Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3407: Legend of Han Te (74) The frightened Princess Axia


Before the metal buds fully bloomed, there was a burst of magical laughter from the depths of the stamens.

"Hahahaha, 哈 hahahaha, 嚯 hahahaha, wow, ah, back, I come back, my angular face, my strong and powerful pectoral muscles, and oops, my huge and unparalleled guy, finally, you, you, you They are all back, it seems that after a period of recuperation, they are stronger than before, ahahahahahahahahahaha!"

The slightly deep and hoarse voice was pulled to a high pitch because of excitement, which made Princess Axia's hair stand on end.

Because she could clearly hear that this was an out-and-out baritone voice, definitely not something that could be uttered by a girl as cute as Teresa, with such a gentle and soft voice.

What's going on, Teresa, she, how did her voice become like this, what is it wrapped in emerald!

Under Princess Axia's horrified gaze, silver-white flower buds slowly bloomed, first revealing a young man's blushing face with excitement, followed by a flat chest, broad shoulders, and a thin waist and abdomen. The upper body presents an inverted triangle like a cheetah, and male hormones are shot out from 36,000 pores like high-pressure steam. Coupled with the strong and slender limbs, even a blind person can see it. No buckle - man!

Princess Axia's eyes almost popped out.

She covered her mouth in disbelief, and took two steps back, only to feel her heart being tightly grasped by an invisible big hand, and she was so nervous that she couldn't breathe.

This man who danced and kneaded his chest and crotch, laughing wildly while kneading...

Well, in terms of facial features, it's pretty decent. The wild breath between the eyebrows and the hearty smile are the kind that easily provoke girls. It's the same breed as Black Jack, or more precisely, it's a low-profile version of Black Jack. .

It's just that his demeanor is a little frivolous. Seeing his intoxicated face, groping for his own vitals, it's even a little wretched.

more importantly…

The man was still wearing Teresa's clothes.

Two pieces of breastplates with curved steel plates and high bulges, underneath are woven leather strips, light skirts that are good for combat, plus enchanted headgear and women's combat boots, worn on Teresa, called It looks heroic, but when worn on a man, it is slightly torn by his swollen figure, as if the skirt will be split in half at any moment, revealing the bare buttocks, which is a bit, uh, perverted.

This unrecognizable man scratched his crotch vigorously, as if something was piercing his vitals.

Afterwards, the man pulled out Teresa's demon-sealing pocket and threw it on the ground.

"Screw you!"

The man spat very rudely at Feng Modou, heaved a sigh of relief, and howled up to the sky, tears streaming down his face, "This kind of bloody day every month is simply torture like hell. Fortunately, I I finally changed back, thank God, God bless, hahahaha, I have changed back, I have become an upright man again, cool, cool, cool, wow ha ha ha ha ha!"

Princess Axia looked at the demon sealing pocket on the ground, and then at the ecstatic, unrestrained man, and felt that ten thousand thunders exploded in her mind at the same time.

She can only make all the girls, the only action that can be made in this situation.

Princess Axia took a deep breath, then screamed with all her might.


She screamed and cried, wanting to rush up and hit the man, but seeing him scratching his crotch, she was disgusted and frightened, afraid that the man would make any weird moves again, so she could only cry, "You, Who are you and what have you done to Teresa, my Teresa!"

"Uh… "

The man who was so excited that he didn't know why, finally realized that Princess Axia was still watching the whole process of his transformation, he stopped scratching, and said with some embarrassment, "Don't, don't scream, and don't do stupid things, Axia Sister, I can explain everything, but calm down first, things are not what you imagined, and I am definitely not a pervert like Black Jack!"

Princess Asha stopped screaming.

But still staring at the man wearing Teresa's breastplate and short skirt with vigilance.

Damn it, he still has the tiara that he plucked flowers and wove for Teresa a few days ago on his head, how could he do this!

Princess Asha looked at Black Jack outside the transparent bulkhead.

Then look at the man next to him wearing women's clothes and scratching his crotch.

She had to agree with the man - he and Black Jack were indeed not the same breed of perverts.

"Sister Axia, listen to my explanation..."

Seeing her calm down, the man breathed a sigh of relief, took half a step forward, and stretched out his hand towards her.

Princess Axia started screaming again, half of her saber swung wildly, blocking the man's advance in vain.

"Don't bark, don't be impulsive, listen to me!"

The man was helpless, "I've already said that I'm definitely not a pervert, let alone do anything to you, why don't you believe me?"

"Of course I don't believe it, you are a pervert, a hundred times more perverted than Black Jack, ah, ah!"

Princess Axia screamed and scratched like an angry cat, "Who is your 'sister', it's disgusting, I feel like throwing up when I see you, why are you wearing Teresa's clothes? Well, I know Many evil nobles have such weird habits, this is just the most mainstream pervert, but you still use Teresa's magic pocket, it is simply a super invincible pervert! What did you do to Teresa, what did you do to Teresa? Give it back to me, Leisa!"

"Okay, I'll give it back to you, come and get it!"

The man opened his arms and raised his chest, "Haven't you realized that I am Teresa!"

Princess Axia, who was in hysteria, didn't hear what the man said at all, and was still waving the broken knife crazily. After about ten seconds, the speed of waving became slower and slower.

There was a mixed expression of confusion and surprise on her face, and it took another ten seconds before the broken knife and her arms were completely frozen.

"You, what did you say?"

Princess Axia looked the man up and down, and stammered, "You, who are you?"

"It's Teresa, your good sister!"

The man was wearing Teresa's short skirt, stood on tiptoe, turned around lightly, then used Teresa's usual little expression, winked at Princess Axia, and smiled sweetly, "Sister Axia, don't you recognize her?" Is it, oh, oh, so sad!"


Princess Axia was silent for three seconds.

Then, she bent down and retched loudly, shrank into the corner while vomiting, and stared at the man with terrified eyes, as if the man would transform into a demon more terrifying than the devouring beast at any time, throw her down, and do whatever he wanted of.

"Damn it, why did it change back, but the language habits are still the same!"

The man seemed to be more disgusted by his own way of speaking than Princess Axia. He scratched his hair vigorously and scratched the tiara that Princess Axia gave Teresa. Without even thinking about it, he tore it off and threw it on the ground angrily. I crushed it with my foot, thought for a while, picked it up again, blew it, and stuffed it carefully into my arms.

"Emerald, Emerald!"

The man stamped his feet and beat his chest, and shouted at the top of his voice, "The scene is almost out of control, come out and explain to me, I, I am innocent!"