Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3397: The Legend of Han Te (64) Escaping Journey


"Stop, stop, stop, if you continue to analyze, we might as well go out and surrender now!"

Teresa has one head and two big ones, so no matter how I look at it, I feel that Jade is unreliable.

This artificial intelligence is really bad, not at all as upright and kind as Mr. Boxing Champion, it is trustworthy!

"What the hell, what happened to the so-called magic civilization? After you came to the Emerald Continent, what happened to make the Emerald like this?"

Teresa muttered, "Tell me the truth—why do some of the crew members on the Emerald stay in the bloody battle world and become demons, while the other part of the crew leave the starship and go to the Emerald Continent to become humans? Unless they get All the information, otherwise I really don't know if I should unlock this damn witch gene!"

"You guys, what are you talking about?"

Princess Axia couldn't help hearing this from the side, she also looked at Fei Cui with tears in her eyes, "Can I call you... Sister Fei Cui, please tell me everything from beginning to end, if we have If there is a way to stop Black Jack and bring hope to the Emerald Continent, even if there is only a one-in-a-billion possibility, even if I have to sacrifice my life, I am willing to go, to fight!"

Teresa's eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Fight for the hope of one in a billion", this is what Yao Lao often said.

It would be nice if Yao Lao was here.

Teresa once again sighed in her heart, such a complicated and deceitful situation, she really couldn't handle it alone!

Emerald and the surrounding bulkheads glowed with a burst of light at the same time. After a moment of calculation, it was concluded that Black Jack could not get in for the time being.

"Extract the captain's log and conduct an integrated analysis."

Emerald tells about the experience of the past ten thousand years.

The silver-white eyes shot out colorful light lines, turning the core area of the bridge into a mysterious and brilliant sea of stars, as if the vast stars were pouring directly on top of the two of them, and the entire universe slowly unfolded before their eyes.

Teresa was lucky to say that this was the first time Princess Axia had seen such a magnificent and magnificent scene. She covered her mouth in disbelief, but couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, which leaked from her fingers.


I saw a few ripples in the center of this extremely gorgeous sea of stars, and then, a huge but tattered starship jumped out.

It can be seen that because the starship was severely damaged, the outer shell and internal supporting structure were fragmented, unable to withstand the stormy waves of the four-dimensional space. The moment it jumped out, one of its propellers and a large number of cabins were severely torn apart, together with Together, the crew inside turned into fragments of the celestial maiden's scattered flowers, which slowly swayed around and turned into cold dust.

"Under the command of the seventy-ninth captain of the Emerald, Captain Borg, we finally got rid of Hong Chao's pursuit for the time being. The price we paid was that we were rampaging in the turbulent waves of the four-dimensional space. The whirling force of the storm accelerates and bounces, and finally, jumps into a mysterious universe that no one has ever visited before."

Jade said lightly, "The Jade lost 30% of its material, 35% of its crew, and 70% of its energy. It almost turned into a huge iron coffin, floating on the endless sea of death. Even our most beloved Berg ship Chang, also because in the four-dimensional storm, he exhausted himself to calculate the route and use the method of the storm, and burned himself too much. The moment he successfully arrived in the new universe, he fell on the bridge forever.

"Despite such a terrible loss, the survivors are still rejoicing, because we have escaped the engulfing tide of the flood after all, and the fire of free will is still burning brightly.

"Therefore, we call this point in time, the 'New Era', the new beginning of our civilization."

Teresa thought to herself, this is what she experienced when she first entered the Crimson Palace for the first test.

The powerhouses of the Yuanshi Clan are so terrifying that they can't be described in words. When they travel through the four-dimensional space and their flesh and blood are broken into pieces, can they still think and calculate? I really don't know how they cultivated.

Princess Axia still doesn't understand what "Hong Chao" is.

But she finally understood that it was probably a very terrifying and powerful enemy, and Jade... maybe her own ancestors fled to Jade Continent just to avoid natural enemies.

The screen flashed, and all the stars changed their positions and shapes. They appeared in the most dangerous place in this universe. The stars exuded violent red lights, and gathered into a mighty stream of stars like magma, heading straight to the emerald. No.—or rather, the Emerald headed straight for this fiery star stream.

"In 2493 of the New Era, Captain Wang Yao commanded the Emerald. At this time, we had been wandering in this resource-poor universe for thousands of years, because the superfusion acquisition device on the starship was in a fierce battle more than two thousand years ago. We cannot use the hydrogen and helium elements that most planets and stars have, so we cannot repair ourselves quickly and recharge our energy."

Fei Cui said, "Without enough matter and energy, the superfusion collection device cannot be repaired, and without the ultra-rapid change collection device, the most extensive source of matter cannot be collected—we have fallen into an endless loop.

"For two thousand years, most of the surviving crew members have entered a state of hibernation, but due to insufficient energy and various failures, 20% of the survivors have died one after another, and the nutrient solution and hibernation solution that maintain the living people to continue hibernating are about to be exhausted.

"In order to obtain the energy to repair the superfusion acquisition device, Captain Wang Yao commanded the Emerald and ventured close to the most dangerous place in the universe, the area where high-energy ray bursts gather."

Teresa and Princess Asha clearly saw that the hot magma-like river of stars released countless tentacles of flame towards the Emerald.

The Jade, which is obviously huge like a planet, is as dexterous as a rowing boat under the control of Captain Wang Yao, dashing left and right in the tentacles, twirling and moving, and taking the opportunity to absorb the power of the stars.

This was originally a very successful energy replenishment operation.

But the damage to the Emerald was too serious, and its fragile structure could not support the captain to make so many thrilling evasion actions. The price for successfully replenishing energy was the reimbursement of another thruster and more than 5% of the starship's materials. And the crew, all torn and flung out, falling forever into the blazing stream of star flames.

"The shining of free will comes at a price."

Jade said lightly, "Unfortunately, not everyone is able and willing to die for free will."

The picture flashed and changed again. This time, the entire universe became extremely dim, and the Emerald that passed through it was also rusty and riddled with holes, like garbage that was fragmented and then barely put together.