Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3410: Biography of Han Te (77) This is my destiny!


Han Te blushed from holding back, feeling a great sense of powerlessness.

"Let me out, Emerald, please."

Princess Axia turned to the liquid metal body of the artificial intelligence, "Anyway, your purpose is to rebuild the Emerald. Even without me, you can still go to the Pangu universe to ask for help to achieve your goal, so let me go out, and we will part ways and go our separate ways. Face your own destiny!"

The surface of the liquid alloy of emerald is flooded with ripples of thought.


Han Te became anxious, and shouted arrogantly, "Jade, I have the highest control authority. I am the quasi-captain of the Jade. I won't allow you to let her go!"


Princess Axia clenched her fists, her face full of anger, "Why are you stopping me?"

"Because I don't want to watch you die in vain."

Hunter said distractedly, "It's for your own good!"

"I'm not going to die in vain, I'm going to wake up my sisters, fight side by side with them, kill the evil demon king, defend my homeland, protect my compatriots, and fulfill my duty and mission as the princess of the Eagle Country!"

Princess Axia's voice grew louder and louder, and an invisible aura surrounded her body, filling her with light that Han Te couldn't look directly at.

"I've said it all, you won't succeed!" Han Feature said sternly.

"If you haven't tried it, how do you know if it will work?"

Princess Axia said, "Just a few days ago, I didn't believe that I dared to face the sword, halberd and demon pig, and held up the sword. In the end, with the guidance and encouragement of my best sister 'Teresa', I succeeded , I looked directly into the extremely ferocious eyes of the Sword Halberd Demon Pig, but shattered the fear deep in my heart. I slashed my sword at the Sword Halberd Demon Pig, and together with Teresa, killed this nightmare The World of Warcraft that only appears in the movie—can you imagine the excitement and sense of accomplishment deep in my heart at that moment? It was like, it was like finding the meaning of life again!

"Since Teresa and I could create miracles then, why can't we do it now?"

"This… "

Han Te was once again choked speechless, stunned for a long time, and said, "Then why can't we just endure for a while, practice slowly, improve our strength, and make a comeback when the time is right?"

"When will the time be right? When will we be able to find the Pangu universe? Even if we do find it, when will the people of the Pangu universe upgrade their fleet and send troops to help the Emerald Continent?"

Princess Axia asked a series of questions, and then, pointing to the miserable situation outside the transparent bulkhead, "My sisters are suffering from the torment of the devil. I know very well what it feels like to be tortured. I can't just watch them suffer. I couldn't stand it for a minute, a second.

"Not to mention, even if the Pangu universe sends an expeditionary force, it will be a few years or decades at the earliest. At that time, my sisters would have died long ago. Countless innocent people on the Emerald Continent, including me, had sworn to The citizens of the guarded Eagle Kingdom may have fallen into the clutches of Black Jack. He has already swallowed all the girls on the entire Emerald Continent with his evil tentacles, and the upgrade has reached an unimaginable level. Are you sure that your Pan Gu universe expeditionary force can really eliminate the fully upgraded Black Jack, the Lord of Devourer?"

"It, I, anyway—"

Han Te was furious, and said indiscriminately, "No matter what you say, I will not let you go out to die!"

Princess Axia's eyes narrowed, and then turned cold, like two ice picks, piercing Han Te's heart.

Great disappointment lingered on her face.

"If that's the case, Mr. Hunt, what's the difference between you and Black Jack? What's the difference between going with you or going back to Black Jack?"

Princess Axia said quietly, "You and Black Jack don't admit that we girls have the right to choose our own destiny, but just tie us around like dolls, puppets or some kind of multifunctional pets. You are heroes, you You are the savior, you are the devil, you are the savior, you are the protagonists of this gorgeous adventure, and we girls are just insignificant vassals, we can only dance obediently along the track you set, as long as we deviate a little bit Track, if there is 'out of control', you will use any means to drag us back—if this is your true face, then you are just a fully weakened version of Black Jack, and I have no reason to go with you."

"What is 'comprehensive weakening', I am very strong!"

Han Te suffered a huge humiliation, and couldn't help shouting, "The most important difference between me and Black Jack is that I want to help you, and he wants to harm you!"

"If you really want to help me, let me face my own destiny, the battle that the Princess of the Eagle Country should have faced long ago." Princess Axia said.

"I, I can't do this..."

Han Te pulled his hair in pain, "Think again, sister Axia, think again."

"Don't call me 'sister', only Teresa can call me 'sister', you can call me 'Princess Axia' or 'Miss Axia'." Princess Axia said coldly.

Hunter froze for a moment: "I am Teresa!"

"No, you're not."

Princess Axia said, "Teresa taught me to hold my sword high, but you asked me to give up resistance; Theresa told me that girls can also stand on their own feet and become the masters of their own destiny, but you asked me to abandon my sisters. Watching them die without doing anything, fleeing with you to strange lands, leaving my fate entirely in your hands to be judged by your mercy; Teresa awakened me as a woman, no, a man and a woman It doesn't matter, Teresa awakened my dignity and pride as a human being, let me re-recognize the meaning of life, and regain the pride of human beings-this pride, since my ancestors'Mate Quick' they defected to This continent has been lost for a long, long time. I finally found it, but you want me to extinguish this incomparably bright soul fire again

"No, Mr. Hunter, you are not Teresa, not the Teresa I know, I trust, and I deeply admire and like.

"Perhaps, my Teresa was already dead the moment you regained your true colors, and that doesn't matter, as long as you have lived a real and passionate life, what's so terrible about death

"In any case, I still want to thank you, thank you for bringing me Teresa, a good friend, and through her eyes, let me see the real light—if I had never seen the light, I could have endured the darkness, If I hadn't really lived, maybe I could always be Black Jack or your puppet, dressed up by you as a well-behaved and beautiful "princess" in fairy tales, living a "happy life" of walking dead.

"Unfortunately, not now.

"Teresa had great expectations of me and believed that I could perform miracles - I didn't want to let her down, and I didn't want to let down my deep, unquenchable pride.

"Whether you agree or not, I have made up my mind to face my destiny as a princess of the Eagle Kingdom or as a real human being. No one can stop me from fighting against fate—you can't, and neither can Black Jack. "

The princess of Eagle Country clenched her saber again and took a big step towards Han Te.

Her eyes were as sharp as a falcon, which made Han Te's heart tremble.

"Step aside."

The Princess of the Eagle Country ordered calmly and firmly.