Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3475: Enemy of the Iron Fist (43) is crazy


In the roar of Fist God, everyone's expressions seemed to freeze like steam bullets and time.

They could clearly see waves of ring-shaped ripples spreading out from the roar, hitting the steam bullets in circles.

The bombardment of each sound wave caused the steam projectile to deviate slightly.

When the last sound wave blasted out, the steam projectile had completely lost its precise trajectory and turned into a drunk headless fly.

Time began to flow again.

The steam projectile brushed past High Priest Luo Tian, flew crookedly into the air, drew a weak arc, crossed the Fist Temple, and landed somewhere.

"what… "

Many fanatics of Mechanics and Steam Cult sighed in disappointment and even despair.


The Iron Fist Army and the followers of Fist God were ecstatic, and their fighting spirit was furious.

High Priest Luo Tian remained expressionless, floating in mid-air, looking coldly at Luo Xinglong on top of the steam cannon.

His cold gaze seemed to be looking at a corpse, not caring about his last struggle at all.

"This this… "

Luo Xinglong was frustrated, ashamed, and angry.

Like a wounded bull, his eyes were covered with burning blood, he pulled the joystick, and ruthlessly pressurized the pressure chamber of the steam cannon.

In order to fill up the high-pressure steam for the second launch as soon as possible, he squeezed every mechanical part of this giant steel beast to the limit.

The pointer on the instrument panel is flailing wildly like a lunatic's arm, gears, hinges, pipes, steam balls, every mechanical part makes a "squeak, squeak" sound, trembling desperately, leaking due to poor sealing The steam that came out stirred up hysterical screams.

Luo Xinglong's skin from top to bottom was scalded by the scorching steam, causing a series of shocking blisters, even the bystanders couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

But he didn't seem to feel pain, he gritted his teeth and loaded the second shell, locked the air valve, pressurized, aimed, and pulled the pull rope for the second time.


Gus and Gray just got up when they were overturned by steam again.

The second projectile burst out of the chamber under the wind and push of the high-pressure steam, and flew towards High Priest Luo Tian.

It's a pity that Luo Xinglong acted too hastily, the pressure exerted by this steam projectile was not enough, not only the speed was too slow, but also the trajectory was crooked, when it flew in front of High Priest Luo Tian, it began to crumble.

High Priest Luo Tian unhurriedly threw his second punch.

This punch was aimed directly at the steam projectile.

The front of the fist formed a vortex again, and the vortex swallowed the steam projectile completely. It used hundreds of rotations to dissipate the impact of the steam projectile, but instead controlled the steam projectile, and pushed the steam projectile towards the direction of the steam cannon, pushing it back!

Everyone's eyes widened.

I thought the steam projectile would smash the steam cannon to pieces.

Even Luo Xinglong couldn't help shrinking his neck.

The steam bullet just brushed his scalp, and narrowly flew half a meter above the steam cannon.

But like a hungry iron beast, it smashed a bloody passage among the fanatics behind the steam cannon.

All fanatics who were rubbed with a little bit of oily skin by the steam bullets all had broken bones and bones, and either died or were injured.

Even Gus and Gray were splashed with hot blood from the fanatics, and they couldn't help but click their tongues secretly at the extremely powerful strength of High Priest Luo Tian.

No wonder Uncle Lei Lie respected High Priest Luo Tian so much.

His arms are simply the bores of two giant cannons!

"I don't know, can the weapons I got from 'Hell' be able to deal with High Priest Luo Tian?"

Gus's heart moved, and he couldn't help thinking.

He still regards "Star Federation, True Human Empire, and Covenant Alliance" as hell.

From the analysis of the scenes he saw when he was practicing in hell, he felt that there should be no problem.

Even if the equipment given to him by the demon Lu Qingchen could not kill High Priest Luo Tian, at least it could burn the latter to ashes, blow up his head, and demolish the Fist Temple.

But I don't know why Lu Qingchen has kept silent until now, and he is unwilling to use the "hell weapon" again.

That's strange, didn't Lu Qingchen hope that the world would be in chaos, isn't now the best opportunity

As long as he, the "Holy Son", can repel High Priest Luo Tian, the faith of the Iron Fist Army and the believers of Thousand Thousand Fist God will collapse.

And the mechanical and steam gods will definitely fight furiously, and everyone will charge forward bravely, maybe there is a real chance to win Qianyuan City!

Gus' suspicion was interrupted by Luo Xinglong's desperate roar.

He pushed all the joysticks on the steam cannon to the bottom, and the steam that surged out like a volcanic eruption made him as red as a lobster. When he stuffed the third projectile into the barrel, he didn't care The gun barrel was hot, but he stabbed his entire arm in, and even though his skin and flesh came into contact with the gun barrel, he made a screeching sound like "sizzling" barbecue.

At this moment, Luo Xinglong's face became extremely ferocious, like the incarnation of a mechanical demon and a steam demon.

The steam cannon shook violently, and the steam ball and high-pressure chamber were like mature devil's eggs, and the devil bred inside was about to break out of its cage.

Having absorbed the lesson of the weakness of the second steam cannonball, this time, Luo Xinglong blasted into the pressure twice the limit.

The High Priest Luo Tian still carried his hands on his back, stepped on the void, and watched with a blank expression, not intending to interrupt Luo Xinglong at all.

The greatest contempt is ignorance. With this calm gesture, he demonstrated to all the believers on both sides and the people in the city the weakness of the false god and the strength of the true god.

"Long live the god of steam!"

Finally, Luo Xinglong pressurized the steam cannon to the point where it was about to jump up.

His face and voice were completely distorted, and he roared crazily, "Go to hell, Boxing God!"


In Gus' mind, Lu Qingchen's voice suddenly came.

Before he could react, a tingling electric current came from the depths of his nerves, his limbs danced wildly involuntarily, and at an incredible speed, he grabbed his sister and squeezed behind the fanatics.

Every muscle of his wriggled very rhythmically, making him look like a loach, and while breathing, he led his sister to get behind dozens of fanatics.

At this time, Luo Xinglong pulled the rope for the third time on the steam cannon.


The earth-shattering thunder this time was ten times stronger than the two loud noises just now.

It's a pity that the place where the sound is made is not the gun bore, but a little behind the gun bore, inside the steam ball and the high-pressure chamber.

The steam cannon exploded!

When High Priest Luo Tian threw out his first two punches, the invisible front of the punch had already followed the trajectory of the shell and quietly penetrated into the barrel of the steam cannon, affecting the precision of the complex piping and mechanical structure behind the barrel.

The interval between firing three times in a row was too short, and the extremely high temperature also caused slight deformation of many mechanical parts.

In addition, Luo Xinglong poured in twice the ultimate high pressure like a lunatic.

How could it be possible not to be punished by the "Steam Demon"