Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3442: Enemy of the Iron Fist (10) happened


This question confirmed the opponent's identity as a demon.

Maybe not a steam demon, but some other kind of demon.

In the world of Fist God, there are still many monsters that can threaten the way of Iron Fist, but there are not only two kinds of monsters, mechanical monsters and steam monsters—these are just the two most famous ones.

When a demon wants to find another demon, its purpose is pretty obvious.

"Don't tell it!"

Gus didn't know where the courage came from, hugged his sister and screamed, "Sister, it is using you, don't fall down anymore, wake up!"

"me… "

Gray's expression struggled, cold sweat dripped on his immature face, he stared at Lu Qingchen, wondering what he was thinking.

Lu Qingchen's half-smile was not a smile, his starry eyes rolled around, carefully admiring the world.

"You, you are using us."

Gray repeated what Gus had said.

Not a question, but a confirmation.

Suddenly she noticed something.

"You can't go."

She murmured, "You came out of the steam ball, but you have no feet, your lower body is covered in smoke, and you are still trapped in the steam ball. As long as we don't move the steam ball, you can't go anywhere.

"So, you need us to help you hold the steam ball and act as your feet!"

The daring girl, because she discovered the weakness of the devil, her originally pale face gradually glowed red with excitement.

"Uh… "

Lu Qingchen scratched his head in distress, "Actually, it's not as serious as you think. If I really want to leave, I can still destroy this steam ball and get in completely. It's just that such a violent intrusion can easily reveal traces. , was discovered by the boxing champion or Xiaoming and Wenwen's defense system.

"Forget it, let's count what you said, right, so?"

"So, we can make a deal."

Gray gritted his teeth and said, "I can answer your question, but you must help me find out the cause of Dad's death and who the real culprit is!"


Gus didn't expect that his sister had degenerated to such an extent, knowing that the other party was a devil, but still had to deal with the other party.

"We, we can ask uncle for help!"

He was about to cry, and shook his sister's arm desperately, "Uncle is the priest of Fist Temple. He and Dad are so close, and he is so sad about Mom's death. He will help us find out the truth and avenge him!"

"Don't be silly, Gus."

Gray's eyes flashed with determination like a she-wolf, and he said coldly, "Uncle discovered Dad's body, and it was Uncle who built the coffin to conclude that Dad died from falling off a cliff after going crazy. Do you think our dear uncle, Chi Jin Is the priest of Zhenquan Temple worthy of trust

"No, our father is an evildoer who everyone can punish. No one will help us find out the truth—even if we find the truth, no one will help us avenge him. Everyone will only say that father is to blame.

"Demon? Hehe, that's right, only the devil can avenge us now!"


Gus was shaking, whether from anger or fear, he didn't know.

"that… "

Lu Qingchen watched the two siblings quarrel with great interest, as if it had nothing to do with him, "I don't care, but can you stop for a while, I have something very important to say."

"Shut up, you bloody devil!"

Seeing that his sister was bewildered by the demon, Gus' anger overcame his fear. He even opened his arms and stood in front of Grey, saying loudly, "I will never let you seduce my sister again!"

"Conscience of heaven and earth, I really did not seduce your sister, I am innocent."

Lu Qingchen pouted, and her small eyes became more and more aggrieved. She pointed behind the two siblings and said, "Even if you really want to seduce, I'm not in a hurry. I just want to remind you that that person is about to run away."

Gus and Gray froze at the same time.

"What, who?" Gus stammered.

"It's the one who sneakily followed behind you and was terribly frightened." Lu Qingchen said seriously.

"Come on, what are you kidding!" Gus was taken aback, instinctively turned his head, but he didn't see anyone, but heard slight but hasty footsteps.

The hairs all over his body stood on end like needles in an instant.

Before he could react, Gray was already in the shape of lightning, passing by him and rushing up the stairs.

Gus also wanted to catch up, thought for a while, and then looked back at Lu Qingchen.

"Don't forget me!"

Lu Qingchen pointed to his "legs" that were involved with the steam ball, and said helplessly, "I'm a disabled person, you can't just leave me here."

It's messed up, Gus's whole world is messed up, he didn't know why, he actually ran over, picked up the steam ball, took Lu Qingchen up the stairs, and came to the practice room.

The door latch of the practice room has been broken by someone, and the door is wide open.

There was the sound of fists and feet clashing outside, like the sound of steel colliding, followed by a burst of triumphant laughter.

Gus' blood ran cold as he sprinted out to look.

On the high courtyard wall stood a tall and familiar figure, it was Qin Yong who threatened him just now.

Qin Yong's nostrils and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, but the injury should not be serious, at least his expression was still very excited.

My sister was standing in the yard, out of breath, her clothes had been overstretched and torn, but her brows were furrowed and her face was livid.

Gus secretly groaned.

Qin Yong must have been annoyed that his younger brother was sent to the stake by himself, and followed him quietly all the way to the house, not knowing if he wanted to beat him up to vent his anger, or find fault with himself.

Seeing himself getting into the air intake window, he must do the same. By the way, Qin Yong's "Bone Shrinking Technique" is the best practiced in the Iron Fist School. It is not difficult for him to shrink his back to half its size.

When he got into the practice room, he didn't close the door to the secret room, so of course he found out.

I don't know how much he saw and heard.

It doesn't take much, just seeing a gear, a hinge, and a steam oven is enough to send my sister to the stake.

I hurt my sister.

What should I do now

Although my sister is a gifted martial arts genius, Qin Yong is definitely not a three-legged cat with ordinary means.

In a fair contest, he would definitely not be able to beat his sister.

But if he just wanted to escape, and ran towards Chijin Town while screaming and warning, it would be difficult for my sister to kill him in a moment and deal with the scene.

In the end, sister's secret will still be discovered, right

This is also the reason why Qin Yong is so confident.

"I never expected that Glenn, the most outstanding boxer in Chijin Town in the past, would have such a good daughter!"

Qin Yong laughed wildly on the wall. It seems that he didn't hear the most important secret, but what he saw and heard was enough to put Gray to death. Thinking of this, he pointed at Gus with confidence and shouted, "Ge Si, you didn't expect the present report to come so quickly, did you? This is called 'revenge never overnight'!"

"Qin Yong, you—" Gus fought back weakly, but he didn't know what to scold the other party. After all, his sister had indeed fallen into evil ways, and the degree of depravity was a hundred times deeper than Qin Yi's!

Gray's eyebrows were raised high.

It didn't matter what conflict Qin Yong had with his younger brother, she let out a low growl, and rushed towards him like a tigress.