18) The Roar of Yanlong


"me… "

Princess Axia really didn't know how Teresa could still laugh.

Teresa's bravery contrasted her frailty even more. Her hands were trembling, and she couldn't hold the knife tightly. She was so anxious that she wanted to cry, "I dare not, I can't."

At the same time, the sword halberd demon pig snorted, and two streams of heat spewed out from its raised nasal cavity, and its red bean-sized eyes once again burst into a ferocious and greedy light.

It turned over and got up.

"keep it up, you can do it!"

Teresa encouraged Princess Axia, "No one can protect you forever. Black Jack can't do it, and neither can I. I will fight side by side with you, but I can't protect you forever, Sister Axia, take up the courage and pick up the sword , fight for yourself!"

"No, no, no..." Princess Axia blushed and shook her head desperately.

Before she could make up her mind, the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig lowered its head, tilted its head and the sword and halberd bone spurs on its back again, and rushed towards them.

"Be careful!"

Teresa took a big step and stood in front of Princess Axia, holding the saber high with both hands. The blade was faintly mixed with lightning and thunder. She really had the courage to kill the hurricane. !

It's a pity that the sword halberd demon pig's Tianling cover is the hardest part of its whole body.

Teresa also failed to control 100% of her brand-new body, and her ability to use her strength was still a hair's breadth away.

The most important point is that the sword in her hand is only a standard weapon commonly used by bounty hunters and mercenaries, and it has been used many times, and the blade is covered with cracks.

Rather than the Star Federation or the Real Human Empire, it is a super weapon that condenses cutting-edge technologies such as metal smelting, spar inlays, and magic weapon manufacturing.


The sword halberd and the bone spur on the demon pig's head collided fiercely. Teresa's power to kill Thunder hadn't fully exploded, and the fragile sword couldn't withstand the strong impact, and the pieces shattered.

There was only one handle left in Teresa's hand.

Before the power of the whole body poured out, the body lost its balance, but was seized by the sword, halberd and demon pig, and hit hard.

Teresa was like a kite with a broken string, flying 20 to 30 meters, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Princess Axia was terrified, and rushed up desperately, and cried out when she saw the blood on her chest.

"I, I'm fine."

Teresa panted heavily, and when she looked down, she found that the leather armor she was wearing had dozens of holes pierced by the sword, halberd, and demon pig.

The impact of this monster is really big enough.

Fortunately, I was wearing leather armor, and the cushion on my chest was strong enough, otherwise I would have to break a few bones.


Teresa licked the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said to Princess Axia.

She is ready to make a big move.


Princess Axia's eyes seemed to be stained red by Teresa's blood.

She finally grasped the handle of the knife with a trembling hand, "I'm sorry, Teresa, I won't run away again!"


The sword halberd demon pig roared, and once again slammed towards them like a cannonball.

Even the earth covered with strange humus has been plowed into a deep ditch by it.

The momentum is astonishing, like a boulder collapsing from the cliff, rampaging all the way, invincible.

Facing such a huge monster, Princess Axia's lips, hands and legs were trembling.

Tears are like pearls with a broken thread, not controlled by the brain at all.

But she still raised her sword high.

While weeping, he gritted his teeth, muttered to himself, and cheered himself up, "Come on, I'm not afraid of you, I won't let you hurt Teresa, I won't run away again, come on, no matter the sword, halberd, demon pig Well, uncle, I am not afraid of you!"

Terrified to the extreme, she closed her eyes tightly, waved the saber indiscriminately, and slashed down clumsily.

Teresa sniffed.

On the seemingly immature face, it is full of indifference that has experienced many battles and is able to handle it with ease.

And a touch of... moved

The handle of the knife, which had lost its blade, was still tightly held in the palm of her hand, but she held it up high, like a torch about to be ignited.

The mysterious and unpredictable magical power lingered around her body, spiraling ripples, condensing towards the raised knife handle.

Teresa began to chant with a slightly ancient and exotic voice.

"Retrieve: All third-level offensive magic currently available.

"Sorting method: casting speed, from fast to slow.

"Extraction: Level 3 magic, Flame Dragon's Roar.

"Attack method: attach to the sword, lock the sight, single target, shoot and forget.

"Lock on the target: ten meters ahead, the sword, halberd and demon pig.

"Number of Attacks: If the attack is valid, it will continue to attack until the target dies; if the attack is invalid, after three attacks, it will be automatically replaced with the second-level offensive magic, Frostbolt Sting.

"Application description complete.

"Submit, and execute!"

When the last incantation was blurted out, a series of mysterious and complicated magic runes appeared around the raised arm, forming a three-dimensional magic circle.

On the hilt of the knife, a blazing torch was actually lit in the empty place. The flames were like a fountain, rushing straight to a height of three to five meters, and condensed into a magma dragon with teeth and claws.

"Yanlong's roar, go to hell, beast!"

Teresa's figure flashed strangely, she folded, and grabbed in front of Princess Axia.

The hands performed a beautiful trick, the Yanlong Saber that was originally held high turned into a slanted downward swing.

Instead of recklessly fighting for the hardest Tianling Gai of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig, he used his sight to lock the lower part of its head, the junction of the head and neck, and the softest throat.


The flame dragon pierced deeply into the throat of the sword halberd demon pig at a lightning-fast speed.

The beast couldn't help but open its mouth and howl in pain.

Teresa's speed was far beyond its imagination. On the hilt, the second flame condensed into the shape of a sharp blade, piercing its bloody maw.

The sword halberd demon pig's reaction was quick, and he gritted his teeth fiercely, trying to bite off Teresa's knife handle and wrist together.

Who knew Teresa was still feigning the shot, without the blade, but giving the handle a hundred times more flexibility, the sword turned into a dagger, and it was easily pasted on the left eye of the sword halberd demon pig.


The third offensive magic "Roar of the Flame Dragon" completely exploded in front of the left eye of the sword halberd demon pig.

The magic flames drove straight in, smashing the eyeballs instantly, burning out the optic nerves, rampaging in the small brain cavity of the sword halberd demon pig, raging all the way, and spraying big balls from the right eye, nostril, ear and bloody mouth flame.

The head of the sword halberd demon pig completely turned into a fireball.

One person, one pig, intertwined in an instant, Teresa was short, and rolled forward beautifully, flashing past under the sword and halberd demon pig.

With its flaming head on its head, the sword halberd demon pig continued to charge forward for dozens of meters, but was finally unable to recover and fell to the ground slumped.