Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3439: Iron Fist Enemy (7) Imp


Although his body is weak, Gus's five senses are quite sharp—perhaps this is the only place where he inherited his father's talent in martial arts.

Touching the green brick lightly with fingertips, I found that the seams were really weird. This blue brick was slightly raised than all the surrounding bricks.

A little bit as thin as a hair, the naked eye can't see it at all, and you have to feel it slowly with the most delicate movements with your fingertips.

It's as if this blue brick is not firmly embedded in the brick wall, but has been pulled out and then stuffed back, but it doesn't look like it's stuffed to the end.

Gus tried to pull out the blue brick.

But the bulge is too small, and there is no place to apply force at all. After trying it several times, the nail almost broke, but the blue brick still remained motionless.

After thinking for a while, Gus took out a feathered arrow from the quiver at his waist, used the arrow as a dagger, and pried hard at the seam of the blue brick.

This time, the blue brick was indeed loose.

Gus was greatly encouraged, and pulled out another feather arrow, clamping the blue brick from the upper and lower directions, and "clamped" the blue brick out.

The pliers were two fingers wide, and finally there was a place to force it. Gus grasped the blue brick with both hands, and pulled out more than half of it.

But after that, no matter how you pulled or pried it, it didn't help.

"Impossible, this blue brick should be weird, there is no reason to only take out half of it!"

Gus scratched his head.

The disappearing sister and the strange blue bricks attracted him deeply, and he couldn't help groping. After trying more than a dozen methods without success, he finally found the trick.

It turns out that this green brick originally only had a thin layer, which can be rotated and moved.

He turned half of the blue brick three times to the left, and then two times to the right. After returning to its original position, he pressed it down deeply.

Half of the blue bricks immediately sank into the brick wall.

There was a sound of gears and chains turning from behind the brick wall, all the way to the ground of the practice room.

Immediately afterwards, in the southeast corner of the practice room, the floor slid away without a sound, and a black hole suddenly appeared!

Gus was taken aback, almost out of his wits.

It's not because of the sudden appearance of the burrow, but because the burrow is actually controlled by gears and chains. This, this is all sophisticated machinery!

"Why, in the practice room of our home, there is a mechanically controlled underground hole

"This, this shouldn't be made by my sister, right

"Could it be Dad, that's impossible, Dad is the number one master in Chijin Town, and the most devout to the God of Boxing, how could it be!

"Sister, is sister in there?"

Gus' mind went blank.

But his legs moved involuntarily, and tremblingly walked towards the hole.

Below the cave is a narrow staircase leading directly to a deeper underground, with a strange light shining at the end of the staircase.

Gus swallowed hard, held an arrow upside down in his palm, and tiptoed towards the underground secret room.

Just halfway down the stairs, I heard an evil voice coming from the underground secret room.

It's the gears turning, the "cracking" sound of pulling the chain, and the "squeaking" sound of steam jets.

Although Gus had never heard these voices with his own ears, he had heard them from his uncle. He had heard them mentioned by his uncle, and now they sounded exactly the same.

Uncle once told Gus that once he heard a similar sound, he must have found the demon's lair, the altar of the heretics, so Gus can run as fast as he can, and report to the Fist Temple.

But the uncle never told Gus, what if the "demon altar" was found in the ground of his own house

Gus seemed to be in one of his worst nightmares.

It also seems to be attracted by the mysterious "power of machinery and steam".

Using both hands and feet, he moved to the end of the stairs step by step, and saw an incredible scene.

This is a very large secret room.

The surrounding walls are covered with blood vessels and intestine-like pipes like steam demons.

There are many rusty pipes, and the seams are still "chi chi", emitting evil steam.

Countless pipes criss-cross and converge into a huge and weird machine.

There is no language in the world that can describe the horror of this machine.

It seems to be composed of ten thousand gears, and it also involves a large number of chains, bearings, springs, and components that Gus can't name—it's like a demon himself crawling out of hell.

Inside the machine, there are several weird stoves that are burning, releasing a lot of scorching steam.

The steam is transmitted and gathered through the pipeline, and is compressed to the front of the machine, a metal ball slightly larger than the heart, inlaid with a large number of rivets and valves.

And in front of this metal ball...

Gus' older sister, Grey, in a pair of goggles and greasy canvas overalls, was kneeling devoutly, muttering and chanting wicked spells.

Gus's heart sank into the abyss even though he had already guessed it.

My sister is indeed a believer in "the power of machinery and steam".

Compared with Qin Yi, who was tortured by fire just now, her sister's depravity will only be a hundred times deeper. I am afraid that her soul has already been sucked away by the mechanical demon and the steam demon.

What remains in the world is just an evil body.

Gus was in a dilemma and didn't know whether to escape, so he reported to his uncle in time and asked him to save his sister's ravaged soul.

But when he thought about how Qin Yi was burned into a toad just now, he couldn't even move forward.

But at this time, the words of the elder sister after finishing the spell made Gus stunned as if struck by lightning.

"Dad, did you see, I succeeded, I have found the answer you have been looking for all your life!"

Gray was extremely excited, laughing wildly amidst the howling sound of the steam, "This is the purest power of steam, and it is the most powerful power in the world that surpasses all 'fist power'!"

After finishing the last word, Gray seemed to have made up his mind to die. He gritted his teeth and hit the squeaking metal ball with a hammer hard.


The metal ball made a shrill whistling sound, and sprayed out a stream of thick mist-like steam, covering the entire secret room in an instant.

Such appalling evil finally broke Gus's nerves, and he screamed desperately, rolling down the stairs into the secret room.


Gray was also shocked, and without looking back, he punched Gus like a python coming out of a hole.

When she found out that the intruder was her own younger brother, it was too late to stop, "Boom", this punch hit the floor of the secret room, creating a hole like a honeycomb.


My sister's face became extremely ugly.

"Sister, sister!"

The younger brother cried uncontrollably.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem!"

Before the two siblings could explain everything clearly, there was a strange coughing sound in the depths of the steam, in the corner of the secret room, where there was supposed to be nothing.

A thin and short figure emerged vaguely from the steam.


Gray's eyes widened in shock.

No one knew the structure of this secret room better than her, and there was absolutely no other way out except for the ladder where her younger brother fell.

Deep in the steam, how could there be a third person

Gus was so frightened that he hugged his sister's thigh, hid behind his sister, and looked at the "person" who came out of the mist in fear.

This is a very ugly little child.

At most six or seven years old, with yellow hair and dark complexion, at first glance, it looks like a malformed bean sprouts, with an over-expanded head that will break off from its slender neck at any time.

The little guy seems harmless to humans and animals, but Gus and Gray dare not take it lightly.

Especially when they saw the feet of this ugly kid, their scalps became numb and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Ugly imps have no legs.

From the waist down, his body dragged a stream of thick steam, spreading all the way into the weird metal ball.

It was as if he was originally composed of dense steam, drilled out of a metal ball.

Gus remembered some of the secret rituals of heretics that his uncle had told about.

She shivered deeply, and stammered: "Sister, you, you are not summoning the 'Steam Demon' itself, are you?"

"How, how is it possible?"

Even though Gray is a believer in "the power of machinery and steam", he was terrified by the ugly kid and said, "I'm just extracting the purest power of steam. How could this be? Hey, kid, who are you? what?"

Gray waved the hammer viciously at the ugly kid he had summoned.

"Don't be like this. If you have something to say, please put down the hammer first. I'm very timid and can't stand being frightened."

The ugly kid looked around curiously, as if he had never seen such a world before. After looking at it for a long time, the deep eyes that surpassed his age returned to Gus and Gray, and smiled childishly, "Although I don't quite understand What exactly is the 'steam demon' you are talking about, but I am definitely not that thing, let me introduce myself, my name is Lu Qingchen, how about you?"