Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3430: Biography of Han Te (97) A love that transcends all


Inside the palace, Teresa was getting dressed up.

The grand occasion when the first generation of Scarlet Queen came to the throne thousands of years ago has long been annihilated in the dust of history. No one knows what kind of attire is worthy of the majesty of the ruler of the demon world. The king, the chief, the great magician, the patriarch of the elves... The majestic appearance of the leaders of various races dressed Teresa in colorful flowers.

Princess Axia donated the eagle feathers she had when she was the princess of the Kingdom of Eagles, Hera, the dragon girl, presented her dragon scale battle armor, and Natasha, the head of the female mercenary, presented the giant sword from the frozen land of thousands of miles. In the Northland, the bearskin cloak of the storm ice bear, the elf Vera carefully wrapped the magic gemstone inlaid with gold thread on Teresa's ear, and Catwoman Kerr helped Teresa carve the perfect cape. Makeup... The original Black Jack's harem are now surrounded by Teresa, presenting their treasures one after another, and looking at the brand-new Teresa with eyes of incomparable doting and admiration.

"How beautiful!"

"What a perfect look!"

"Teresa, Teresa, do you know how jealous we are of your beautiful face?"

"It's done, the out-and-out empress!"

The girls were chattering, making Teresa dizzy.

Her mouth was dry and she was dripping with cold sweat. She just felt that she had become a doll at the mercy of others.

"I, I can't..."

She protested faintly again, but was covered up by the girls' coquettish laughter.

Only Princess Axia could see the nervousness and hesitation in her heart. She used the excuse that everyone let Teresa calm down by herself, took two fresh breaths, and made the final preparations, but she was dragged into a corner.

"Teresa, what's wrong with you, so nervous?" Princess Axia asked with concern.

"I can't."

Teresa looked at the elegant and luxurious "Crimson Queen Suit" on her body, then shook her head, the decorations all over her head were clanging, and stammered, "You know my details, I'm just here to scout the situation, By the way, find the important people here to communicate and communicate with each other, God knows how I became the Scarlet Queen in a daze, I, I can't be, I can't!"

"It's too late to say that now, isn't it?"

Princess Axia lowered her voice, and said, "Although we are trying to drive ducks to the shelves, the situation has forced us to this point. How can we retreat? When you officially ascend the throne and become the Crimson Empress, you will be one of the big figures who will dominate the Jade World. You To communicate with myself, just contact myself, wouldn’t it be very convenient to kill two birds with one stone?”

"But, but what if they see it?"

Teresa said pitifully, "If these demons know that their 'Crimson Queen' is actually a man, they will definitely go crazy!"

"How can you tell?"

Princess Axia stared at Teresa's pectoralis major, which could not be concealed by layers of feathers, robes, and armor, swallowed, and said, "Your appearance is simply more feminine than a woman, okay?"

"But in my heart, I'm more masculine than a man—I'm 100% pure man!" Teresa stomped her feet.

"Okay, yes, yes, it is precisely because you are a 100% pure man that you have to shoulder this mission that belongs to you!"

Princess Axia used the aggressive method, "If you don't even dare to be a queen, what kind of man are you?"

Teresa was indeed aroused.

"It seems to be too."

She murmured, "Even Li Jialing, that yellow-mouthed kid, can be the real emperor of the human empire. I'm just a little crimson queen, so it seems there's nothing wrong with that."

"Of course it's suitable, it's absolutely possible, you are the chosen queen, no matter what, we will always support you and fight side by side with you!"

Princess Axia breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, we're going to dress up too, and I'll help you hold up the scene later, you should make your last preparations and think about your speech later, in fact, you don't need to say anything, as long as It's absolutely fine to show the prestige of killing the Devouring Beast with a cannonball that day!"

When Teresa looked back, Princess Axia had already walked away.

But Jade leaned against the corner of the wall, staring at her intently, with strange ripples blooming from the depths of her silver-white eyes.

Teresa pouted: "Did you also come to see my joke?"

Fei Cui said indifferently: "No, I came here specially to thank you. Why, do you think I am a mean and shameless person who likes to read your jokes?"

"It's not mean and shameless, but it's really bad. Before I met you, I always thought that strong artificial intelligences are honest, loyal, very trustworthy, and they will never play tricks and tricks, and they can trust everything. "

Teresa said, "It was you who made me completely change my view of strong artificial intelligence."

"It can't be said that I am bad, it can only be said that you are stupid, and you should thank me for letting you see the true face of strong artificial intelligence."

Jade paused, and continued, "Forget it, I won't argue with you today, I really want to thank you for everything you have done for me and Captain Kelly."

On her face and in the depths of her eyes, emotions more intense than humans emerged, and the ripples of this emotion seemed to surpass the mission entrusted to her by successive captains.

Teresa was slightly taken aback, and said, "Your thanks don't seem to be just because I saved the Emerald?"

“… yes, more than duties and missions.”

Jade was silent for a long time, her eyes were a little empty, as if it also had a soul as shining as a human being, but this soul drifted thousands of years ago, "I want to thank you for not letting Captain Kelly's painstaking efforts go to waste, Even at the most critical moment, let the power of Captain Kelly reappear in the world, you don't know, Captain Kelly is actually my... lover."


Teresa was stunned and stammered, "What, what are you talking about, Captain Kelly is your... lover?"


Jade just opened a gap in her heart, but was shrouded in acrimonious procedures, she sneered, "What do you think the so-called 'love' is supreme, unique, something that only human beings can enjoy

"Snakes, insects, rats, ants, pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, which are also carbon-based life forms, are not worthy of love, and artificial intelligence, whose computing power and logical analysis ability are a hundred times stronger than yours, is not worthy of love, but you human beings who are not inferior can talk about it extravagantly." love

"Hmph, this kind of groundless human supremacy is really ridiculous.

"In fact, love is just the optimal solution subconsciously selected by intelligent life in order to multiply and spread civilization. Any life body with a certain level of intelligence, no matter carbon-based, silicon-based or pure energy body, can have love.

"In words that you can understand, love is rich or poor, young or old, gender, race, and transcends everything. Why can't Captain Kelly and I be a pair of gold and gold? What about the undying lover?"