Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3436: Iron Fist Enemy (4) Trial


The four assistant priests followed Lei Lie step by step and pushed out a big bronze drum.


Gus saw that Lei Lie's eyes were wide open like copper bells, and with a loud shout, he tore apart the large black robe inch by inch, revealing a burly body cast like copper and iron.

This is the typical attire for the priests of the Fist Temple.

Exposing the vigorous and powerful body to the maximum extent, the perfect body like marble carving.

Use this method to deter believers and please the fist god.

Afterwards, Lei Lie punched the big bronze drum, and there was a sound like a mountain splitting a rock, like a turbulent wave hitting a shore, and the lingering sound spread throughout Chijin Town.

In front of the Fist Temple, which was originally full of people, it suddenly became completely silent.

Everyone bared their teeth and rubbed their ears, listening to Lei Lie's instruction.

"In the ancient chaos, ferocious beasts were rampant. Under the claws and fangs of ferocious beasts, the human race could only tremble, unable to resist, and reduced to poor food."

Lei Lie's tiger eyes were wide open, looking around with unstoppable gaze, and hissed, "Even if someone wants to sharpen stone spears, bind stone axes, make traps and traps—how can these fragile toys resist the 'Eight Arms'?" Demonic ape', 'iron horned bear', 'saber-toothed mad lion', 'golden eagle flying to the sky' and so on, are unparalleled ferocious beasts

"For tens of thousands of years, the human race has been ravaged, living in precarity, in dire straits, and on the verge of extinction.

"It was the God of Boxing who descended from heaven, transformed himself into the 'King of Boxing', slayed fierce beasts, taught mortals the principles of boxing, martial arts, and the principles of strengthening their muscles and bones and tempering their bodies, which gave mortals the power to protect themselves, and made us future generations gradually Grow strong, slay ferocious beasts, overcome thorns and thorns, and finally rise up human beings and become the master of this world!

"In the past ten thousand years, how did mortals protect themselves, how did humanity rise, and what did we rely on to fight against fierce beasts? It was relying on fists that were a hundred times stronger than steel!

"'All great power belongs to oneself, and foreign objects such as knives, guns, swords and halberds are unreliable things, let alone strange skills such as machinery', this is the truth of the iron fist, even a three-year-old child know things.

"However, today, ten thousand years later, perhaps with the passage of time, many people have gradually forgotten the truth taught to us by the God of Boxing, especially those who are weak in body, weak in mind, lazy in food, opportunistic, and no longer think about being honest. Instead, he pinned all his hopes on foreign objects and was tempted by the damned "mechanical demon" and "steam demon".

"It's ridiculous, these people are really short-sighted, it's extremely ridiculous, they don't even know that the power of machinery and steam can at most bring temporary relief, but it can corrode people's will, paralyze people's limbs, and swallow people's strength!

"If a majestic human race relies on the power of machinery and steam all day long, but doesn't want to cultivate his body, won't he become a boneless worm, a puddle of white mud over time? At that time, the so-called relationship between machinery and steam Li, is it really reliable?"

When Lei Lie said this, he suddenly laughed three times.

"Come on, knife!"

He waved behind him.

The four acolytes, each blowing their hair and breaking their hair, greeted him fiercely with their gleaming swords.

Lei Lie's face was full of disdain, his muscles trembled crazily, and his true energy was lingering like white practice. He shook the blade away before it touched the skin, "bang bang bang bang", the four precious knives snapped off one after another.

"Come again, sword!"

Lei Lie continued to roar.

The four assistant priests were each made of cold iron, and the cold and chilling sword pierced Lei Lie's heart.

But Lei Lie snatched the four swords away, gnashed his teeth, and stretched his arms vigorously, the four swords were twisted together by him, tangled into twists.

"see it?"

Lei Lie held up the broken knife and steel twist, and proudly showed the townspeople, "The power of a sword has its limit, but under the blessing of the God of Fist, the human race's potential is infinite!"

It was the first time for many townspeople to see the priests of the Fist Temple, showing off their might so much, they all exclaimed, their faces full of disbelief.

"The sword is so useless, what about the real machine?"

Lei Lie casually threw away the broken knife and steel twist, and finally turned to the topic, sneered, "The reason why everyone is called here today, I believe many people know, yes, the evil tentacles of the 'Mechanical Demon' have invaded the Chijin The town is hiding beside us!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Even if everyone knew what had happened, they still had to exclaim a few times, expressing their devotion to the God of Boxing and their incompatibility with the heretics.

"Yesterday, someone shot and killed a tiger with a crossbow arrow on the mountain near Chijin Town. Well, this is the thing."

Lei Lie waved his hand. An acolyte who was wearing gloves and covering his nose carefully picked up the crossbow. His face was covered in cold sweat, as if he was afraid that the evil mechanical force attached to the crossbow would invade his body and corrode his body. his soul.

"Crossbow arrows can shoot tigers, this is the limit of mechanical power!"

Lei Lie said, "In front of a real strong man, what's the difference between this crudely made thing and a three-year-old's toy? Come, shoot here!"

He poked his heart.

Holding the crossbow, the deacon first prayed to the God of Fist, asking the God of Fist to forgive him for his sin of operating the machine.

Then, according to Qin Yi's instructions, he awkwardly loaded the crossbow, tightened the crossbow, and pulled the trigger.


The crossbow arrow left the string and turned into a white light, piercing Lei Lie's chest.

Lei Lie didn't dodge, with a sneer all over his face, bursting with energy, he actually formed a vortex of true energy in his chest, forcibly freezing the crossbow arrow in mid-air, three inches away from his heart.

Everyone witnessed this scene and was deeply shocked by Lei Lie's invulnerability. After a moment of silence, there was overwhelming cheers and admiration.

Lei Lie stretched out two fingers, gently picked up the crossbow arrow from his chest, and threw it contemptuously in front of the bloody Qin Yi.

"Now, you should understand how stupid you are, right?"

Lei Lie snatched the mechanical crossbow from the hands of the assistant priest, stretched it out in front of Qin Yi, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, where did this thing come from?"

Qin Yi was served by the Fist Temple last night with 18 kinds of torture, and he has long been submissive. He wished he could be bumped to death now, so as not to suffer more.

He had already said the answer, and he didn't mind saying it again in public.

"It's a caravan."

He groaned and said, "It was sold to me by someone in the caravan from Qianyuan City. I don't know that person. I'm not a cultist, I'm just curious..."

"A caravan from Qianyuan City!"

Lei Lie ignored Qin Yi, and pointed out the seriousness of the matter to the townspeople, "Qianyuan City is the largest city in the north, with tens of thousands of merchants in the city, and caravans traveling all over the world.

"Unexpectedly, even the caravans in Qianyuan City were mixed with heretics who believed in the power of machinery and steam. Proof, this is the fist god warning us!"