Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3470: Enemies of the Iron Fist (38) made trouble


Gus and Gray panicked when they heard this.

I thought that after I found the secret stronghold of the Mechanic and Steam Cult in Qianyuan City, I would be able to be safely escorted to the south.

Unexpectedly, they are "mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, and they cannot protect themselves"!

Luo Xinglong had a straight face, but there was no panic expression on his face. On the contrary, as the situation became more and more serious, his eyes became more and more determined, to the point of madness.

"In this case, there is no way."

He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence.

Then, he took a deep breath and raised his arms and shouted, "Renewing the old and reforming the new is just now. Believers of the true God, the arrival of the 'Holy Son' and the 'Holy Maiden' is the most definite revelation from the true God. Let us now Pick up a weapon, rush out, let those poor people who have been deceived by false gods for tens of thousands of years, see the power of the true god!"

"Today? Now?"

Many believers were a little surprised.

"That's right, even the 'Holy Son' and the 'Holy Maiden' have appeared, not today, when will we wait!"

Some people were also inexplicably excited.

"The Holy Son and the Holy Maiden can fight against the boxers in the entire Chijin Town, plus we have so many people, so many chain crossbows and steam guns, how difficult it is to wipe out Qianyuan City!"

Some even looked at the two Gus brothers with great anticipation, making them blush and heartbeat, as if ten thousand ants were crawling in their hearts.

Of course, there are also very few people who know the inside story, most of them are like Luo Xinglong, die-hard believers and core members of Mechanism and Steam Cult, who know that with the destruction of the underground printing office and the arrest of the printing workers, the situation has become imminent, and they have to act. At this moment, if the fish is not killed and the net is broken, then it will really fall to the chopping board and let the mermaid be eaten.

"The old god is dead, and the new god should be established. The old god and the new are in the present!"

As the backbone, they took the lead and followed Luo Xinglong to shout.

After shouting dozens of times, all believers have forgotten their doubts and worries, and are full of longing for victory and courage to fight.

"Very well, then we will act according to plan!"

Luo Xinglong issued orders, and first looked at a bald giant, "Tai Long, you lead the elite death squad to seize the grain depot in the south of the city. Remember, it doesn't matter if you can't capture the grain depot, but you must successfully set fire to the grain depot to attract the attention of the Boxing Temple and contain a large number of people. Iron Fist Army!"

"Yes, long live the true god!"

A giant bald man named "Tailong" led away with a well-crafted kerosene pump on his shoulders.

"Xin Zhao, you go to contact all our forces dormant in the city and tell them the news of the advance action."

Luo Xinglong continued to say to a young man with a thin figure and long legs, "Let them follow the plan agreed in advance and launch a fierce attack on all targets!"

Xin Zhao nodded and walked away quickly.

"Andre, before dark, you and your people must seize the pier and all ships."

Luo Xinglong said, "Because manipulating a boat requires a lot of machinery, and many workshops by the river are also secretly using machinery. With the help of the river's flow, these people who rely on the water for their livelihood are the easiest to stand by our side, and the easiest to suffer. To the suppression of the Fist Temple—we must organize and arm these people before the Fist Temple, and become the backbone to seize Qianyuan City."

The little man named "Andri" carried two chain crossbows on his back, two chain crossbows hanging on his waist, and two chain crossbows in his hands, plus the arrows tied on his chest, back and calves The sac is like a hedgehog full of crossbow arrows.

He was gearing up, impatient, nodded and left.

"and many more-"

Luo Xinglong glanced at the two sisters of Gus, hesitated for a moment, called Andre again, and instructed, "Remember, your mission here is extremely important, even if you can't seize the entire dock, you must seize as many ships as possible, and To destroy the enemy ships, we must ensure that the waterway is in our hands—whether our people want to withdraw, or the reinforcements of the steam army from the south want to go north, they must pass through the waterway!"


The little Andre grinned, carrying six chain crossbows, and swaggered away.

"For the rest, we shoulder the most sacred and important mission!"

An abnormal red color appeared on Luo Xinglong's face, and he said hoarsely, "Let's lift the steam cannon bestowed on us by the true god to the ground, and defend it to the Fist Temple step by step!

"Remember, no matter how much you pay, how many people are killed or injured, you must carry the steam cannon to the gate of the Fist Temple.

"The lies of the false gods have fooled the world for thousands of years, but as long as the steam cannon fires and the Temple of Fist is smashed and collapsed, then the lies will be self-defeating, and all the residents of Qianyuan City will realize that the mechanical And the greatness of the power of steam will stand by our side and surrender at the feet of the true God!"

"Cannon! Cannon!"

"Steam Cannon!"

The believers cheered excitedly again.

"There will be a war soon, Holy Son and Holy Daughter, please stay by my side and witness the miracle of the true God with your own eyes!"

Luo Xinglong said that he could not refuse.

Gus moved his lips, but he also knew that the other party was in a hurry and had to fight to the death. At this time, in order to boost morale, they could do anything, and the two siblings had no way to reason with the crazy believers.


Gray said bluntly, "Since you all regard us as the holy son and holy woman descended from the god of steam, we certainly have the responsibility to fight side by side with you—but, after all, false gods have ruled the world for too long, and their power is deeply rooted. I mean, if Qianyuan City falls into the darkness before dawn, and the battle is temporarily at a disadvantage, if nothing can be done, can Uncle Luo arrange a ship to help us break through, take us to the south, and find the big steam army , make a comeback?"

After a few days of thinking, Gray finally regained the demeanor of a talented girl in Chijin Town, and learned to negotiate conditions with Luo Xinglong.

Luo Xinglong's eyes flashed brightly, he pondered for a moment, and nodded readily in agreement: "Of course, if the green hills are kept, there is no need to worry about no firewood. This war between good and evil is destined to last for a long time, and I will not let the 'Holy Son' and the 'Holy Maiden' He died in vain."

"That's good."

Gray smiled slightly, imitating Luo Xinglong's appearance, raised his arms high, and shouted, "The old god is dead, and the new god will be established. The old god and the new one are here!"

"It's this day! It's this day! It's this day!"

The cry of the "Holy Maiden" was like adding fuel to the fire. For a moment, the underground stronghold turned into an invisible volcano, and the magma that would destroy the world and destroy the world was about to spew out!

The School of Machinery and Steam has already made careful preparations for this event in Qianyuan City.

Although a large number of steam weapons and elite soldiers have not yet arrived, the serial crossbows, steam guns, swords that increase the speed of steam balls, and armor rolled out by steam engines are all available.

There are also a large number of black cloths, with simple white gears printed on them. There are patterns of steam around the gears. If you tie the black cloths on your forehead or your arms, at first glance, it looks majestic and murderous.