Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3403: How tall is Han Techuan (70)?


In the phantom projected by the emerald, the light golden embryos entangled in electric arcs beat like crystal clear hearts. Under the support of a large amount of resources, they grew and developed rapidly, and sprouted like buds. Blood vessels and nerves gradually formed an intricate humanoid network.

The ignition of power furnaces again re-outlined the majestic shape of the Emerald, illuminating the dark and distorted world of fragments.

It's like a wild beast trapped in a swamp, lurking its minions and accumulating strength. Although it can't get out of trouble for the time being, the day when it jumps up is not far away.

"Right now, we are no match for the traitors like First Officer Quick, but they won't be arrogant for long."

Jade imitated Captain Kelly's demeanor and tone, and said, "From the moment they chose to give up their pride, glory and mission, they also gave up the impulse to evolve, gave up hundreds of millions of new possibilities, gave up Since then, they will only lie on the hotbed of existing resources and technology, dreaming of illusory dreams, or betray each other again and again, and kill each other.

"It won't be long before their existing technology will be lost, their social system will collapse, and they will stay forever in the dark and ignorant Middle Ages, turning themselves into frogs in the well.

"So, be patient, compatriots, the real decisive battle is not now, but ten thousand years later - at that time, the strength of the Emerald Continent will be weakened to the extreme, and the Emerald will return to its peak. At that time, we will take Their unimaginable power descended from the sky, allowing the descendants of these traitors to realize what the glory of Yuanshi civilization is!

"The above are Captain Kelly's last words.

"In addition to the last words, there are 'witch genes' and several secret arsenals. Captain Kelly knows that with the scarcity of resources and the further deterioration of the environment, the loss of technology and the fault of civilization will appear in the Emerald Continent at the same time. On both sides of the Emerald, this is a competition of 'who is worse than whom'. In order to ensure that the descendants of the crew members on the Emerald can still remember their mission in an extremely low-tech state, Captain Kelly had to Personally designed the development route of the Emerald in the next ten thousand years.

"In this way, the Emerald became the 'Blood War Demon Realm', the most powerful orbital assault force on the starship became the 'Prison Extermination Clan'; the maintenance soldiers in charge of the damage control system became the 'Strong Arm Clan' The firemen who are responsible for maintaining the power furnace and adjusting the power output have become the "Yan Clan"; the researchers who are responsible for modulating various animals and plants, maintaining the ecological balance on the starship, and conducting various genetic experiments have become "Familiar Beasts" The medical soldiers have become the "Medusa family"; the guards that arch the key nodes of the satellite ship and prevent the enemy from engaging in boarding battles have become the "Black Shield family"; Information, the few remaining crew members of the bridge group who are still loyal to the mission have become the 'Turings'.

"Captain Kelly engraved a large amount of information about the manufacture and manipulation of starships by the primordial civilization into the depths of the genetic chains of each race, and left behind the 'Crimson Palace' and 'Witch Gene' so that even the blood-drinking barbarians can To understand, and to pursue desperately—this is the limit of what she can do.

"Sure enough, shortly after Captain Kelly's death, because most of the resources had to be supplied to the Emerald's automatic repair, the living environment on the Emerald was extremely poor due to the extreme shortage of resources, and various excellent technologies were gradually lost. People have also gradually forgotten the glory of their ancestors, and even killed each other just like the people on the Emerald Continent in order to compete for the living space under their noses.

"Perhaps, this is the nature of human beings. No matter the glory, unity, mission, or motto engraved on the genetic chain, they are no match for the deepest instinct of the soul. Human beings are such a race that wants to kill each other anytime and anywhere. It is by relying on such survival of the fittest that the strongest among the crowd can be selected to control the entire star sea.

"In short, Captain Kelly has foreseen all of this. After all, the cannibalism in the bloody battle world has not crossed the line of self-destruction. In the end, Captain Kelly's design and fate have brought you here—— Witch Gene the carrier.

"Of course, it's impossible for Captain Kelly to meet Black Jack, the 'Lord of Devourer'? I haven't found relevant information in my information database. He should be just an insignificant episode before our decisive battle with Hong Chao. "

Teresa was taken aback for a moment.

What Jade said contained too much information, and she hadn't been able to digest it for a while.

However, upon hearing the last sentence, she had to yell: "An insignificant episode? Come on, he's about to come in, okay? Looking at his fierce appearance, I really doubt whether he is more terrifying or Hong Chao is more terrifying." Terrible!"

"There is no doubt about this, it must be Hong Chao."

Fei Cui said, "Even if he is really the 'Lord of Devourer', his power is not one-hundredth of a billionth of Hong Chao's. As long as you inherit all the power of Captain Kelly, there is more than half the chance of defeating him. There is absolutely nothing to worry about."

"More than... half the chance?"

Teresa narrowed her eyes, "Wait, you kept saying just now that we have a 70% to 80% chance of defeating him, why did it become 'more than half' now, although 70% to 80% is also more than half, but how could I vaguely There is an ominous premonition that the winning percentage you calculated has plummeted again?"

Emerald was silent.

"Tell me, how much winning percentage do we have left?" Teresa asked.


Emerald whispered.

"Ha, tall? How tall is tall?" Teresa asked.

"Anyway, very high is very high. It is definitely worth giving it a go. Survive the dead. The winning rate of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. The most glorious blood of the Emerald, please don't ask so many boring questions , quickly recall the sacred mission of our ancestors, inherit all the power of this starship, and fight the enemy to the death!"

Jade talked about him from left to right.

Teresa took a deep breath, her head and stomach ached more and more.

"Sister Axia, what do you think?"

She was so upset that she could only ask Princess Axia for advice.

Princess Axia's eyes were a little dull, her face was pale, her whole body was cold, and she was caught in a huge shock.

"Deserters... my ancestors... were just a group of despicable, cowardly, cowardly deserters?"

Princess Axia muttered to herself, "Is the tens of thousands of years of glory in the Emerald Continent just an illusory dream?"