Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3478: Iron Fist Enemy (46) Breakthrough


The dazed and mysterious expression on the young man's face added a somewhat inhuman aura to him.

He seemed to be controlled by some mysterious force, or in other words, there really was a god from a higher dimension descending into his frail body.

Such a temperament made those fanatics who wanted to step forward to question him feel inexplicable palpitations and fear, and couldn't help but want to kneel down in front of the boy and worship his toes.

Not to mention, the triple-mounted heavy-duty Vulcan cannon carried by the boy.

The length of this super weapon from a higher dimension has far exceeded the limit that the backpack can carry.

It's as if the boy's backpack is connected to a different dimension, from which he can infinitely extract the deadliest weapon in hell.

On the surface of this peerless murder weapon, neither half of the gears, nor the slightest seam can be seen, and there is not even half a wisp of "hissing" steam.

At first glance, it doesn't look like the creation of mechanical demons and steam demons that fanatics are familiar with.

But amidst the silver light, lingering is the devastating destructive power that surpasses machinery and steam.

On the opposite side of them, on the city tower across the river, hundreds of archers have already tensed their bowstrings and set their feathered arrows.

Half of the feathered arrows were wrapped with cloth strips covered in grease, and were ignited by torches, turning them into flaming rockets.

Under the light of the fire, the officers of the Iron Fist Army had pious, indifferent and cruel faces.

Behind them, another high priest of the Fist Temple raised his fist high, and was about to drop it heavily. He fired all his arrows to kill all these demons and evil spirits who tried to blaspheme the majesty of the true god.

At this moment, time seems to stand still.

Even the torrential ripples in the great river were squeezed by the murderous aura of both sides, and solidified into stiff ripples.

The corners of the mouths of all Iron Fist soldiers evoked cruel smiles.

The pupils of all fanatics shrank to the limit.

The God of Boxing and the God of Steam seemed to be staring coldly at the fierce battle in the world through the dark clouds in the sky, like two chess players, frowning tightly, condescending, looking at a few crucial chess pieces, and uttered a silent sigh. collision.

The High Priest of Fist Temple finally waved his fist.

However, before his arm fell, the boy who had the demon descending into his body had already pulled the trigger first.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The brilliant fireworks that do not belong to this world once again bloomed like a devil's grin, burning everyone's retinas and tearing their eardrums apart.

In an instant, regardless of the Iron Fist Army or the Steam Army, everything within the field of vision changed from orange to red, from red to pale, and then from pale to eternal darkness.

They all became blind, and they could only hear the roar of spring thunder coming from their ears, and felt the vibration of thousands of galloping horses, followed by the screams of the eighteenth floor of hell.

Something was blown up into the air, fell apart in the air, and fell into the river like a flaming maiden scattered flowers. The river water was boiled, making a "chi chi" sound, and strands of blood mixed with a strong smell of blood came out. The white smoke irritated their nasal mucosa and sneezed loudly.

After the sneeze, the seemingly eternal darkness was finally once again outlined with blurred lines by the bleak blood and violent flames.

The bloody lines formed an incredible scene.

The fanatics of the Steam Army were surprised to find that the city that stretched across the river had disappeared.

The entire city was blasted into the air by Gus, turning into burning fragments, together with the broken limbs of the Iron Fist army and the high priest, fell down with a "crackling", burning the entire river.

The Iron Fist army, who was still invincible just now, has all turned into cooked rotten meat. Even if someone has cultivated their flesh and blood to the level of steel and iron, facing the bombardment of the Vulcan cannon, they can only slightly delay the inevitable death For a few minutes, by the way, make myself suffer more inhuman torture.

Even the high priest of the Fist Temple was bombarded with half of his body, sinking and floating in the turbulent water, except for staring at the blood-stained one-eyed, and sending a horrified light at the fleet of the steam army, there was nothing to do. can not do this.

The iron chains that blocked the river were also bombarded by Vulcan cannons, breaking every inch of them, and even melting them into scrap iron.

The iron fist army and archers ambushing on both sides of the river were all stunned, like clay idols, unable to recover for a long time.

The bodies and even the souls of all the survivors were seized by the terrifying power emanating from the young man, and they all felt extremely suffocated, as if the air had been completely burned by the flames transpiring just now.

Only the river was still flowing, driving the fleet to break through the wreckage of the city, crushing the battered wounded, breaking through the trap carefully designed by the high priest of the Fist Temple, and rushing unstoppably downstream.

The archers on both sides of the river were still immersed in the shock of the earth-shattering power released by Gus, their beliefs collapsed inch by inch, and they couldn't recover for a long time, but they forgot to shoot their bows and arrows in the middle of the river.

Of course, even if they are dedicated to their duties, the fleet is still in the middle of the river, hundreds of meters away from the two banks. With their trembling hands, the arrows will not have much strength and accuracy, and they will not be able to stop this demon-possessed team. Sheltered Fleet.

He could only watch helplessly as this fleet full of remnants and defeated generals, who were about to be wiped out just now, flew away like an arrow from the string, disappearing into the vast night.

It wasn't until the last light of the fleet was swallowed by darkness that there were only archers on both sides of the river who couldn't hold on, and finally fell to the ground, opened their mouths, and screamed silently.

When Gus woke up, he found that Qianyuan City and the burning city on the river were far behind them.

The fleet has sailed hundreds of miles away. In this era of backward communication, Qianyuan City has almost no way to pass the news of the breakout of the heretics to their front so quickly.

So, it's safe for now.

Gus breathed a sigh of relief, and looked around again, he found that almost all the fanatics were looking at him with awe and admiration.

The fanatic who wanted to question him just now, but was kicked away by him, even knelt on the ground, eager to try, and wanted to kiss his toes.

Even his elder sister Grey, who looked like she didn't know her brother, stared blankly at him—and the triple heavy Vulcan cannon in his hand.

Gus moved the Vulcan.

All the fanatics immediately yelled "Ah", many people blushed, and more people shed excited sweat and tears, looking like the god of steam and machinery descending in front of them.

Gus put the Vulcan cannon back into the back basket—more precisely, he asked the demon Lu Qingchen, who was dormant in the steam ball in the back basket, to take back this weapon from a higher dimension.

The fanatics all sighed in disappointment, but they did not dare to disobey the will of the "Holy Son". Seeing that the huge Vulcan cannon had disappeared into the small back basket, Gus looked at Gus with even more admiration and admiration. fear.