Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3424: Legend of Han Te (91) Swallowing Beast, Eat Me!


Blackjack hugged the Devourer tighter and tighter.

No matter how the Devouring Beast lashed him hard with its tentacles of energy and matter, until his body was covered in bruises, dripping with blood, and even his white bones were exposed, he still gritted his teeth and insisted, never letting go.

Under Black Jack's entanglement, the Devouring Beast lost its agility to come and go freely, and was unable to expand its tentacles and ripples, and even exposed a fatal weakness.

"You don't know what to do, what are you doing?"

The Devourer was startled and angry, his voice was full of disbelief, and he roared at Black Jack, "Without my help, you would still be that desperate mercenary, where would you be today? But now, after listening to this A woman's sweet words, you actually want to betray me, you self-defeating idiot!"

"I, I was never supposed to be your slave, so where's the 'betrayal'?"

Black Jack was in pain with tears and snot gushing out, every bundle of muscle fibers on his face was twitching, but his smile was brighter than the scorching sun, and he said firmly, "Even without you, I'm still me." , I repeat, I am not the 'Lord of Devourer', I am 'Jack? Thunder'! Ahhh!"

His limbs are like chains, and his scorching body is like a bomb ready to go, trying to squeeze out all the internal organs of the devouring beast.

"Do it, if you don't do it, everyone will die together!"

He yelled at the sisters in the harem group, "I know I'm not a hero, but please, give me a chance to be a real man at the last moment of my life! Come on, kill me, kill me! It's like killing it, come on, let's do it!"

All the sisters in the harem group shed crystal tears.

Even though they all despised and hated Black Jack after they came to their senses, at this moment, facing Black Jack who had lost his way and released himself to his heart's content, they still felt that the weapon in their hands weighed a thousand catties and was difficult to lift.

Even Natasha, the most decisive and brave female mercenary captain, was unwilling to raise her two-handed giant sword against such Black Jack.

The magic of the dragon girl Hera is also condensed in the palm of her hand like a small sun, and she is unwilling to release it for a long time.

In the end, Princess Axia was the first to raise the broken saber.

Tears were evaporated by the sword light and turned into a rainbow of seven colors. Princess Axia burst into tears: "Black Jack, I, I will help you!"

The broken saber slashed at Blackjack or Devourer.

The Devouring Beast wanted to raise its tentacles to resist, but Black Jack forcibly controlled it. Instead, it puffed out its chest and faced the sword light.


The broken saber pierced deeply into his body, but under the severe pain, Black Jack let out a relieved smile.

"Thank you, Princess Axia, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

he murmured.

However, the Devouring Beast let out an astonishing roar, struggling even more desperately, trying to escape from Black Jack's body.

But with Princess Axia taking the lead, the attacks of the other sisters in the harem group rushed towards it like an overwhelming tide.

This time, not only magic attacks, but also physical attacks from swords, guns, swords and halberds can pass through Black Jack's body and cause damage to it.

All of a sudden, gorgeous magic, sharp swords, powerful dragon's breath, and the curse of the witch all gathered into the brightest colorful fireworks, which exploded all over Black Jack's body, causing the Devourer to be torn apart. After that, it was divided again and again, and finally under the constant tearing and burning, it became more and more dim, thin, and weak.

The siege lasted a full three minutes.

Until the sisters of the harem group were all exhausted, they couldn't even activate a low-level fireball technique, they couldn't even lift a dagger, and they all staggered and fell backwards.

They were originally absorbed by the devouring beast, and when they were awakened by Teresa and Princess Asha, they were exhausted and on the verge of collapse. They were able to persevere until now only by being full of anger. Being able to release such a powerful attack has already is the limit.

They have output all the attacks, now, they can only quietly wait for the judgment of fate.

The girls cheered up, widened their eyes, and held their breath as they watched the gunpowder smoke, the mysterious light and the depths of the flames.

The witches and demons in the periphery were also parched and trembling involuntarily, wondering how the outcome of this battle that would determine the future of the bloody battle between the demon world and the glorious human world would be.

Seeing that the smoke and flames were about to dissipate.

Suddenly, a bloody figure was thrown out from the depths of the smoke, and fell heavily on the ground, leaving a miserable blood shadow.

It was the dying Black Jack, he had returned to his true form, and the Devourer had broken free from his body!

The girls were startled and hurriedly stared into the depths of the smoke.

The smoke cleared, and the devouring beast in pure energy form once again descended in front of the women in the most terrifying posture.

Compared with Black Jack before it disrupted the situation, it was a full size smaller, with a dull color and fuzzy details, like a mottled or even riddled shadow.

It can be seen that Black Jack's surprise attack just now did inflict heavy damage on it, making its power almost nonexistent.

The problem is, in this battle of exhaustion, the trauma and torment suffered by the girls is more miserable and serious than it is.

"Ho ho, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

The Devouring Beast let out a shrill scream, and its gloomy expression became extremely ferocious, "Just relying on such an idiot's entanglement, you want to completely destroy me? You guys who are extremely naive!

"Black Jack, you could have enjoyed the supreme glory, but you chose the most painful way of death, okay, fine, since you are so self-willed and depraved, I will help you, but not now, you will soon Know, I have a hundred ways to make you live another hundred years, and live another hundred years in hell on earth!

"And you women, don't I give you enough grace? It is your greatest luck to dedicate your life to the Lord of Devourer. You have to resist such a sacred fate. Why

"Hmph, no matter what methods you have, have you exhausted them? Next, I will let you taste the taste of disobedience to the Lord of Devourer. I hope you will reflect on why you listen to these two words in the hell of endless pain. The temptation of a crazy woman... wait, you, you crazy woman, what are you doing?"

The devouring beast's horrified eyes projected on Teresa.

Teresa felt that a string deep in her soul was snapped at the moment when Black Jack rushed forward and shouted "Kill me".

The inheritance of countless generations of captains of the Emerald was decompressed into the form of hundreds of millions of data streams, which poured into her brain like flash floods and dam collapses.

Power, more power, incomparably powerful power, from the ancient times, the prehistoric, the depths of the universe, no matter where the power is, she needs power!

"This is impossible!"

Jade exclaimed through the liquid metal armor, "How could your soul withstand the strong impact of decompressing so much data in an instant, you, you actually absorbed the power of so many generations of captains at once, what are you going to do?"

"Do what I do best."

Teresa paused, and said lightly in her heart, "It's also my favorite thing."

Infinite streams of data danced, stirred, and collided in my mind, and finally, condensed into an exquisite three-dimensional structure diagram, which seemed to be the design diagram of some kind of super weapon.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of silver threads shot out from the surface of the liquid metal armor, wrapping around more than a dozen "prison-killing cannons" brought by the prison-killing clan.

These prison cannons had already been destroyed by Black Jack and Devouring Beast, and turned into scrap copper and rotten iron.

Teresa's silver wire was dissected and disassembled like a scalpel and a screwdriver, and thousands of suitable parts were found.

Afterwards, these parts were dragged in front of her.

The liquid metal armor seems to have life, stretching out countless roots, submerging tens of thousands of parts, and reassembling them into an extremely mighty, majestic, and domineering Xinghai cannon with a burst of "crackling" sound, and special Leisa's armor, body and even soul merged together, standing upright from below her abdomen and above her crotch.

"This is-"

The sisters of the harem group were all shocked.

"This is-"

Black Jack, who was bloody and dying, opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at Teresa in disbelief, felt the boundless anger released from her body, turned it into the most powerful energy, and filled the high-spirited door in front of him. Among the towering cannons.

As Teresa's anger continued to increase, various parts of the prison cannon continued to flow in, and the size of the giant cannon continued to increase. Soon, it swelled to be thicker than Teresa's whole body, which made people dare not directly the point of view.

"This is-"

Even the devouring beast was terrified when it saw Teresa's cannon.

It wants to escape.

But it was too late.

The surrounding magnetic field was locked by Teresa's anger, as if it was poured into reinforced concrete.

"The Devourer—"

Finally, Teresa spewed flames from her mouth, converging into a roar like thunder, "Eat me!"