Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3435: Iron Fist Enemy (3) Uncle


Gus wanted to throw up.

His face was pale, dripping with cold sweat, and his ears were buzzing, as if he had been slapped one after another by Qin Yi, who was bloody and bloody like a ghost.

Gus and Qin Yi have no grievances or enmities, and they can be regarded as good friends.

Because both of them are weak and weak, they are waste on the way of iron fist.

In Iron Fist School, Gus is the bottom of the ten thousand year crane, the unshakable bottom one.

Qin Yi is the second to last, Gus' brother.

Moreover, it was indeed Qin Yi who saved Gus yesterday.

—At noon yesterday, Gus went to practice on the Black Wind Mountain outside the town.

Because he didn't want to be ridiculed by others, he never practiced with others, and always walked alone.

Heifeng Mountain is so close to Chijin Town, the raptors and ferocious beasts on the mountain have long been killed by the strong men in the town, and there was no danger at all.

Who knows, just arrived at the col yesterday, but out of nowhere, a fierce tiger with white forehead and dangling eyes roared and rushed towards Gus.

At the very moment, a sharp arrow whizzed into the tiger's head, directly blasting through the skull and bursting from the eye socket.

The tiger fell dead in front of Gus.

Gus looked towards the nearby bushes in shock, and saw Qin Yi standing up in shock as well.

Gus never knew that Qin Yi was such an excellent archer.

The bow and arrow, because of its simple structure, does not involve too many mechanical structures, so it can only be regarded as a "tool" and does not belong to the category of "machinery".

Therefore, it is only despised by people and regarded as something only used by the old and weak, women and children, but it is not banned by the Fist Temple, and has nothing to do with "Mechanical Demon" or "Steam Demon".

Gus himself had a hunting bow hanging from his waist, but his hands and feet were stiff just now, so he didn't have time to take it out.

Qin Yi's expression was very strange, he didn't even hear Gus thanking him, but he walked quickly to the front of the tiger carcass, pulled out the arrow and hid it with all his strength.

Moreover, Gus did not see that Qin Yi had a bow in his hand—since this arrow can penetrate the hardest skull of a tiger, it is definitely not weak. It may be a strong bow two or three meters long and weighs several hundred catties. where to hide

Gus was deeply impressed by Qin Yi's strange expression, his disappearing strong bow and his eagerly hidden arrows.

Just in the evening, Gus's uncle, the priest of the Chijin Zhenquan Temple "Lei Lie", asked Gus to come home for dinner. Seeing him dripping with cold sweat, preoccupied, and with many bruises on his body, he asked him what was the matter.

As the priest of the Boxing Temple, Lei Lie is the leading boxer within a hundred miles.

Once kept pace with Gus' father "Glenn", known as the "Double Heroes" of Chijin Town.

Since the death of his parents, his uncle has become Gus' most respected and trusted elder.

In front of his uncle, Gus had no power to resist, and he honestly told the story of encountering a tiger on the mountain, especially Qin Yi's sudden and powerful arrow.

"I didn't expect that Qin Yi's arrow skills are so powerful, maybe he feels that he can't improve in the way of iron fist, so he can only practice this trivial skill, right

"His bow is also mysterious and mysterious, and he refused to let me see it. It seems that he also thinks that practicing archery is not a glorious thing. Uncle, don't tell his family members, otherwise they will definitely scold him, and he will come back. Turn around and blame me."

Archery is the trail.

Only those who have completely lost confidence in their own fists will practice archery.

When he was on the mountain, Qin Yi also begged Gus not to tell about his use of bows and arrows, and Gus agreed.

But the uncle's aura was irresistible, and Gus regretted it as soon as he said it, so he could only make up for it.

Uncle's expression became very strange.

While comforting Gus gently and celebrating his escape from the tiger's mouth, he calmly asked Qin Yi about the details of that arrow, including from what angle the arrow shot into the tiger's skull and how deep it went. Are you sure? Did it go through the skull and come out of the eye socket

Gus was so frightened that he couldn't remember many details. His uncle didn't say anything, but said that Gus was injured and shocked today, so why not go back and sleep at home overnight with his two cousins to accompany him.

It was no surprise that Gus often slept with his uncle after his parents died.

Unexpectedly, when I slept until midnight, I heard the sound of "Sky Crack".

Then, news of Uncle came from the Fist Temple.

Qin Yi grabbed it.

A very sophisticated crossbow was also found from under his bed.

There is a huge difference between bows and crossbows. The former is a "tool" and the latter is a "machine".

The stolen goods are captured together, and the iron case is like a mountain.

Thinking about it, even if Qin Yi's two reed stick-like arms are almost the same as Gus's, even if they were given the best strong bow and tied up a tiger for them to shoot, they probably wouldn't be able to shoot through it. The tiger's head couldn't even draw the bowstring.

Only the bow and crossbow that uses the evil mechanical power can be fired instantly and headshot with one arrow.

"Gus, you have done a good job. The evil cultivators who believe in the power of machinery and steam have just extended their vicious claws to our Chijin Town, and you were discovered in time.

"Look, the sky is already cracked, so it can be seen that the evil cultivators must be planning to make a big move around Chijin Town, and that's why they made a mess of smoke and anger.

"Thanks to your vigilance, reporting to me as soon as possible, maybe a catastrophe can be avoided.

"Such a great achievement is worth at least ten 'Casting Body Pills' that will completely change your fate.

"As soon as tomorrow is light, we will have a public trial and tell the townspeople about your achievements. At that time, even if you are my nephew, I will reward you with the Casting Body Pill on behalf of the Fist Temple, and no one will be able to say a word of gossip! "

Uncle looked very happy.

Gus knew that his uncle was heartbroken for his useless nephew, his waste-like physique, only the "Cast Body Pill" could hope to change, but each Cast Body Pill must condense hundreds of beasts It is extremely precious and belongs to the Fist Temple. Even as a priest, my uncle can't use it for private use.

This time, my uncle finally found a reason and gave himself the cast body pill. In his words, "I am finally worthy of your father".

Gus dreamed of reinventing himself and truly stepping on the way of the iron fist.

But not in this... way of betraying a suffering brother and savior.

Regardless of whether Qin Yi is a crook or not, he saved his life after all. If Qin Yi really wanted to escape, the tiger who had already thrown Gus down and was about to have a delicious meal might not have chased after Qin Yi, right

Thinking of this, Gus, who was surrounded by a sea of people and pierced by Qin Yi's stern gaze, was about to cry.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of gongs and drums came from the Fist Temple.

Gus' uncle, Lei Lie, the priest of Fist Temple, has a bald head, glaring eyebrows, a black robe, and strides forward automatically without wind.