Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3457: Iron Fist Enemy (25) wishes


The mountain wind howled.


There are also black birds that symbolize death, chirping in the depths of the mist.

The boy and his sister fell, fell, and fell fast.

It is said that falling off a cliff or jumping off a building is a very wonderful way to die.

As long as the cliff or tall building is high enough and the falling time is long enough, one can experience two kinds of death at the same time.

First of all, the physical body fell from a high place, smashed to pieces like a watermelon, and there was a crash.

The second is that the soul goes out of the body and falls from the world to hell.


Boundless darkness, great terror.

The flames in the darkness, the oil pan boiling above the flames, the toad-like sinners who were tortured in the oil pan and were blown out with blood bubbles all over their bodies.

Gus saw all kinds of visions of hell in a trance.

The person dancing in the oil pan, floating up and down, like a scorched toad, was his classmate "Qin Yi" who was sent to the stake by his own hands.

No, it's not Qin Yi, it's not a specific person, but it's made up of the souls of countless fallen people who don't believe in the boxing god. Countless fallen souls are suffering eternal torment in hell at the same time.

It also includes Dad.

Dad's face suddenly emerged from the frying pan.

Dad held the edge of the frying pan with both hands.

Because the skin was torn apart and the bones were crispy, Dad's lips, eyes, nose, ears and fingers were broken one by one and fell down.


Baba, crispy, screaming at Gus and Gray, "Run, run, run!"


Gus woke up with a start.

The soul was smashed back into the body.

Then came the pain like smashing bones, bombarding the whole body.

He was in so much pain that he vomited blood, and even felt that what he vomited was not blood, but the melted mucus from his internal organs.

But he wasn't dead yet, Gus was sure of that.

Because the biting mountain wind and icy mountain rain still stimulated the 36,000 pores on his body, stinging like a sharp blade as thin as a cicada's wing, and tortured him with thousands of cuts.

Gus struggled to get up, feeling dizzy.

He put his hands on the ground, and with a "wow", he vomited bile covered with blood.

Finally a little sober.

Can barely gather the spirit and observe the surrounding environment.

Judging from the screams above and the dots of torches, the height of their fall was lower than expected.

The cliff above did not fall straight into the abyss, but there was a wide platform more than ten meters away from the cliff, and there were still trees growing on the platform, but it was covered by the mist just now, so it couldn't be seen clearly. .

Gus and Gray just fell onto this platform and were covered by trees. In fact, they only fell more than ten meters, and they fell half to death.


Gus pounced on his sister and hugged Gray into his arms, and found that her whole body was limp as if she had no bones, and her breathing and heartbeat were extremely weak.

The punch of the priest of Fist Temple should have such power.

This can be regarded as Lei Lie's uncle, the last bit of kindness to his niece, hoping to blow Gray off the cliff with one punch, and die happily, so as not to be tied back to the Fist Temple by Wuhua Da, and suffer the torment of being burned under the watchful eyes of everyone .


Fate played a big joke with them.

This piece of protruding rock not only hindered them, but also couldn't make them die quickly.

Moreover, this rock stretches all the way, and is connected to the cliff above. In other words, the people above can easily reach here and catch them back like pigs.

At this time, there happened to be a strong wind blowing, and the mist was slightly blown away.

Gus heard an exclamation from above the cliff.

Apparently someone found their hideout.

The torch began to search for a foothold, made a big circle, and gradually approached them.

Now, even Lei Lie can no longer make excuses to throw them off the cliff for personal gain. He can only find a way to capture them alive and give them the most humiliating and painful death.

Gus hugged his sister, his whole face was swollen, distorted, and raised, like a hideous mask.

He saw his sister's lips quiver.

Listening, my sister said weakly: "Throw me down, throw me down."

Gus looked at the abyss at the end of the platform, there should be no second platform below, could this be their final end.

Gus wanted to laugh.

He really laughed maniacally, laughing until his seven orifices bleed, laughing so hard that his veins bulged, and laughed so hard that he was out of breath.

Why, this is the end of him and his sister

Why, God of Boxing doesn't tell the world that there really is "the power of machinery and steam" in the world

Why, their lives and even the whole world revolve around the word "fist"

Why, not to mention cultivation, even the study of "the power of machinery and steam" has become a taboo


Gus has never been so thirsty for power, he longs to be powerful enough to go to the ends of the world to find the truth behind all the "whys".

The torches were getting closer.

The captors have found their way down, just like a fire dragon baring its teeth and claws, opening its mouth wide open.

There is no hope.


everything is over.

He, a weak waste from birth, a weakling cursed by the Fist God, a fallen man tainted with evil power, will never know the truth.

It's really... infuriating!

Gus heard his bones "cracking" and even heard the sound of his teeth being crushed.

Then, there was a polite question: "Are you longing for power?"

Gus looked back at the demon.

At some point, the devil emerged from the steam ball again, looking at him with a smile on his dark and deep eyes.

"What conditions?"

Gus heard his throat creak like a rusty door hinge.

But as long as you turn it, that is, spit out the first word, it will be easy to handle later.

"Soul, your soul."

Lu Qingchen took his time, repeating the joke just now.

That's no joke.

Gus's pupils contracted suddenly, and he thought for a long time, or for a moment.

"My soul, is it really useful to you?"

He questioned the demon seriously.

"Don't get me wrong, there's nothing special about you. It doesn't matter if I change it casually. It's just that everyone is so destined, and I'm too lazy to bother."

Lu Qingchen smiled and said, "Didn't I promise to fulfill your three wishes? In this way, I can let you temporarily keep your soul, and wait until all three wishes are fulfilled before harvesting. This is finally a good deal." right?"

Gus tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked, "Can any wish be fulfilled?"

"Theoretically, yes, including becoming the strongest in the world, but I don't want to lie to you, if you really make this wish, then I can make you the strongest in the world at this second, and you will be the strongest at the next second." You will be killed by the fist god."

Lu Qingchen said, "So, let's take it easy, proceed step by step, and achieve a small goal first... For example, kill all the pursuers, escape with your sister and so on."

"Then, then my first wish is to escape with my sister."

Gus hesitated, gritted his teeth, "If they don't stop me, I don't want to kill them."

"No problem, the demon Lu Qingchen, I'm at your command anytime, as for whether to kill or not, it's up to you."

As Lu Qingchen said, he collected all the crossbow arrows and other weapons that fell together with the two siblings.

Muttering words in his mouth, steam was released from his fingertips, and the white mist enveloped all weapons.

After a harsh sound of metal twisting, squeezing and colliding, the white mist dissipated, and all the weapons changed their shape, becoming gleaming silver with electric arcs, full of unimaginable structures and lights.

Gus was stunned, feeling blinded in both eyes.

"This, what is this?" He pointed to the weapons all over the floor, stammering.

"This is the orbital commando standard equipment of Star Federation, a powerful anti-material assault rifle 'Thunder-3'."

The devil smiled and introduced, "This is a triple-mounted heavy-duty Vulcan cannon specially made by the elite special forces of the Human Empire "Kuroshio Legion". Originally, only super strong men who weighed more than two hundred catties and were more than two meters tall could control it, but here Well, I modified the parameters and lowered the weight and recoil, you'll be fine.

"And this one is the covenant alliance's shoulder-mounted miniature rocket launcher, the 'God's Punishment-7', just like the covenants, precise and ruthless, it is the best killing machine.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to dress up and have fun!"