Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3413: Biography of Han Te (eighty) A real man!



Before she finished speaking, she was thrown out again by Black Jack's demon-like tentacles, and fell into the mountain of blood and blood of the demon corpses. The sharp bone stubbles of the demon corpses left countless wounds all over her body.

Princess Axia was covered in blood, and she couldn't tell whether it was hers or the demons'.

"Well said, but what's the use?"

Black Jack licked the blood splashed from Princess Asha, smiled and said, "I like human beings, I like you little things that radiate emotion and will all the time—it is this kind of radiance that can Let those so-called "gods and demons" fill their stomachs in the higher-dimensional universe, and then we, the Devouring Clan, will devour all of these "gods and demons".

"You are like flies locked in a glass bottle, looking at the gorgeous world outside, buzzing and bumping around, until you hit your head and bleed, and even turned into a pool of bloody art on the glass wall , perhaps, like moths to a flame, this is the ultimate instruction engraved deep in your genes that cannot be modified.

"Then, since you are unwilling to fall into the warm embrace I specially woven for you, and insist on facing this cold and terrifying reality, then as you wish, pick up your weapon, continue to fight, and then, struggle , scream, in deep despair, die!"

Black Jack laughed loudly, and countless monster tentacles rose from behind him, dancing like thousands of pythons.

Princess Axia gritted her teeth, tried to stand up again and again, and fell to the ground again and again, with more wounds scraped by broken bones and broken weapons, and more blood flowed out.

The demons around were all moved by Princess Axia's will, they all clenched their weapons tightly and gritted their teeth against Black Jack's fear.

Dragon girl Hera, female mercenary leader Natasha, cat girl Kerr, elf Vera, and all the girls controlled by Black Jack stared calmly at all this with gray-brown eyes.

Their faces were expressionless, their bodies seemed to be sealed by Black Jack, and they didn't move at all.

However, in the depths of the ice-covered gray-brown pupils, there are circles of ripples, surging in the weakest gesture.

"Sisters, wake up!"

Princess Axia finally stood up, but every second she stood was a torment worse than death.

She knew that with her own strength, it was impossible to defeat Black Jack.

She only hoped that her efforts could wake up Hera, Natasha, Vera, and Kerr. If everyone cut off Black Jack's energy supply and fought side by side, there might still be a glimmer of hope for victory.

"Wake up, sisters, wake up and face the real Black Jack, the real destiny with me, we can... create miracles!"

Princess Axia shouted in her heart.

But Black Jack seemed to have penetrated her heart, and said calmly: "Now, are you looking forward to a miracle in your heart, do you know what a 'miracle' is

"A miracle is something that will never happen."

"The escape pod is ready to disengage and is expected to ignite in ten seconds.

"It's really too dangerous here, it won't be too late to confirm the jumping coordinates after we escape to the vast sea of stars.

"The countdown starts, ten, nine, eight, seven..."

In the escape cabin, Emerald's calm and cold voice came.

As if someone had punched him hard in the middle of the face, Hunter curled up on the liquid alloy seat in despair, watching the battle between Princess Axia and Black Jack.

Princess Axia's blood seemed to flow on his pupils.

His expression was in a trance, trembling uncontrollably, as if every cut on Princess Axia's body was also a deep cut on his body.


When he saw Princess Axia dragging her bruised and bruised body again and standing up tremblingly from the pool of blood, the fortress of rationality deep in his mind was finally shattered. He whispered, "Stop the countdown."


Emerald's voice was a bit unexpected, but the countdown continued.

"I fucking told you to stop!"

Hunter jumped up from the seat all of a sudden, eyes full of anger towards himself and Black Jack, he growled, "Even if you launch us now, I will never tell you the coordinates of the Pangu universe, I will I swear, I would rather die of thirst, starvation, and old age in the vast sea of stars, and you will also wait to become a pile of waste copper and iron that has exhausted its energy!"

Emerald stopped the countdown.

Drops of liquid metal recondensed into the appearance of Captain Kelly in front of Chu Ge.

"What do you want to do?" Emerald asked calmly.

"I, I don't know."

Han Te was a little hesitant, "I just feel that seeing Axia's sister and so many girls being ravaged by Black Jack, but I slapped my ass and left, it seems... very worthless."

"It's not particularly bad, you just made the most reasonable choice for an ordinary person in this situation."

Fei Cui said, "So, it's just common, nothing special."


Hunter said, "Do you also think that I'm not manly enough, even worse than Black Jack, a scumbag?"

"From a physiological point of view, now you have returned to a 100% male state."

Jade said, "There is no doubt about this."

"From other angles?" Hunter asked.

Emerald was silent.

"That is to say, now there is only this organ that can prove that I am still a fucking man."

Han Te grinned, shook his head slowly, and said in pain, "No, in other words, I have never been a real man, at least not a man like Yao Lao, my master, Lei Chenghu, Bai Boss, or even, not even Xiao Men like Emperor Li Jialing and Mr. Boxing Champion.

"I, I grew up in a bloody paradise. Although Master gave me a faint light, the darkness around me is too strong. It is so strong that we have to do our best just to survive, and we have no time to think about pride, dignity, etc. , mission, meaning, and the issue of being a man or not a man.

"Although a series of chances and coincidences made me meet Yao Lao and the most outstanding men and women in the Pangu universe, and followed them through all the magnificent and soul-stirring struggles, I, deep down in my heart, actually know very well that They are the protagonists of that war, and I am just an insignificant little character, responsible for gags and a background board for the protagonists.

"There is never any chance for me to make a final decision, to turn the tide, to burn my life to the fullest, to release all my manliness-usually, I just follow behind Yao Lao, Bai Boss or Mr. Boxing King, and help them clean up. The battlefield will do.

"That's why, hehe, that's why I can deceive myself again and again, deceiving myself and others that I am a man of the same level as Yao Lao, Bai Boss, Mr. Boxing Champion, and even the little emperor Li Jialing. For the strong who face the bloody fate, our combat effectiveness is of course high or low, but the heart of the strong is the same.

"Actually, deep down, I know it.

"We are different. They are the real men, the heroes who can shake the stars. Even the little emperor Li Jialing, who I hate the most, once stood proudly on the starship, facing an enemy army ten times stronger, and took the lead in the charge. , Such a bright moment.

"No...Actually, I don't really hate Li Jialing at all, I just use the reason of 'competing with Li Jialing' to put money on my face and force myself to be the same height as Li Jialing. For this reason, I even deceived myself and forced myself to compete with Li Jialing for Liuli.

"Divide through the deepest layers of my heart, do I really love Liuli? It seems not, I have always regarded Liuli as my younger sister, but Li Jialing aroused my competitive spirit.

"There are other girls, those girls I have provoked, have I really loved any of them, even for a second? I don't think so, I just want to use them to prove that I have grown up , from a boy to a real man.

"Hehe, in fact, the more I want to prove to the world that I am a real man, the more I become a real joke - Li Jialing probably never thought of me highly, never regarded me as a real competitor, right

"That's right, don't blame him. Even I look down on myself like this. I think I'm a coward, a scumbag, and a joke. Except for one more organ, I don't even have a toe all over my body. I can be called a real person." man…”

When Han Te babbled so far, tears were streaming down his face.

At this time, he happened to hear what Black Jack said outside.

"A miracle is something that will never happen."

These words caused Hunter's pupils to shrink suddenly, shrinking into two supernovas that were about to explode.

Hunter grabbed his crotch, like a trembling statue, silent for a long, long time.


He finally let out a hoarse voice that was worse than crying, "Can you, can you give me back the 'witch gene'?"

Jade asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I want power."

Han Te's hand holding his crotch was so hard that the veins on the back of his hand were bulging. The severe pain made him no longer tremble or hesitate. The starlight in his eyes exploded, and he said firmly, " I want to be—a real man!"