Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3382: Han Tezhuan (forty-nine) sealed palace


Rumbling roars sounded all around.

An ominous red light shone in the distance.

The sound of steel clashing and lubricating oil pouring in came from the air, as if some kind of ancient beast was waking up, crawling out of the abyss that had been dormant for hundreds of millions of years.

Teresa felt more and more bad.


Her voice was stern, "Go find the teleportation array now, get out of here, now!"

Black Jack took a deep look at her, then narrowed his eyes again, looking into the depths of the armory shrouded in mist, darkness and red light.

"Theresa was right."

Black Jack resolutely agreed with Teresa's point of view, "Come on, let's find the teleportation array!"

When Black Jack spoke, everyone had no objections. Even Natasha, the battle madman, only carried a shoulder cannon and a magic crystal-driven chainsword, resisted the temptation, and hurriedly fled to the depths of the arsenal.

Soon, the great elders of the Turing tribe deciphered the magic rune information left on the ground and led them to find the teleportation array.

They escaped with Queen Medusa and a large number of female warriors from the six major demon races—these witches were all conquered by Black Jack's masculine charm and believed in his words.

As soon as Black Jack gave an order, the strong-armed witch immediately rushed to the teleportation array and began to operate.

Teresa looked back nervously, and found that most of the demons had been lost in the depths of the arsenal, and had become slaves to those ancient "artifacts".

at this time-

Accompanied by an ominous sound of metal rubbing, the surrounding area was filled with red lights, and the conveyor belt surrounding the weapon warehouse suddenly started to rotate.

The mechanical arms on both sides of the conveyor belt were dexterously operated, and a series of fully automated small war machines gradually formed on the conveyor belt, and were installed one by one with turrets, armor, crawlers or hexapod anti-joint traveling devices.

"Didi, Didi, Didi!"

On the composite armor shell with a faint blue luster, the indicator lights flashed green light, like pairs of green eyes, staring at the dancing demons.

These war machines jumped down from the end of the conveyor belt one after another, shaking their heads, staggering, and approaching the demons.

The ecstatic demons have not yet noticed the imminent disaster, but think that they have activated another "artifact" gifted by their ancestors.

They stretched out their arms towards the war machine, wanting to find a way to control it.

Sure enough, pieces of green light shot out from War Machine's green eyes, sweeping across them one by one, like an identification friend or foe system, scanning their identities.

However, in the next second, a sudden change occurred!

Accompanied by a rush of beeps, the green eyes of all the war machines turned scarlet.

From scanning to locking, all kinds of ferocious magic missiles and rays intertwined into a deadly fire net.

The dozens of demons in the front didn't even have time to let out a muffled groan before they were twisted into balls of shredded meat.

There are also a large number of six-legged anti-joint war machines, which are like a mixture of fleas and spiders and then magnified hundreds of times, jumping high, lightly gliding across a distance of tens of meters, jumping into the middle of the demons, spinning at high speed like a top, using centrifugal force Dozens of magic missiles were thrown out.

The destructive flames immediately enveloped a radius of hundreds of meters, and many demons were blown out directly, and they were torn apart in mid-air, burning blazingly!

The shocking scene broke the hearts of all the demons caught in the battlefield.

Black Jack, Teresa and the others who were watching the battle from a distance were also terrified. They looked at each other for a moment, and hurriedly formed a defensive formation, ready to fight.

The demons, who had just woken up from a dream, only then thought of running in the direction of the teleportation array.

But they have been entangled by the war machines, cutting off the way to the teleportation array, they can only arouse the last bit of ferocity in their bones, and use the "artifact" they just obtained to contend with these war machines.

"This is the test of the Crimson Palace."

Teresa murmured, "It's like raising Gu, putting countless Gu worms together to kill and devour each other, and the one that survives in the end is the strongest 'Gu King'——Crimson Palace is not The weak are welcome, only the strong who can break free from the killing of these war machines are eligible to enter the Crimson Palace!"

Before the words fell, the roar of the tide sounded again all around.

Ominous rays of light emerged from the surfaces of several towering, skyscraper-like giant containers.

Immediately afterwards, with the light as the boundary, the container cover slid open to both sides soundlessly, revealing the dark figure of the steel giant inside.

Those are iron gods and demons that are bigger than the Giant God Soldiers.

Although only 1% of the power is activated, it still gives people an irresistible sense of suffocation.

The steel demon began to move, without using weapons at all, just trampling the demons with their feet, and they could crush the demons into a thin layer of flesh.

The demons attacked the steel defense line recklessly, and none of the demons could escape to the magic circle.

At this time, the teleportation array has been repaired and filled with enough magic crystals.

When the teleportation started, a vague mist rippled around, and the space began to distort.

A steel demon noticed the movement of the teleportation array, roared and rushed towards them.

Everyone stood on the teleportation array, and all kinds of long-range weapons shot out the flames of the wind and rain, but they couldn't stop the Iron Demon for even a second.

They had no other choice but to watch helplessly as the steel god demon's clutches spread all over the sky and grabbed them fiercely.


Just when the devil's palm was about to smash them into pieces, the teleportation began, the space distorted, split, leaped, reorganized, and stabilized.


Invading the teleportation array, the palm that was cleanly severed and shredded by the distorted space fell powerlessly beside the crowd, shocking everyone.

Coupled with the brain shock brought by the space teleportation, everyone felt dizzy and wanted to vomit.

However, they escaped from the terrifying arsenal after all.

It's safe for now.

He couldn't hear the grinding sound of iron and steel, and couldn't smell the smell of burning flesh and gunpowder smoke. Looking up, the surroundings were not Shura's Hell, but a... weird cave!

"how so?"

Teresa was puzzled, "This should be the Crimson Palace, why is it a cave?"

According to Teresa's analysis, since the Blood War Demon Realm is a super-giant starship of the Yuanshi civilization, then the so-called "Crimson Palace" should be the bridge of the super-giant starship, at least a very important part of the starship. important compartment.

A cave, what does that mean

Many devils who survived the catastrophe also talked about it.

Although they don't know the truth about the super-giant starship, this cave is not at all similar to the Crimson "Palace".

Could it be another new test

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the great elder of the Turing tribe.

The brains of the great elders of the Turing race squirmed rapidly, and their eyeballs also turned at high speed like tops, as if they were searching for answers deep in the genes, and as if they were communicating with their ancient ancestors.

Then, he nodded lightly and told everyone, yes, this is the Crimson Palace, but it is still in a sealed state.