Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3463: Iron Fist Enemy (31) Abyss


Gus has become possessed.

And the flames emanating from the hive on his shoulders, like the magic fire from the bottom of purgatory, constantly devoured and devoured the rugged path on the rock wall.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the "God's Punishment-7" miniature rocket launcher, the rock wall was blasted out with large holes like craters.

Large pieces of rock fell down like an avalanche.

The pursuers ran away one after another, still screaming after being smashed.

Barely transported enough qi to protect the body, and begged the God of Fist in his heart to bless him, but he still couldn't stop the fate of being smashed by the gravel, and even thrown off the cliff by a boulder with a diameter of three to five meters, and his body was smashed to pieces.

The smoke and dust rose up like a raging flame, covering a radius of several miles, even if the raindrops gathered again, they couldn't extinguish it.

Including Lei Lie whose internal organs were churned by the shock wave and his seven orifices were bleeding profusely, everyone could only hear the devil-like laughter of a young man from the depths of the smoke and dust, and saw that he was extremely large and evil under the backdrop of modern weapons figure.

The destructive power even made some people unable to restrain the thoughts of blasphemy—even if the fist god came, he might not be able to move forward even half a step in the face of the overwhelming destructive power, right

After an unknown amount of time, Gus finally stopped venting.

The sky and the earth stopped shaking, the rocks stopped falling, and everyone was still in shock, looking at the depths of the gradually thinning smoke and dust.

They saw that Gus put the devastating weapon back on his back, and his figure was once again squashed and small.

If it weren't for the bloody wounds on everyone's bodies that still hurt their hearts, and the loss of more than half of their companions, they really would have wondered whether it was a ridiculous nightmare just now, and Gus was still that useless waste with no power to restrain the chicken.

Unfortunately, no matter how much they gritted their teeth and rubbed their eyes, the nightmare could not end.

Gus picked up Gray.

The boy hugged his hot sister tightly, this was the only temperature he could feel in the world.

He glanced at his uncle and the surviving pursuers with half-contemptuous, half-hateful eyes, and then, he took two steps back and jumped off the edge of the cliff without looking back.


Lei Lie wanted to stop his nephew.

But couldn't even make a sound.

His throat was clogged with blood.

Even the soul was shocked and frozen in fear.

He stretched his neck and looked towards the misty abyss, only to see a small black spot gradually disappearing.

Lei Lie and the surviving pursuers looked at each other, everyone's faces were covered with cracks of broken faith and shattered worldview.

At the same time, they sat on the ground with their buttocks, and their fists, which were as strong as steel, trembled slightly. They were silent for a long time, and no one wanted to speak.

But it was clear that in the depths of everyone's eye sockets, there was a mass of rebellious confusion. The priests of the Boxing Temple and the loyal believers of the Boxing God couldn't help asking themselves secretly in their hearts:

"We, are we wrong?"

At the bottom of the cliff, in the abyss.

Gus and Gray fell at high speed, as if falling from earth to hell again.

The surrounding scenery is passing by quickly, only the strange rocky ground is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that it is about to be in close contact.

Suddenly, Lu Qingchen blew lightly towards the ground.

The ground twisted like a wave, and the originally thin and light air suddenly became thick and dense, as if it was covered with fluffy feathers at the landing point of Gus and Gray.


The two siblings fell into the invisible feathers, and the huge impact of falling thousands of feet was instantly dissipated. They rebounded several times in a row, and fell lightly to the ground.

Looking at the cloud-shrouded mountain above, thinking that he was still on the top of the mountain just now, transformed into a demon, and killed all directions, Gus seemed like a lifetime away.

"Is it cool?"

Lu Qingchen asked with a smile behind him.


Knowing that the devil had bad intentions, the boy still nodded his head heavily, and said back, "You are indeed omnipotent, even more powerful than the God of Boxing!"

"I'm not omnipotent, but it's necessary to be better than the boxing champion."

Lu Qingchen said, "However, don't be too happy too early, tampering with the data will soon trigger a chain reaction, and be discovered by the boxing champion's anti-virus system, and follow the vines to find this place. Next, the people chasing and killing you will be more and more More will become stronger and stronger. This is regarded as drinking poison to quench thirst, a vicious circle.

"Before the boxing champion finds out, we must find the weakest place in the world—only by choosing there as a battlefield can we truly defeat the boxing champion."

"I know."

Gus nodded and said, "My sister said that in the base camp of the Southern Steam Army, more and more people have seen through the lies of God of Boxing and chose the power of machinery and steam. That should be the most vulnerable place in the world.

"We can go to the largest city within 500 miles of 'Qianyuan City' first, and go down the river from there to the south!"

"very good."

Lu Qingchen smiled and said, "It seems that you have finally awakened. You really deserve to be the boy that this devil has favored from the beginning!"

Gus hesitated: "Really?"

Lu Qingchen nodded: "Of course, I chose you from the beginning. As for your sister, it's just a gift."

Gus frowned: "Aren't you lying to me, don't you think I'm a... trash?"

Lu Qingchen spread his hands: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether you are a genius or a waste in this world, anyway, I can modify the data. Compared with your initial data, I value your adjustability and privacy more. Oh, now say Even if you don’t understand, I’ll tell you slowly when I have a chance in the future, shall we go?”

"Okay, let's go."

Gus breathed a sigh of relief, hugged his sister again, and prepared to go on the road.

Suddenly, he stopped again, hesitated for a while, and then mustered up the courage to say, "I, can I believe in you?"

Lu Qingchen froze for a moment: "What?"

"I know that you are not a mechanical demon and a steam demon, but you have more powerful power than them."

Gus gritted his teeth, "I have abandoned the way of the iron fist, but I don't want to believe in the power of steam like my father and sister—compared with the 'bolter guns and bombards' you gave me, the mechanical and steam-driven 'chain crossbow' , steam gun', they are all as ridiculous as a three-year-old's toy.

"I have tasted the power you gave me, I can't go back, I want to believe in your way, no matter what you are, what your way is, what price I have to pay, and what will I look like!"

Lu Qingchen raised his eyebrows, turned his head and looked at the young man for a long time, confirming that the young man was serious, he whistled complacently, but said: "Sorry, no."

Gus was anxious: "Why?"

"Listen, little brother Gus, for the sake of your potential and beautiful speech, you can borrow my strength, you can hang out with me, and you can trust me, but you can't trust me. "

Lu Qingchen was grinning, but his eyes became extremely deep in an instant.

It is so deep that it can hold the entire universe, shining with billions of stars.

He restrained all his frivolity and evil spirit, and said sincerely and deeply, "Because even I myself don't know what to believe in, I'm still struggling to find... my way!"