Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3373: Han Techuan (Forty) The painstaking efforts of the boxing champion


Teresa finally put on the magic pocket.

Also changed into a short skirt of Princess Axia.

She returned to the girls with infinite shyness.

Because of this incident, the sisters in the harem group looked at her very differently. How should I put it, the atmosphere seemed to be more... harmonious.

Many sisters took her by the little hand, dragged her aside, and secretly imparted their experience.

Including Vera, the therapist in the regiment, told Teresa with a serious face that she had better not be too tired these days, and pay more attention to hygiene, otherwise she might get sick.

"These days, the demon in your body is fighting against the divine power. Human beings are very fragile. If you get sick, it cannot be cured by ordinary holy light and blessing spells. It may become a chronic disease. It is a disease unique to us women. "

Princess Axia was embarrassed to say these words to Teresa just now.

But the elf Vera, as a therapist, had to say something.

She told Teresa that because of long-term adventures outside, she couldn't expose and purify Fengmodou frequently, or she often slept in the cold grass and muddy ground, and she couldn't pay too much attention to environmental hygiene. In short, in the harem group Many sisters have this disease. The chronic inflammation is mild, and the severe one is more nasty. When it flares up, it can't sleep all night, so I won't go into details.

In short, Teresa is still young, so you must pay attention to this aspect.

Teresa nodded in agreement, her heart moved, but she said: "Sister Vera, these diseases must be caused by the environment, could it be Master Black Jack..."

Teresa came from an era of highly advanced medicine and had a deep understanding of bacteria and viruses.

She is very clear that with a huge harem group like Black Jack with dozens of people, they have to be outside all day long, tossing around like a male dog, all kinds of cross-infection, it is a miracle that they don't get sick.

The elf Vera didn't understand, and said suspiciously: "It's all our own fault. We don't pay attention to hygiene. The sacred power in our body is not strong enough to resist the attack of the devil. What does it have to do with Master Black Jack?"

Teresa was speechless.

The level of civilization in the wizarding world has degenerated to the stage of not knowing what a virus is.

These girls even enshrined Black Jack as a god. They never dreamed that the majestic hero in their hearts was the source of the virus.

Teresa said to herself, fortunately, Princess Asha is useless in the harem group and is not conspicuous. Black Jack has not favored Princess Asha for a long, long time.

Teresa made up her mind that she couldn't care about the past, but since she appeared, even if she sacrificed her life, she would never let Black Jack touch Princess Asha's finger again.

She must take Princess Axia out of the pit of fire, out of the sea of suffering, take her back to her own world, let her taste the taste of the best magic pocket, and live a normal girl's life.

No, not only Princess Asha, but also Elder Sister Natasha, Elf Vera, Dragon Lady Hera, Catwoman Kerr... All these girls who are tortured but don't know it, she will save them all!


Teresa's hatred for Jack Leiming reached its peak.

Perhaps, what she hated was not Black Jack, but her past self.

In the past, although I knew that viruses could spread diseases, I seldom thought of such things when I was having fun with my girlfriend.

We are a dewy marriage, each takes what he needs, turns over and leaves as soon as he wakes up, she can't think of asking her female companion's physical condition at all.

Sometimes when a female partner is not feeling well, for example, uh, being cursed by the devil, or suffering from some kind of illness, at most she curls her lips and turns around to find the next female partner. Why has she ever served him a glass of warm water

"What a... bastard I am!"

Teresa murmured in her heart, extremely annoyed.

The only good news is that neither he nor his girlfriend should have any infectious diseases.

In this regard, I have to thank...

"At that time, the boxing champion sterilized me, which made me miserable. I thought he was torturing me deliberately because he was unhappy with me."

Teresa recalled a past incident, and she couldn't help feeling ashamed, "Could it be that the boxing champion is really good for me, and sincerely wants to help me with health and safety issues

"For so many years, I have been wrongly blaming the boxing champion, and I have failed his painstaking efforts

"Yeah, Mr. Boxing Champion is so kind to me, and later he devoted himself to teaching me magic, he taught me everything, and we have no conflicts at all, why is he torturing me for no reason

"I, I really use the heart of a villain to save the belly of a gentleman!

"Thinking about how good Mr. Boxing Champion is, he helped me disinfect with sincerity, taught me powerful magic, and helped me take care of Liuli when I was far away from home. To be honest, although Yao Lao is powerful, after all, there are many It's so wretched, if Mr. Boxing Champion is a human being, he would be more worthy of the words "real man, good guy" than Yao Lao, what a pity, what a pity!"

Recalling the big face of the boxing champion who was meticulous but full of warmth, Teresa sighed secretly, regretting her mistakes.

She swears that if she is given another chance to return to the Pangu universe with her original face and reunite with her old friends, she will change her mind and start a new life. She will forget all Yingyingyanyan and concentrate on treating Liuli alone. Good man, I won't let Liuli suffer any more.

"Liu Li, you can live well with the boxing champion during this period of time. He will definitely help me resist those crazy bees and butterflies who covet you. In a short time, you will be able to see a brand new me standing beside you. In front of you, hee hee hee!"

Teresa waved her little pink fist in her heart.

But Black Jack appeared at this time.

With a startling news.

They have to leave, this is an urgent operation, and they will follow an elite squad of the Allied Forces of the Six Races to find the "Crimson Palace" together!

Jack Lei Ming is indeed the most outstanding man on the Emerald Continent.

It's not exactly a beast dominated by the lower body.

He perfectly completed the task of "conquering Queen Medusa" on the bed, and reached a stronger alliance with the Medusa clan, and also took all the plans of the six-clan alliance.

According to the "enlightenment" received by the Turing elders, there are two roads leading to the Crimson Palace.

The first one is hidden in the depths of Qianmen Mountain, in a special teleportation array that has been dusty for a long time.

As long as this teleportation array is activated with ancient magic, one can directly reach the crimson palace.

This is also the biggest reason for the fierce battle between the Allied Forces of the Six Clans and the Prison Extermination Army in Qianmen Mountain.

But now the two sides are fighting a tug-of-war, and the chances of directly opening the ancient teleportation array on Qianmen Mountain against the gunfire of the prison destroying army are about zero.

They could only take another path that was more tortuous and dangerous, and bypassed the collapsed and closed dark space of the bloody battle demon world.

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