Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3468: Enemy of the Iron Fist (36) Holy Son


"Master Holy Son!"

"My lord saint!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and all the believers of Mechanism and Steam Cult, their eyes lit up, were extremely excited, and they shouted frantically at Gus and Grey.

The two siblings were caught off guard and were at a loss for a moment, their cheeks were red up to the ears.

"What do you mean, we, we are not 'holy sons' and 'holy women'."

Gus looked at Luo Xinglong, his mind went blank, and he stammered, "What are you doing?"

"Of course, the two are the 'Holy Son' and 'Holy Maiden' whom I taught. They came to the world with the mission of expelling false gods and letting the world establish their belief in the true God—of course, the will of the true God is mysterious and profound. Maybe you I just didn't notice it."

Luo Xinglong looked at the two of them with piercing eyes and said, "The two of you should have noticed that after the huge cracks appeared in the southern sky, there were also huge cracks in the sky with a radius of 500 miles in Qianyuan City in the north. As if something came into being, right

"This is the sign that the mask of the 'God of Fist' can no longer conceal its weak and evil true face, and the spokesperson of the true God has come to the world!

"And you are the messengers of the true god, and there is a powerful force in your body that you don't realize.

"If you weren't the 'Holy Son' and 'Holy Maiden' I taught, how could you rush out of the interception team led by priest Lei Lie of the Fist Temple? Master

"You know, Chijin Town is one of the dozens of towns near Qianyuan City. The Chengquan Temple came to participate in the contest among the priests, and the strength was quite dazzling.

"If it wasn't for the protection of the true god, just the two of you would be no match for Lei Lie's little finger. Am I right?"

"This… "

Gus was momentarily at a loss for words.

He naturally knew that the key to his and his sister's escape from the siege was the demon Lu Qingchen.

Although they are all demons in the mouth of the Fist Temple, Lu Qingchen is not the same as "Mechanical Demon" and "Steam Demon". The power that Gus got is also far superior to the power of steam.

However, Lu Qingchen reminded everyone that no matter who he met, he could not tell the truth, and Gus didn't like these fanatical believers very much, thinking that they were just a coin like the same fanatical believers of Boxing God only two sides.

"If you are not the 'Holy Son', how did you break out of the encirclement?"

Luo Xinglong smiled and said, "Especially you, Gus, I've heard a lot about you from your father, and I know that you... measured by the standard of 'Iron Fist', your strength is not outstanding, even quite weak.

"Don't get me wrong, the Way of Steam and the Way of Iron Fist are two completely different systems of strength and evaluation. People who are weaker in the system of Way of Iron Fist are outstanding and have unlimited potential in our measure of Way of Steam !

"We just want to know, at that time, in the heavy rain in the deep mountains, what exactly did you do to make Lei Lie burnt out and return home without a feather?"

"Me, I don't know either."

Gus could only say vaguely, "I, I just felt that the world was spinning, and the whole world became blurred and in a trance. I don't know how long it took, but I saw stumps and broken arms all over the ground. The pursuers suffered heavy casualties, even me. Uncle—Lei Lie all ran away.”

"That's right, Lord Son, that's right!"

Luo Xinglong waved his fist excitedly, and shouted loudly to the surroundings, "I don't know what's going on, but I just killed nearly a hundred powerful pursuers in a daze, this is not the power of the true god, what else can it be

"So, Gus and Gray must be the 'Holy Son' and 'Holy Maiden' I taught, and they were sent by the God of Steam to cleanse the world of sins and blind faith and establish true faith!

"Everyone, the false god 'King of Boxing' has deceived the world for nearly ten thousand years. For ten thousand years, our world has been stagnant, ignorant and backward, and bloody and tyrannical. The noble human race has become a barbarian with strong limbs and a simple mind, and even a beast that drinks blood. !

"Those who try to ignite the flame of wisdom in the dark and look for a way out are constantly hunted down and suppressed by the minions of the 'King of Boxing'. Year after year, generation after generation, the blood has already gathered into the sea, and the bones have already been piled up. high mountains.

"To this day, the belief in the true god finally has a new hope - in the south, the steam army has already assembled, occupied the towns, destroyed the temples of the false gods, and used the indestructible steam cannon to destroy the so-called invincible 'iron fist army' of the false gods. It was smashed to pieces.

"In the north, the belief in the true God was also secretly spread in countless towns, like a wildfire that spread out of control until it tore the sky and brought down the 'Holy Son' and 'Saint Maiden'.

"Their arrival means that the power of the false gods has been weakened to the extreme, and the day when the flag of righteousness is raised high in the north and roars is not far away, the false gods must be defeated, long live the true gods, false gods must be defeated, long live the true god !"

Luo Xinglong's voice became more and more high-pitched.

Beads of sweat the size of soybeans seeped out from his forehead, and turned into wisps of white smoke, rising up, making him look like a steam engine driven to the limit.

"False gods must be defeated, long live the true god!"

"False gods must be defeated, long live the true god!"

The believers below also fell into a state of frenzy, and went crazy like a tsunami.

Gus and Gray were a little dizzy.

Unexpectedly, their arrival would set off an uncontrollable chain reaction.

It turned out that the power of the Mechanics and Steam Cult in the north, especially in Qianyuan City, had grown to such an extent that it was difficult to hide.

If the organization continues to expand and move forward, it will definitely be noticed by the Fist Temple.

Since there will be a battle sooner or later, it is better to strike first.

These days, news came from the south that the "Steam Army" had defeated the "Iron Fist Army" head-on, which boosted the morale of the believers in the north.

A huge crack appeared in the sky, more like a "heart booster", which strengthened the believers' obsession and made them believe that "the old god is dead, and the new god will stand".

The news that the two siblings, Gus and Gray, were able to break out of the siege and almost killed Lei Lie, the priest of the Fist Temple, is an out-and-out miracle, even a "miracle", and it is a signal clearly conveyed by the true god to the believers .

If God doesn't take it, you will be blamed instead.

When the news came, the Mechanics and Steam Cult believers in Qianyuan City were already ready to move, unable to hold back like boiling water in a pot.

Now, Gus and Gray appeared directly in front of them, and it was almost right next to their ears, blowing the clarion call to revolt!