Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3452: Enemy of the Iron Fist (20) Guo Qi


Gray and the pursuers scrambled up and down on the treetops, fighting with fists and feet, hitting sparks like fireworks.

Gus just ran away in the bushes and mud - he didn't want himself and his sister to be killed by the pursuers, but he didn't want, didn't dare, never thought of betraying his beliefs, the Temple of Fist, and everyone in the town, and The whole world is an enemy!

All Gus wanted was to dig a hole in the mud, to find a crack in the hole, to bury himself deep, to hide, never to be found.

But this is impossible.

A stinky breath came from behind, and Gus felt something pounce on his back, strangling his neck severely.

Looking back, Gus saw an extremely distorted human face.

That was a former classmate of his, named Guo Qi, who was friends with Qin Yong and often hung out together.

When Qin Yong threatened Gus yesterday, this Guo Qi also watched coldly and even sneered at Gus.

At this moment, his expression became extremely ferocious, like a madman, as if he wanted to bite off a piece of flesh from Gus's neck.

Gus noticed that there was a bloody hole on his left shoulder, and there was a strong burnt smell that even the rainstorm couldn't hide.

In the middle of the black rotten meat, there is a crossbow bolt inserted.

Thinking about it, this guy attacked Grey first, but was shot down by a crossbow arrow, and lost most of his combat power, so he could only entangle Gus.

"You killed Qin Yong!"

Guo Qi drank violently.

"I, I didn't!"

Gus was terrified and flinched again and again, explaining instinctively.

"Of course you didn't, you trash, it was your sister who killed Qin Yong, but you can't get rid of it, you are all damned heretics, I will send you two siblings to the stake!"

Guo Qi said viciously, his arms were like two strange pythons, which became tighter and tighter, and Ledgers couldn't breathe.

Gus’s eyes were full of stars, and he sank deeper and deeper like a drowning person. Suddenly, a terrifying vision appeared in front of his eyes—he and his sister were really tied up like piggies, tied back to the Fist Temple, and hung on the stake. In the eyes of everyone, under the eyes of thousands of people, being licked inch by inch by the flames, big blisters appeared on his body, and gradually turned into black, wrinkled, curled up toads

Fear turned into strength, Gus struggled hard, waving his hands wildly, and suddenly touched something.

It was the crossbow arrow that pierced Guo Qi's shoulder.

Gus pulled it out subconsciously.

This crossbow bolt happened to be stuck in the gap between Guo Qi's shoulder blades, and he couldn't pull it out for a while, but the pain caused Guo Qi to scream: "How dare you resist, you trash!"

Calling back, the arms tightening on Gus' neck, but involuntarily relaxed and twitched.

The sound of "trash" reminded Gus of the unbearable days of Tekken School.

Thinking of his inherently weak body, which seemed to be carelessly and crudely manufactured by the fist god.

Thinking of my extremely devout belief in the God of Boxing, I took all shame, sarcasm and indifference as a test from the heavens, and I worked a hundred times harder than others to cultivate, but I didn't gain half as much as others.

In the Iron Fist School, even children who are several years younger than him can often ride on his neck to show off their power after a few years of practice.

In the past, he has been reluctant to admit it.

Today, he can no longer deceive himself.

"Could it be that the God of Fist has never blessed me?"

Gus asked himself.

Then, more than ten years of bitterness, grievances, pain and resentment, all turned into a howling wolf, "I'm not trash!"

Using both hands hard, the crossbow bolt came out with blood and broken bones. Guo Qi jumped up in pain, clutching his bleeding shoulder and screaming again and again, he naturally let go of Gus.

Gus took the opportunity to roll on the spot, trying to escape the opponent's attack range.

Guo Qi, on the other hand, swooped forward with a hundred times more ferocious posture. It seemed that even if an arm was crippled, he still had the confidence to tear Gus into pieces.

Guo Qi's furious expression merged with Gus's imagined face of Qin Yi who was burned into a toad in the raging flames. Gus was so frightened that he waved the crossbow in his hand indiscriminately, almost cutting off Guo Qi's nose.

"Bastard! Trash! Traitor! I'll kill you!"

On the tip of Guo Qi's nose, a soybean-sized meat granule fell, with only a little oily skin attached, dangling on his lips, looking both terrifying and funny.

He was already furious, stood up like a bear with a wounded head, and jumped towards Gus, ignoring the fact that he had opened the door. Thinking about it, in Guo Qi's eyes, it was impossible for Gus's small arms and legs to hurt him.

Even when he saw Gus fish out two chained mechanical crossbows from behind, his angry expression didn't change at all, as if Gus's image of "trash" was so deeply rooted in people's hearts that he couldn't believe it at all. , Even a "trash" like Gus can grow devil's fangs.


Gus fired out more than a dozen crossbow bolts in one breath.

Guo Qi seemed to have been hammered hard by an invisible iron fist. He fell out, hit a big tree, and slipped into the mud at the bottom of the tree.

His chest was densely filled with crossbow arrows, as if there were two hedgehogs lying on his stomach—flaming hedgehogs.

In a short while, Guo Qi turned into a ball of fire, and the flames spread along the tree, turning the branches into dazzling torches, which could not be extinguished even by the storm, reflecting the already thrilling battlefield even more panic. .

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Gus gasped.

This is his first murder.

Kill a devout Fist follower.

He is no longer trash.

But, traitor? Gus didn't know whether he was qualified to continue to believe in the way of the iron fist.

Soon, classmates who looked down on him in the past helped him make a decision.

"Gus killed Guo Qi!"

"The two siblings have indeed fallen into the devil's way!"

"Damn it, traitor who believes in 'the power of machinery and steam'!"

A few more pursuers rushed towards him.

Gus half numb, half mechanically raised the chain mechanical crossbow.

The mechanical crossbow modified by Lu Qingchen seems to be filled with endless crossbow arrows—or, in Lu Qingchen's words, it is called the "infinite ammo hang" for both Gus and Gray, so that he can shoot without a breath. Pause, shoot till the end of the world.

The pursuers did not expect the firepower of the two siblings to be so fierce, and even Gus, a "trash", had magic weapons in his hands.

The infinite firepower of the four chained mechanical crossbows interweaves into an impenetrable fire net, like flaming thorns and long whips, whipping towards the pursuers, causing the pursuers to scream, or scream like Guo Qi. In the cry, he fell directly to the ground.

There were also several chasing soldiers in a hurry, and Gray saw the flaw, and kicked them down the mountain col one by one.

The short encounter battle came to an end for the time being.

In the depths of the rainstorm, there were no more pursuers who could stand and fight.