Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3383: Han Te Chuan (Fifty) The real test


No one knows how to unlock the sealed crimson palace.

The surroundings were dark and dead, and there were no hints or signs.

Teresa took Princess Axia's hand, and together with the others, spread out cautiously to explore the depths of the cave.

She discovered that the materials that make up the cave are not gold or wood, and even feel warm and soft to the touch.

These substances left patches of folds in the cave, like solidified magma, with dark ripples.

Teresa had never seen similar matter in the Pan Gu universe.

Wait, she once explored "Asgard" with Li Yao, there is a kind of gray foam, which seems to have the same effect as the material that makes up the cave.

Teresa became curious, pondered for a moment, stretched out a finger, and poked lightly towards the cave wall.

Sure enough, the cave wall was like rubber, full of elasticity, and her fingers poked it slowly.

Just when the whole finger sank into the cave wall, a slight tingling pain suddenly came from the fingertip.

Teresa withdrew her finger and saw a drop of scarlet blood seeped from her fingertip—some kind of equipment hidden deep in the cave wall collected a drop of her blood.

Immediately afterwards, a sudden change occurred.

With the hole she just poked as the center, as if driven by blood, a series of "didi didi" came out from the depths of the cave wall, and the faint beeping sounded like the internal organs of a giant beast, which had been sealed for thousands of years. Awakened from the abyss of his body, began to move and squirm.

In the middle of the originally dim folds, colorful rays of light flowed out, like extremely gorgeous flowers, slowly blooming in front of Teresa.

Those materials that are neither gold nor wood but full of elasticity, like metal in a semi-solidified and semi-melted state, flow slowly and condense into ever-changing and various forms.

Ripples and streamers make up the flowers. Hundreds of pistil-like optical fibers emerge from the hole in the center of the flowers. They seem to be living nerves, trembling slightly, and spreading towards her.

All around one after another, there were bursts of exclamations.

Teresa saw from the corner of her eye that colorful flowers bloomed around the other explorers, and the stamens seemed to be nervous, slowly enveloping everyone.

"Liquid alloy, mustard machine!"

Teresa's mind turned and she understood instantly.

This cave, or the entire "Crimson Palace", is composed of an extremely fine intelligent machine that reaches the mustard level, condensed into the form of a liquid alloy.

Therefore, there is no need for fixed crystal brains, teleportation arrays, weapons, and command systems at all—no matter what equipment is needed, it can be instantly assembled and manufactured by mustard machinery according to the situation at the time.

This idea just flashed through my mind.

The pistil-like optical fiber penetrated deeply into her brain.

Rivers of glittering and colorful light poured into Teresa's brain from the depths of the crimson palace, mighty and endless.


Teresa felt that her soul experienced a time-traveling big explosion, and then, the world around her suddenly collapsed, turning into billions of round water droplets, and reorganized into another completely different picture amidst the changes of time and space. .

This is a majestic towering palace.

In other words, it is the bridge of a super-giant starship.

Countless handsome men and women who are over two meters tall are nervously operating on the bridge.

Unlike the main control crystal brain used on the starship of the Pangu universe, there are hardly any light curtains and input and output devices on the bridge of this super-giant starship.

These nearly perfect human beings are more than two meters tall, but their bodies are shining with colorful lights. Wisps of light form beautiful tattoos, covering every inch of their skin, as if they can freely stretch their nerves, insert them In the liquid metal around the bridge, the nerve information is transmitted through the mustard machine, so that the crew and the starship are perfectly integrated.

Even Teresa herself has become a tall and fit female warrior with honey-colored skin. The exposed skin is also entwined with strands of light that can exchange information instantly. Even her hair has become crystal clear and shiny. Hui's material can be stretched freely, inserted into liquid metal, and landed in the network of the entire super-giant starship to interact with massive data.

"This is… "

Teresa lost her mind for a while, and could hardly tell who she was.

Fortunately, she had experienced a similar test in "Asgard".

It seems that the testing technology of Yuanshi civilization is in the same line. The so-called test of the Crimson Palace is to activate the genes and memories of the ancestors hidden in the demons thousands of years ago, allowing them to experience the battles, exiles and... destruction that their ancestors faced.

However, she is not a demon, so why would she be awakened to these ancient memories that do not belong to her

By the way, it was the damned "Amoebae" Eric who sneaked up on her when she had just traveled to the magical world and was still under the strong impact of the ultra-long-distance jump, and her whole body was weak. The method of memory has completely transformed her.

I remember that at that time, "Amoebae" Eric injected a lot of strange things into her body. It should be that, so that she has part of the blood of the demon race, right

Now is not the time to think about these things.

Teresa was concentrating on adapting to her new role and new tasks—she knew that the vision or memory in front of her must be related to the test of the Crimson Palace.

Sure enough, just when she had just figured out the situation, a surging flow of information flowed into her mind along the neural network.

The entire super-giant battleship seemed to become transparent in front of her eyes in an instant. She could clearly see the situation of the surrounding cabins, a series of data related to her position, and even let her consciousness travel along the starship network all the way to Outside the starship, through the hundreds of millions of floating turrets that accompany the starship, observe this super giant starship at 360 degrees.

This starship should be the flagship of a certain exile fleet of the Yuanshi civilization.

Its scale far exceeds the size of ordinary satellites, even compared to planets.

Compared with the so-called "planetary battle castles" that appeared in the Pangu universe by simply hollowing out planets and refining them, this starship seems to have extracted the most precious substances from a dozen planets and carried out a rebirth. of re-refining.

At first glance, it looks like an absolutely perfect diamond-shaped crystal, but the surface is criss-crossed, shining with countless colorful rays of light. These rays of light are actually a very special gravitational field. In addition to controlling the surrounding floating forts, they also It can plunder nearby asteroids, meteorites and interstellar dust, and put them into the reactor of the starship, providing a steady stream of fuel for endless voyages in the vast universe.