Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3368: Biography of Han Te (35) One man, one sword!


When all the demons and goblins found Black Jack, he had already jumped right above the prison cannon.

Immediately, dozens of Hell Slayers riding griffins blew sharp "lion whistles" and charged towards Black Jack with the griffins.

Black Jack's figure turned into a flash of lightning, and he took the initiative to pounce on one of the Prison Slayers, kicking him off the griffin, and fell to the corner of the prison cannon's turret, breaking his bones , bloody.

However, Black Jack was strangling the Griffin's neck tightly, and his big hands like iron pincers were deeply embedded in the Griffin's feathers and flesh, causing the Griffin's cervical vertebrae to sting painfully.

The griffin had to obediently obey Black Jack's orders, staggered to and fro, and bumped into several other griffins.

The griffin battle formation of the Hell Slayer was in chaos.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Black Jack stomped hard on the back of the griffin, leaped in the air, and rushed towards the cannon.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

In mid-air, the Hell Slayer Demon behind the Griffin threw out their long whips with barbed thorns.

This kind of whip can be used to whip the griffin, speed up or turn around, and it can also be stretched and retracted freely to wrap around the neck of the enemy. When the built-in blade and barbs stand up, it is enough to tear off the enemy's head.


The prison demon below also discovered the unexpected guest Black Jack.

Arrows and magic missiles, like an inverted rainstorm or deadly fireworks, swept towards Black Jack.

At the critical moment, Black Jack took a deep breath, and the space around him seemed to be distorted, turning into a colorful kaleidoscope, and he actually had dozens of clones in the kaleidoscope, dragging dozens of afterimages respectively, whipping the thorns, Arrows and magic missiles all dodge.

It was too late to say it, and it was so fast, the eyes of thousands of demons blurred, and they saw Black Jack swooping down from mid-air, standing firmly on the muzzle of the prison-killing cannon.

In an instant, an invisible momentum, like a flood, spread around the battlefield.

The bloody battle in the devil world has a harsh environment. Except for a very small number of special ethnic groups such as the Turings, no matter men, women, old or young, they are all natural fighters. There is no saying that "war makes women go away".

Like the Medusa tribe, it is a matriarchal tribe, respecting women, and only witches can master the most exquisite medical skills and body modification techniques.

Therefore, there are a large number of witches in both the Prison Extermination Army and the Allied Forces of the Six Clans, accounting for at least one-third of the total force.

When Black Jack's breath-taking aura spread throughout the entire battlefield, these witches were all swayed, unable to control themselves, staring deeply into Black Jack's eyes, rippling with inexplicable ripples, almost unable to breathe.

The offensive of the prison-killing clan around the fort stalled.

Blackjack took the opportunity to draw the long sword from his waist, and raised it high towards the dome.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

From the seemingly ordinary long sword, there was a strange sound of the seal being lifted. First, criss-crossing lines like spider webs appeared on the sword body, and then these lines overflowed the sword body, outward like blood vessels and nerve networks. , Spreading and expanding upwards, and then, one after another of gorgeous brilliance continuously filled along the "blood vessels and nerve network", as if filling the empty skeleton with full muscles.

The original three-foot green blade soon turned into a super-giant lightsaber with a length of more than two meters and a width of nearly one foot.

The weirdest thing is that, where the lightsaber is close to the hilt, there is actually a lifelike giant eye. The bloodshot eyes in the eyes are like tentacles, merging the lightsaber and Black Jack's sword-holding right hand together.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

The Hell Slayer around the fort let out an angry roar, and one after another, scorching spears surging with steam, stabbed at him densely.

The lightsaber full of magic power in Black Jack's hand swirled around in a very chic way, and immediately cut off the tips of hundreds of spears.

He himself is also like the top dancer, standing on tiptoe, twirling lightly above the muzzle of the gun, taking advantage of the situation to raise the lightsaber high with both hands.

When the speed of the tip of the sword reached its limit and almost dragged out a circle of radiance like a crescent moon, Black Jack gathered all his strength and slashed down heavily, smashing all the radiance of the crescent moon into the barrel of the cannon.

At that moment, the eyes of all the demons who had never seen the real sun and moon were temporarily deprived of their vision by Black Jack's sword glow.

When their vision became clear again, they saw Black Jack once again turned into an afterimage of lightning, galloping on countless sharp spears and swords, and even used the elasticity of a pierced spear to turn the spear into a He took off the pole, leaped high, and grabbed a paw of the griffin in mid-air.


The hardest and sharpest claws of the griffin were completely vulnerable in Black Jack's hands, and they were instantly crushed to pieces.

The griffin was in pain, with ordinary wings, dancing wildly in mid-air, just in time to bring Blackjack out of the range of the prison-killing cannon.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Countless Hell Slayers shouted.

But before they could draw their bows, nock arrows and cast magic, they heard a strange muffled sound behind them.

Looking back, they saw the Hellkiller bouncing like a boiled kettle.

"This is-"

The Prison Exterminator could not help but be terrified.

The Prison Extermination Cannon has completed preparations for the second launch, and the high-pressure boiler creaked, reaching the point where it had to be launched.

But Blackjack's sword light surged just now, but it went deep into the inside of the gun barrel.

Although no cracks can be seen on the outside, it has seriously damaged the strength of the internal structure of the gun barrel.

Now, there are tiny cracks and bubbles that are invisible to the naked eye all over the inside of the gun barrel. Under the double erosion of high-pressure steam and magic power, it becomes bigger and bigger and more unstable.

However, the artillerymen who were manipulating the giant cannon were all beheaded by Black Jack's fierce sword light, and the headless corpses twitched and fell to the fort. How could anyone stop the destruction of the cannon

"The Prison Extermination Cannon is about to explode!"

The faces of countless Hell Slayer Demons were distorted, and they let out desperate cries.

They panicked and wanted to escape the raging range of the cannon explosion, but it was too late.

The pile-driver-like pressurizing devices around the cannon rose again and fell heavily, and smoke and steam rose into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

However, this time, the magic projectile was not violently pushed out by the high-pressure steam—before that, the violently shaking barrel could no longer withstand the terrifying force, and it fell apart, causing an extremely violent explosion.


The prison-killing cannon exploded.

The tragedy that happened just now in the battle formation of the Six Clan Allied Forces was almost exactly the same, and it was repeated in the battle formation of the Prison Exterminator.

No, the destructive power this time is even more tragic than before.

Because the steel shards shot out like a goddess scattered flowers this time, in addition to the magic projectile itself, there are also all the fragments and parts of the prison cannon.