Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3462: Iron Fist Enemy (30) Truth


"Fist God is on top!"

"Fist God help me!"

"Fist God is invincible, subdue demons!"

The ascetic monks seem to have become the incarnation of the God of Fist. Every piece of copper-cast iron and high-protruding muscle is the gift and will of the God of Fist. They almost turn their blood into stormy waves. Si blasted his head and brain.

Gus squeezed the trigger impassively.

The Vulcan Cannon spun unhurriedly, and the three black holes of the triple-mounted muzzle sprayed out three flame whips, interlaced together to form the Death's Scythe, and began the devastating harvest.

The first ascetic monk was amputated in the middle by the flame sickle, and like Zhou Yan just now, he was divided into two parts without any suspense.

The second ascetic monk slammed a powerful punch, the fist and the bullet collided fiercely, and his arms, shoulders, chest and heart were all reduced to powder on the spot, the bullet scorched and took away most of his internal organs, leaving a corpse Eyes wide open, I can't believe it.

The third and fourth ascetic monks, one behind the other, were simultaneously shot into a hornet's nest by magma-like bullets. They only chanted their extremely pious slogans halfway, and they froze there as soon as they uttered the word "Fist God".

Fifth, sixth, seventh...

The menacing ascetic monks became vulnerable targets, and their majestic movements seemed to just make their death look a little better.


Shura's hellish scene, like a red-hot iron, is deeply imprinted on the hearts and souls of the pursuers, making them shudder.

Lost in spirit, I only felt that my belief, like the sky, began to crack and was about to collapse.

The flaming Death Scythe harvested the lives of more than a dozen ascetic monks in an instant, and began to extend towards the pursuers. After the three pursuers were shot alive into balls of meat paste, the pursuers realized as if awakening from a dream. Si's attack distance is far beyond their imagination.

At this moment, the positions of the hunter and the prey were completely reversed, and the pursuers discovered in despair that they were not hunters at all, but small beasts shivering in the trap.


I don't know who was the first to scream.

The pursuers were like ants whose nests had been destroyed, making a fuss, making noise, scrambling to turn around and run away.

At this moment, they have displayed all the wonderful skills taught by the God of Boxing, running as fast as monkeys with oil on their feet, jumping as high as birds with their buttocks on fire, and screaming hysterically while fleeing. Shouting, venting unprecedented fear and confusion.

There was only one person who did not join the fleeing team that rolled back like waves.

Still like a mainstay, it stands on the cliff like a reef on an isolated island.

The priest of Fist Temple, Lei Lie!


Lei Lie's expression was indeed in a daze.

But more is heartbroken and sad, as if lamenting that his own nephew has fallen to such a degree.

"What kind of demon have you come into contact with!"

Lei Lie strode towards Gus.

Every time he took a step, the black robe on his body swelled a little, leaving footprints like craters behind him, and even stepped on the ground with criss-cross cracks, like a sword stabbing Gus.

"Uncle, don't force me!"

Gus's eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and he really felt possessed in a trance. He roared like a wild beast, pointed his gun at Lei Lie, and blasted a smoky trench on the ground.

"Are these ghostly tricks the reason why you two, brother and sister, are obsessed with obsession?"

Lei Lie roared, the black robe swelled to the limit, suddenly torn apart, and every piece of clothes that exploded stretched out, blocking Gus' vision and hiding his movements.

Behind the black robe, Lei Lie first leaped high with terrifying momentum, then made a strange turn in mid-air, and swooped back to the ground silently, like a big bird turning into a poisonous snake, clinging to the ground, and sneaking towards Gus .

If Gus was holding an ordinary weapon, or even a chain mechanical crossbow with an exquisite structure, it would be impossible to capture Lei Lie's lightning-fast and extremely mysterious figure without a see-through eye.

Even if the "Kuroshio" triple-mounted Vulcan cannon is a heavy equipment with a slow steering speed, and it is controlled by a novice like Gus, who is powerless, he can't keep up with Lei Lie's rhythm.

But don't forget, Gus is also carrying a covenant alliance's "God's Punishment-7" miniature rocket launcher on his shoulder, which uses infrared locking, automatic firing, and no-go attack mode.

Gus's naked eyes and consciousness didn't notice Lei Lie approaching close to the ground, but he was clearly seen by the "God's Punishment-7" infrared sensor.


Dozens of rockets, as light and small as bees, whizzed out from the "hive" on Gus's shoulder, drilled into the ground seven or eight meters away, formed small volcanoes, and erupted suddenly.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Flame fangs protruded from the ground, criss-crossed, overlapping upwards, wave after wave.

The raging flames billowed, forcing Lei Lie to have nowhere to hide, he had no choice but to jump up again to dodge the attack of shock waves and magma.

In the eyes of the people of Chijin Town, this priest of the Fist Temple who symbolized the will of the Fist God and was invincible in all battles was completely bruised and burned, and he was in extreme embarrassment.

"Even the priest..."

"How is it possible, God of Fist, what is going on in this world?"

"Gus, this trash, has become so powerful with the help of the devil, why?"

"Isn't the God of Fist the most powerful god in heaven and earth? Why isn't even the most loyal messenger of the God of Fist, the priest of the Temple of Fist, an opponent of the devil?"

The scarred survivors, with pale faces and scattered eyes, held their heads and fell into a vortex of collapse.

"See, Uncle, this is the power of demons!"

Gus vented his emotions that had been suppressed for more than ten years, "Dad is right, he was not deceived by the devil, but he really saw the power of the devil that is stronger than the fist god, so he was obsessed with studying the power of machinery and steam." of!

"Win the king and lose the bandit, the weak prey on the strong, isn't that the law of the boxing god world

"Isn't Boxing God the only true god in this world because of his invincible power

"Isn't it because of the unparalleled strength of the fist god that we worship him, surrender to him, and believe in him

"Now, gods and demons more powerful than the God of Fist have appeared, and powers more powerful than the Way of the Iron Fist have appeared. Who is the true god, who is the devil, who believes in the truth, and who is deceived by lies? You and Dad, who is it? Yes, who is wrong? Tell me, uncle, tell me!"