Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3390: Han Te Chuan (fifty-seven) cut off!


"Flood tide? Swallow the empire?"

Teresa was shocked and distraught.

She had to find a way to escape and tell everyone in the Emerald Continent and Pangu Universe this amazing information.

However, Maharaja Kuba let out an arrogant laugh. With that particularly feminine face, there was a strange sense of incongruity.


At this moment, a deafening explosion sounded, and Black Jack's position was immediately enveloped in flames and gunpowder smoke.

It was the second batch of reinforcements from the Prison Clan, who were sent directly from Qianmen Mountain to the Crimson Palace, and brought a small Prison Cannon.

"My king!"

The loyal demons of the Prison Extermination Clan swarmed up.


Maharaja Kuba didn't even look at them, but turned towards the direction where Black Jack should be torn apart, and spat out bloody saliva contemptuously, "Who cares about floods or swallowing the empire, my family will never give in!"


A ghostly voice suddenly appeared from behind Maharaja Bowser, and amidst the squirming of thousands of tentacles, Black Jack re-displayed his tall, handsome, chic, manly figure and face.

It's a pity that the more handsome his face is, the more terrifying it will be.

"'s a pity." Black Jack said quietly.

Then he snapped his fingers.

In an instant, those girls who were controlled by his tentacles and were about to be sucked dry, like puppets, all moved.

They looked as haggard as skeletons, but their speed and strength were faster and stronger than the demons in the abyss. With stiff and strange steps, they manipulated rusty weapons and danced a dance of death.

The demons of the Hell Slayer Clan turned pale with fright, and when they barely resisted Black Jack's harem, they were entangled and stabbed by tentacles, and the witches among them became Black Jack's captives one after another. soldiers".

Looking at their faces full of piety and happiness, it seems that paving the way for Black Jack's ambition with life is the true meaning of existence.

After getting their sacrifice, Black Jack's momentum became stronger and stronger, almost like a flaming tornado contained in his ever-expanding body.


Maharaja Kuba took a deep breath, and the battle armor all over his body also creaked. Unable to withstand the violent force rolling between the muscles and bones, they burst from the inside out.

Sure enough, as Teresa guessed, his "transformation" was not completed. Although the body hidden under the armor could be seen with a few exquisite curves, it was quickly covered by the crazy swelling muscles.

Rather than saying that he has become a "woman", it is better to say that he has become a female primordial beast.


Maharaja Kuba let out an astonishing roar.

The overwhelming air waves filled the entire crimson palace.

Every time he took a step, it set off an aura of earth-shattering, sending all the surrounding demons and Black Jack's harem flying out.

"Chi Liu Chi Liu, Chi Liu Chi Liu."

Black Jack's tentacles also swelled several times in an instant, like a strange-looking deep-sea squid. The tentacles waved, tearing the air, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread rapidly.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two strong men collided fiercely like two monsters.

Teresa ran away with her head in her arms, not to mention how embarrassed she was.

The two monster-level powerhouses were fully fired, and she was not able to resist it at all. She was already injured internally by the raging air waves, and she had to guard against the poisonous snake-like tentacles stabbing her between the eyebrows.

To be captured by Black Jack and become his "woman", this is the most disgusting thing Teresa can think of in her life.

"How to do

"I can't die, at least I can't die here, I have to bring the information back - Hong Chao hasn't solved it yet, a more ruthless one came!

"Think about it, think about it quickly, if Elder Yao was here, what kind of insidious, despicable, shameless, insane, and inhumane methods would he use to escape

"Surrender, surrender to one of the two monsters, go fight the other monster, and then the snipe and the clam will fight, and the fisherman will gain

"However, seeing these two monsters killed so happily and looking like they are fighting with each other, it is impossible to accept my surrender!"

Teresa was completely out of ideas.

Unexpectedly, a gust of wind rushed from behind.

She rolled on the spot, holding the knife with both hands naturally, and spun upwards, trying to disembowel the enemy.

However, when she saw clearly who the attacker was, the tip of the knife was out of order, and it narrowly missed the opponent's cheek, without hurting the bone, leaving only a scarlet scar.

"Sister Axia!"

That's right, it was Princess Axia.

She, too, is entangled in Blackjack's tentacles and loses herself, with a face of numb bliss and hollow eyes, turning into a soulless puppet.

However, when Teresa exclaimed her name, a faint ripple appeared in the depths of her empty eyes like lightning, struggling stubbornly.

She hesitated visibly.

The real will, and the command transmitted by the tentacles, were engaged in a tough duel. It was as if her flesh and bones were in conflict. The flesh and blood wanted to go east, but the bones insisted on going west.

There was a tearing sound of "crackling" in her body, and a trace of real pain appeared in the numb happiness on her face.

Seeing her like this, Teresa was heartbroken and even more furious.

"Sister Axia, let me help you!"

The sword raised high did not hesitate for a moment, regardless of whether Black Jack would find out, it changed the angle and drew a perfect arc.

When the blade flashed down, countless runes appeared all around, scrambling to pour into the blade, turning this ordinary sword into a crystal clear artifact.

This knife condensed all Teresa's magical power and all her anger and heartache. Even if the ancient gods and demons came, they would be cut in half by her.


Blackjack's tentacles were neatly severed by Teresa, and a large mass of pale golden liquid spewed out from the cut, jumping violently like a poisonous snake struck by lightning.

Black Jack noticed Teresa's existence, and cast his eyes towards her in surprise, as if he didn't understand why Teresa was not bewitched by him all the way, and persisted until now.

Teresa responded to Black Jack with a gesture that did not exist on the Emerald Continent—two straight middle fingers.

Black Jack narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't understand Teresa's meaning, he also understood her unyielding will.

With a cold snort, he was about to manipulate more tentacles to squirm towards Teresa, but the blood-soaked Maharaja Kuba let out an increasingly violent roar, with countless bone spurs growing all over his body, and rushed towards him fiercely, killing him all at once. Fell to the ground.

The two monsters got entangled again.

Princess Axia, who had lost control, fell limply backwards.

Teresa hurried forward, hugged her in her arms, peeled off all the broken tentacles, and then used her scorching heat to soothe her frozen body.