Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3419: Han Te Chuan (86) Awaken, Black Jack!


As Teresa said, she dragged Princess Axia behind her, and then, facing Black Jack, she burst out laughing.


Teresa laughed so hard that she shed tears, she prayed silently in her heart, "Black Jack, ask me why I'm laughing, and don't kill me without saying a word—then we're really doomed Already!"

Faced with Teresa's weird and wanton laughter, Black Jack really hesitated.

He frowned deeply, looked at Teresa who was full of flaws, as if she could be stabbed to death with a tentacles, and said in a deep voice, "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you for being a poor wretch."

Teresa looked at Black Jack up and down with eyes mixed with contempt and pity, said "tsk tsk", shook her head and said, "I just figured this out, it turns out that you are the most pitiful one among us, from the beginning to the end , you haven't even tasted what it's like to be a real man for even a second, you are a poor wretch, you were, you are, you will be - always will be."

"I'm poor?"

Black Jack laughed dumbly, opened his tentacles like demon arms, released a stormy battle flame, and said arrogantly, "I have invincible power in the world. , even if you get the inheritance of the Scarlet Queen, you are not my opponent.

"Soon, I will be able to unify the bloody battle demon world, wield the glorious world, and finally unify the entire Emerald Universe. At that time, everyone will tremble under my roar. Every word I say may make millions People's heads fell to the ground, setting off a bloodbath, am I pitiful

"Not to mention, there are so many charming and charming women who surrender before me, relying on me to get whatever they want, and even dedicating their lives and souls to me—this kind of me is simply a man among men, am I pitiful? Hahahaha , It’s a ridiculous joke in the world!”

"You have already said these words to sister Axia just now, but we didn't realize a problem just now."

Teresa said, "Even if you can really conquer the Emerald Universe, even if you are really invincible, even if you can really attract half of the female mammals on the Emerald Continent, but who is this 'you', Black Jack or Devourer?

"Think about it carefully, everything is the credit of Devouring Beast, and everything is also the target of Devouring Beast. It has nothing to do with you, Brother Black Jack, right? In the end, you are just a random choice of Devouring Beast. The puppet, or in other words, good luck, you met the Devouring Beast by chance, even if it wasn't you, any cat or dog with the help of the Devouring Beast would be able to do all of this, right?"

The raging battle flames around Black Jack, as if they had encountered a ladle of ice water, made a "chi chi" sound, and instantly dimmed.

His expression also seemed to be severely whipped by Teresa's words, his mouth was crooked and his eyes were slanted, his face was ferocious.

His mouth opened and closed, like a dying fish rushing to the beach, unable to utter a word of rebuttal for a long time.

"It is the Devourer who possesses power, and the one who conquered these ignorant girls with supernatural powers is also the Devourer. It is the Devourer who came here across the timeline with the ambition of 'rebuilding the Devouring Empire'. It is the Devourer who defeated Maharaja Kuba. I was beaten so badly, and I received the praise, awe, and fear of thousands of demons...all of them are devouring beasts, and you, Black Jack, what exactly are you?"

Teresa murdered her heart, and continued to use the sharpest words to dissect Black Jack's mind, "'The Lord of Devourer' is really a mysterious and domineering name, let me think about it, even if you kill me now, then Realizing the ambition of the Devouring Beast step by step, he really rebuilt the Devouring Empire on the basis of the Emerald Universe, and even expanded the Devouring Empire to the entire heavens and worlds step by step, recreating a completely different history.

"so what

"In the annals of this brand-new history, will the name 'Black Jack' be left? No, it is not necessary at all. The only name left in the history will be the four words 'Lord of Devourer', praised by others, Cursed, loved, hated, supported and opposed, will always be the Lord of Devourers, as for 'Black Jack'? Who will remember, who will care, who will love you or hate you? You are just a poor wretch, a Devourer The host that the Lord once used when he was weak, an eternal... nameless rat."

"Shut up, don't talk, shut up!"

Black Jack's face was completely distorted, his tentacles struggled like earthworms exposed to the sun, and he "chi chi" released black smoke.

There seemed to be a force in his body, trying to control the tentacles to attack Teresa, but another force stopped it abruptly, and just counterattacked weakly with words, "Say that I only got all this by relying on the power of the devouring beast What about you? Didn't you rely on the inheritance of the Scarlet Queen to stand in front of me! What qualifications do you have to laugh at fifty steps?"

"You are wrong. Even without the inheritance of the Scarlet Queen, I would dare to stand in front of you to win that one-in-a-billion chance."

Teresa raised her head, straightened her pectoralis major, her face was shining brightly, and said decisively, "Even without the inheritance of the Scarlet Queen, I am still Teresa, I still have the courage to be extremely proud, and I can still hold tight Battle knife, fight side by side with my sisters, fight to the end with you, fate, and this universe!

"But what about you

"Black Jack, once there is no devouring beast, what is the real you left

"Ask yourself, Black Jack, if there were no Swallowing Beast, would you have the courage to fight to the end with Maharaja Bowser? Do you have the confidence and ability to attract so many girls? Do you dare to dream of conquering the world and controlling your destiny? Are you a real man?"

"I… "

Black Jack was sweating profusely, trembling from anger or shame.

"You don't need to answer this question. Even if you can deceive me with a swollen face, you will never be able to deceive yourself."

Teresa said, "I've seen a lot of men like you... well, not many, but I did meet one, so I know very well the mentality of men like you.

"People like you, the more you talk about 'real men' or 'men's men', the more you don't have confidence in yourself, and you don't understand the meaning of the word 'man'. true meaning.

"The more you attract bees and butterflies, attract countless girls, and even form a huge harem, it means that you are more guilty and can't find your own way. You have to use this method to prove yourself time and time again, and then doubt it again and again. Own.

"The more you show your teeth and claws on the surface, the more aggressive you are in reality. You keep saying that you want to conquer this, conquer that, become the king and hegemony, become the master of devouring or the king of Xinghai guns, but in fact, you have never really seen clearly and choked the throat of fate. , just under the control of fate, muddled and drifting with the tide.

"Black Jack, open your eyes and take a look, is this really the fate you want? Even if it is what you want, but you really want to get it in this way, in the way of 'the puppet of the devouring beast' All of this, instead of boiling your blood, burning your life, and fighting with dignity to get it all in the way of a real man?"