Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 34: The beast came out


From that day on, there was a terrifying campus legend in Chixiao No. 2 Middle School.

"Hey, did you guys hear about 'the thing'?"

"Of course I've heard of it, it's really scary, horrible, and brutal!"

At noon, in the school cafeteria, several girls whispered in whispers, with lingering fears in their hearts.

"What are you guys talking about? Why are you trembling with fright?" A rather dull girl asked doubtfully.

A freckled girl looked around, lowered her voice, and said mysteriously: "Haven't you heard? In the ordinary class of the third year of high school, there was an unlucky ghost named 'Li Yao' who offended He Lian Lie even knocked down one of He Lian Lie's subordinates, which made He Lian Lie furious and tortured him even more, until he was tortured to the point where he was not human, nor a ghost!"

"Oh my god, Helian Lie, my god! How did you torture him?" the dull girl exclaimed.

The girl with freckles quickly covered her mouth: "Hush your voice, how can you yell about this kind of thing? Of course we didn't see the specific torture, but as long as you take a look at Li Yao, you will know that you have offended Helian What a miserable end Lie had!"

"That's right, it is said that Li Yao was locked up in the logistics warehouse by Helian Lie and tortured day and night. Once I passed by the alley behind the logistics warehouse, and heard a scream of 'ahhh' coming from the warehouse. , That scream seemed to come from the underworld, not to mention how terrifying it was, it scared me out of my wits, and I even lost one of my shoes, so I dare not go back to pick it up!" Another chubby girl confirmed.

"Is it as exaggerated as you said?" The dull girl was suspicious.

At this moment, a boy with a bruised nose, haggard face, and exhaustion walked past them tremblingly, staggering, and stumbling, and sat down not far away, lying on the table like mud. superior.

"Look, that's Li Yao!" The freckled girl's eyes lit up, and she quickly poked the dull girl.

The dull girl turned her head and looked, and couldn't help but marvel: "Oh my god, it's even more exaggerated than what you said, his whole face has turned into a pig's head! Look, he's shaking all over his body, and his hands are covered in blood." It's still bleeding, it's horrible!"

Just as he was talking, Li Yao suddenly convulsed violently, shaking his head.

"See, it's epileptic symptoms." The freckled girl whispered.

Opposite Li Yao, his buddy Meng Jiang brought him lunch: a total of ten sausages the thickness of an arm, twenty lion heads, a large wooden barrel of rice, and ten pieces of quasi-military-grade compressed biscuits produced by a military factory.

"Xiao Yao, don't lie to me. You are really receiving special training from Elder Sun. Didn't He Lianlie find someone to beat you?" Meng Jiang asked again, his eyes full of suspicion.

Li Yao grinned, his smile was uglier than crying, he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"If I had known this before, I might as well let He Lianlie beat me up!" The buddy Meng Jiang sighed.

Not far away, the girls continued to whisper.

"Why does he eat so much, he is simply a monster!" the dull girl said.

"I know this!"

The chubby girl said with some embarrassment, "From a psychological point of view, once people are under too much mental pressure, they will involuntarily have a big appetite and use excessive food to relieve tension. I just because my parents often quarrel, which made me I'm depressed all day, so I can't help it, and I eat more and more, but—"

The chubby girl glanced at the two sausages, three lion heads and a large bowl of rice on her plate, then looked at the big mountain of meat piled up in front of Li Yao, and concluded, "Looking at how he eats, he should have already arrived." In the late stage, the spirit is on the verge of collapse!"

"It's so pitiful!" The dull girl looked at Li Yao's twitching figure, her eyes were full of pity.

"So, in our school, you can provoke anyone, but you can't provoke He Lianlie, even if you accidentally offend Helian Lie, you must immediately beg for mercy, don't resist, otherwise - this poor guy will end up! "The freckled girl said seriously.

This is the common conclusion of all the students of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School after seeing Li Yao's "tragic experience".

However, in Sun Biao and Peng Hai's biography of Linghe, Li Yao was described as another completely different image.

The chat records of Sun Biao and Peng Hai on the seventh day of the special training.

Sun Biao: "Not human! This kid is definitely not human! It's just that he has only started the special training for seven days, and he raised the gravity field of 'giving up' to 400 kilograms, and completed all the training! Even if I added all the training content 20% of the amount didn't stop him! How about you, Ah Hai, how is your situation here?"

Peng Hai: "Don't mention it, last night he played with me for a full ten minutes, and I was almost hit by him several times. Although I only played 3% of my strength, this feeling is really... uncomfortable! But in the end, under his threat, my control over my own power has also increased significantly!"

On the thirteenth day of the special training, the chat records of Sun Biao and Peng Hai.

Sun Biao: "This kid carried a load of 500 kilograms today and completed the usual two-day training. By the way, his spiritual root development rate increased by 4% to 62% in just thirteen days. People? Hey, Ah Hai, talk, why don't you talk!"

Peng Hai: "I was punched by him last night, in the lower abdomen."

Sun Biao: "..."

Peng Hai: "..."

Sun Biao: "Hahahahahahaha, I'm a scum in the cultivation world, you are a disgrace to the cultivation world, to be hit by an ordinary person!"

Peng Hai: "I only used 3% of my strength! Not 3% of my strength, but hearing, vision, smell, speed, everything, I only played 3%! I was punched by him by mistake That's normal too! No, I'm going to fight him with 4% strength tonight!"

Sun Biao: "Then what about your 'power control practice'?"

Peng Hai: "Fucking power control training, I have to have a good time first!"

The chat records of Sun Biao and Peng Hai on the twenty-fifth day of the special training.

Sun Biao: "I have stimulated all the supernatural powers of 'giving up' to the limit, which is basically the same difficulty as your training back then, but this kid still carried it down abruptly, it is really terrible! When he gritted his teeth, I Some dare not look at his eyes, you say - should I draw some of his blood for testing?"

Peng Hai: "Assay, why?"

Sun Biao: "This kid definitely has the blood of a monster, he is an out-and-out beast!"

On the last day of special training, the chat records of Sun Biao and Peng Hai.

Peng Hai: "Is it the last day? In a few hours, it will be the 'battle hour'. Thousands of senior high school students are vying for ten admission tickets. How is it? How is this kid doing?"

Sun Biao: "It's hard to say, I'm afraid to let him out."

Peng Hai: "Why?"

Sun Biao: "I'm afraid that this beast will come out of the cage and blow up the whole school!"