Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3472: Iron Fist (Forty) Jet


When the granary in the south of the city was burning and the fire dragon shot up into the sky, there was also an undercurrent surging near the pier on the big river.

As Luo Xinglong said before, in the world of God of Fist, the people who are most likely to be inspired by the god of machinery and steam are those who live along the banks of the big river.

Because the waves are rough and the water is ruthless, if you want to steer a big ship and ride the wind and waves, you will use some machinery anyway.

Moreover, with the increasing volume of freight traveling from south to north, and even to open up coastal routes, the scale of cargo ships is also increasing, and the mechanical structures on board are becoming more and more sophisticated.

On the shore of the fast-flowing water, people have gradually realized the inexhaustible power of the water in nearly ten thousand years of life, and gradually thought of using "waterwheels" to save manpower.

With waterwheels, hydraulic mills, and even water-driven looms and other machinery, they have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and they have been banned repeatedly.

Although the Fist Temple strictly ordered the residents on both sides of the river to absolutely not build facilities such as waterwheels and hydraulic mills.

But the mechanical spirit has long been integrated into the blood of the people on the water, no matter how forbidden it is, it is impossible to destroy the mechanical heart in people's hearts.

Therefore, when a mechanical and steam believer named "Andre" sneaked into the vicinity of the pier, many sailors, trackers and even lower-level soldiers of the Iron Fist Army who secretly believed in mechanical demons and steam demons had already gathered.

They either moved and distributed weapons, or incited and contacted more people on the water, or tipped off the news, and told Andre all about the defensive deployment of the Iron Fist Army near the pier.

A fire in the granary is the signal.

A group of Iron Fist troops deployed near the pier hurried to the south of the city to support the granary, and the troops remaining here became even weaker.

With a shout, Andre took the lead, holding a chain crossbow, and rushed towards the pier.

Countless people on the water immediately responded, conjured up thousands of black cloth strips with white gears printed on them, and picked up the oars and the iron chains used for anchoring, and rushed behind Andre after responding to every call.

The people on the water, who have been oppressed for thousands of years, are the bottom of the boxing god world.

Their hatred and rebellious spirit were even stronger than those believers who burned down the granary.

Although the Iron Fist troops stationed at the pier are all elites with one enemy against one hundred.

However, under the onslaught of arrows raining down on the diehard believers led by Andre, they were still retreating steadily.

And the fire rising into the sky in the city, and the thick smoke billowing in the waves also made them flustered and their fighting spirit shaken.

When Andre commanded two bed crossbows to slowly approach the pier, the giant crossbow arrows with the thickness of his wrists and nearly two meters long pierced a master of the Tekken army in the chest and nailed him to the ground, the fighting spirit of the Tekken army completely dissipated .

The fierce battle lasted for nearly an hour, and the pier was temporarily seized by followers of the Mechanical Demon and the Steam Demon!

Next, is the most critical battlefield.

Luo Xinglong, the "Holy Son" and the "Holy Maiden", led the elite of diehard believers, defended the steam cannon, and stormed the Fist Temple in Qianyuan City!

Qianyuan City is a big city in the north.

The Fist Temple here is also one of the hubs of the Way of Iron Fist in the north.

If you can capture the Fist Temple and destroy the statue of Fist God, it will definitely shake the whole world.

Inspired by such an exciting concept, countless fanatical believers came out of the ground, appeared in the streets and alleys, and gathered together continuously, shouting the slogan "The old god is dead, and the new god shall stand" , rushing toward the Fist Temple like a tide.

What they faced was the Iron Fist army waiting in battle.

After all, the Fist Temple has ruled the world for nearly ten thousand years. Even though in the past few hundred years, with the rise of the mechanical demon and the steam demon, it seems to have declined, but the profound foundation is still not easily shaken by a group of mobs.

Even a large number of Iron Fist troops went to support the granaries and docks.

The priests, ascetic monks, and boxing generals who stayed in the Fist Temple still condensed into an indestructible copper wall and iron wall with their flesh and blood exuding metallic luster and fighting intent as sharp as a sword.

"A mantis' arm is like a car, and it is beyond its control!"

The masters of the Tekken army sneered and rushed towards the fanatics.

Rows of buildings and winding alleys in the city are not very suitable for chain crossbows and steam guns, but are the best battlefields for hand-to-hand combat.

When the masters of the Iron Fist Army flit across the eaves as lightly as swallows, dodge a crossbow arrow indiscriminately with ghostly figures, and condescendingly attack the fanatics huddled together in the streets and alleys, they are like tigers attacking sheep , Start the massacre.

The alleys were crowded, jostling, jostling, chaotic, and there was no way to wind, refill, or aim.

Nine out of ten of the crossbow bolts and projectiles shot fell on the companions.

However, the masters of the Iron Fist Army can unscrupulously blast a heavy punch, elbow and knee strike, into the bodies of fanatic believers with all their strength.

"Crack, click, click, click!"

"Puff! Puff puff!"

The sound of broken tendons and broken bones was endless, and wailing and screaming came and went one after another.

Just like Fist God didn't protect his followers when faced with the power of Guts' bolt blaster.

Facing the iron fist bombardment of the masters of the iron fist army, the mechanical demon and the steam demon did not bless their believers.

The first attack of the fanatics was abruptly blocked in this way.

However, the subordinates of the mechanical demon and the steam demon are not without masters.

The masters of machinery and the way of steam, in addition to using chain crossbows and steam guns, will also use a special weapon called "steam acceleration device" when fighting

This weapon is like a giant turtle shell, which is carried on the user's back.

Instead, it winds around the user's body through a series of pipes, so that their hands, feet and even various parts can emit powerful steam, thereby accelerating the movement of the limbs and achieving the purpose of three-dimensional maneuvering.

Such masters, known as "Jet Warriors", are the core strength of the Steam Army.

Seeing that ordinary believers were blocked, dozens of jet fighters immediately rushed towards the masters of the Iron Fist Army who were killing and killing.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Dozens of turbulent airflows spewed out from behind them, like white feathered arrows, pushing them with a strong reaction force, soaring at lightning speed.


The sword of the jet fighter can shake the iron fist of the master of the Iron Fist!

On one side of the sword, there is a jet acceleration device, which can be blasted through the airflow, so that the speed of the sword can reach the limit.

The other party has been smeared, tortured, and tempered with secret medicine since childhood, and has already cultivated every inch of flesh and blood in his body to be harder than steel.

As a result of the violent collision, it was as if a steam engine exploded, emitting huge light, heat and noise.

The jet fighter's sword snapped, and the steam pipes danced wildly like snakes with their heads severed.

The master of the Iron Fist Army, however, held his phalanx broken, and his distorted palm fell backwards, spitting blood while flying.