Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3465: Enemies of the Iron Fist (Thirty-Three) Leaflet


For a while, the crowd was in an uproar.

Many devout disciples of the Fist God drew out their fists and glared at him.

There were also people who looked terrified, frightened by the arrogance of the mechanical and steam cultists in front of the statue of the fist god in broad daylight.

Not far away, a group of guards with hulking backs, eyes like copper bells, and high temples pushed away the crowd and rushed towards the heretic.

This guy turned a blind eye, still chanting heterodox slogans and throwing toilet paper.

The straw paper was like snowflakes, falling down one after another.

Most devout believers are afraid of snakes and scorpions, and avoid it as if the straw paper is poisonous.

But there are also very few people who can't resist the temptation of curiosity, secretly grab the straw paper, look at it for a few times, then quickly throw it aside, and then step on it as if nothing happened to prove their innocence.

Gus swallowed and snatched one, too.

The straw paper was very rough, and there were a few very simple words written on it, which meant nothing more than "the old god is dead, and the new god shall be established".

But there is also a so-called "Steam God" pattern printed on the bottom, which is a huge steam engine driving eight mechanical arms, like a steel troll with teeth and claws.

This pattern is quite exquisite, the lines are very thin and crisscross, even on the rough straw paper, the ink does not smudge.

Gus looked at it, and there were exactly the same patterns on other straw papers.

Stack the two pieces of straw paper together with your toes, the two patterns are exactly the same, and every line can match.

This shows that this pattern is not drawn.

Instead, it was printed directly on a printing press.

In his father's notes, Gus had seen something similar to a printing press, a large machine with a precise structure.

Gus's heart trembled when he realized that the pagans had the strength to hide a printing press in Qianyuan City.

At this time, the guards had already swarmed up and pressed down the guy distributing the leaflets.

Like a few bears crushing a sheep, they almost didn't crush this guy to death.

But this guy really has a kind of immortal spirit, under the pressure of hundreds of pounds of muscle lumps, he still screams recklessly.

It was just a sharp and thin cry, completely meaningless, like a person whose tongue had been cut out, uttering the most vicious curse to the sky.

Gus and Gray looked at each other.

Look at the sky again.

It is daytime.

But the crack in the sky that can be seen in Chijin Town has become more and more obvious, like a huge smiling mouth mocking the powerlessness of the fist god.

"The world is about to collapse."

For no reason, Gus thought of Lu Qingchen's words again.

I don't know if the world will collapse, but the activities of the mechanical and steam cultists are indeed getting more and more rampant, and the control of the Fist Temple is indeed getting weaker and weaker.

Gus and Gray watched impassively as the guy handing out the leaflets was dragged away by the guards.

A meandering and thick bloodstain was left on the ground.

There are guards coming up to check everyone's ID.

Because he seldom uses machinery and doesn't like to use tools, the identity certificate in the world of Fist God is very rough, nothing more than a piece of bamboo with his name and hometown engraved on it.

Gus and Gray have already stolen passers-by's IDs and forged them.

The more troublesome thing is their faces. During the extraordinary period, a pair of siblings will definitely attract attention when they come to Qianyuan City.

Regarding this point, Lu Qingchen also disguised them, and just blew on their faces, making them completely unrecognizable. They were two dark-complexioned mountain people, and Gus looked older than him. Lei has grown up a lot and is completely different from her real face.

The attention of the guards was all on the guy who distributed the leaflets just now, and it was just a routine for the onlookers to see if they had hidden leaflets on their bodies.

Gus and Gray each carried a big pannier, which was stuffed with mountain goods, but they stuffed the steam ball that Lu Qingchen hid, and the precious notes left by their father, into the bellies of the pheasants and wild ducks.

The guards checked casually and waved them away.

The two followed the bustling crowd and squeezed into Qianyuan City.

Although Qianyuan City is a big city in the north, its market is not very prosperous.

In other words, none of the cities in the world of Boxing God can be called a "prosperous market".

Because this world advocates a life of hardship and simplicity, and a life of iron and blood, and is not interested in luxury, luxury, and feasting and feasting.

Passing through the city gate, looking around, the most eye-catching landmark in the entire Qianyuan Town is the palace-like Fist Temple.

Around the boxing hall, there are hundreds of boxing gyms and dojos, and there are rings and martial arts fields in the front and back.

Thousands of men with big arms, round waists and high muscles, exuding blood and sweat, gathered in the air into clusters of red clouds with teeth and claws.

Muscles collided with each other fiercely, making a "crackling" sound, which is the most sacred music of the way of iron fist.

In addition to the Fist Temple and the Martial Arts Hall, there are many strange-looking guys on the street.

They are often dressed in rags, even covered in dirt, but their eyes are shining brightly, and they are surrounded by a powerful aura. They sit cross-legged on the side of the road, with a sign in front of them, which says their origins, realms and skills they are good at. .

These are wandering boxers, traveling the world of boxing gods, making friends with martial arts, exchanging skills, and increasing experience.

From time to time, someone came forward to challenge the wandering boxers. Everyone "cracked", and the winner could be determined in two or three strokes. Naturally, they were all beaten up with bruises and swollen faces, but they were not angry. They became confidants whom they hadn't met for many years.

There are even some weird people who, every time they take a step, they will kneel down on the street like no one else, and hit their heads hard on the ground.


His head was fine, but the big bluestones on the street were bumped into pits by them, and the cracks like spider webs continued to spread.

Gus had heard that these guys were all ascetic monks who had made great wishes in front of the God of Boxing, using methods of torturing their bodies to purify their minds and listen to the voice of God of Boxing.

The guy whose head hits the ground is probably practicing the "Iron Head Kung Fu". If you walk all the way, bump all the way, and walk a hundred and eight thousand miles, the iron head kung fu is impossible if you don't think so.

In the past, Gus admired the ascetic monk very much, and even thought that he would become an ascetic monk one day, move the fist god with sincerity, and reverse his fate.

Now, having seen the power of the bolter and the Vulcan, Gus looked at the ascetic again and just wanted to sneer.

Except for the boxing gym, the shops along the street basically have two purposes.

One is restaurants—boxers have big muscles and naturally have a lot of appetite. A meal of three to five catties of beef plus three to five catties of steamed buns is a piece of cake, so there are more restaurants here than boxing gyms, and the scale is small. Pretty big.

The second is the shop that sells plasters and weapons. Plasters are necessary for cultivation. Although weapons such as swords, bows and arrows are scoffed at by experts, they are still necessary for the old and weak, women and children to use for self-defense.