Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3485: Iron Fist Enemy (53) Destruction


The veins on Gus' forehead emerged like lightning.

His fists were clenched and then loosened, loosened and clenched again, his expression was half crying, not crying, half smiling.

"We... aren't human?"

He finally couldn't contain the volcanic eruption of anger in his heart, and roared with dances and dances, "Who said, who made the rules? We obviously have emotions, sorrows, loves and hatreds, can breathe fresh and foul-smelling air, and can Tasting the ups and downs, we have hopes, dreams, pride, and things worth pursuing desperately.

"We struggle, we struggle, we practice hard, we conquer everything worth conquering in this world, we, how could we not be real people, how could it be possible?"

"Don't get excited, from the perspective of the boxing champion and most of the human beings in the Pan Gu universe, you are indeed just a series of insignificant data, so-called 'feeling' and 'pride' and 'mission' and 'hope' and so on , is nothing more than a fleeting spark from the collision between the operating logic and the underlying parameters."

Lu Qingchen still had that cynical look, "From the perspective of the boxing champion and most people in the Pangu universe, perhaps including my teacher Li Yao, you are... just a sentence written on paper and painted on the wall. A painting, no matter how impassioned this sentence is, no matter how lifelike this painting is, its meaning is also endowed by the creator, and the so-called soul is also a fiction of the creator, and there is no real life at all.”

"I, I don't believe it!"

Gus was like a trapped beast, with red eyes, staring at Lu Qingchen viciously, gritted his teeth, and said, "What about you, aren't you called a devil, what do you think of us, us... poor creatures created in the virtual world? Do you think we are real, or, or fake?"

"It doesn't matter what I think. It doesn't matter what the boxing champion, Li Yao, or everyone in the Pangu universe thinks. It doesn't even matter what you think."

Lu Qingchen spread his hands and said, "In this kind of thing, the public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the woman is right, but in the end, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say.

"I said I was righteous, and Li Yao and Boxing King were evil, and they definitely disagreed; similarly, Li Yao, under the banner of justice, acted as a shit-stirring stick in the sea of stars all day long, swaggering through the endless universe, I also think that he is very wrong, and it is impossible to convince him with reason. In the end, it is not just a fight!

"Including in the Pangu universe, there are not no beings born in the endless flood of information, Xiaoming, Wenwen and even the boxing champion himself, by the way, there are also lightning beings like me. We are not carbon-based intelligent life in the traditional sense, but Our fists are big enough, carbon-based intelligent life in the traditional three-dimensional universe can't do anything to us, can't we just admit our existence by pinching our noses

"So, as long as your fist is big enough to resist or even kill your creator, you are naturally a real life, a person with capital letters, there is no doubt about it."

These words made Gus calm down all of a sudden.

The boy squinted his eyes, looking at the dark sky like a grave.

"Steam Army."

He suddenly asked, "Steam Army, is it the pioneers who have awakened to their own situation and are unwilling to be manipulated by their fate, so they rose up to rebel against the creator?"

"Well, I'm afraid not."

Lu Qingchen said with a smile, "Without external interference, individuals in the virtual world seldom awaken their true destiny, and the appearance of the Steam Army is too strong due to human control, so I doubt that the Steam Army is the champion of boxing. Made it myself."


Gus's eyes widened suddenly, and he stammered, "Why does the boxing champion create a steam army to resist his own rule?"

"Because this world has completed its mission and come to an end."

Lu Qingchen explained, "You must know that the development of every civilization must follow some objective laws, no matter how powerful the calculation power of the boxing champion is, it is impossible, and there is no need to forcibly violate the laws.

"For example, he can set the meta-law or the underlying logic of this world as 'strength is king, and the strong are respected', but he can't prevent virtual humans from pondering more advanced technology and productivity after the accumulation of civilization development. Eventually find something like 'Machine and Steam Power'.

"Moreover, after 10,000 years of development, almost all boxing techniques that can be created have been created.

"Even if he forcibly prohibits the development of 'mechanical and steam power', or even adjusts the parameters to completely obliterate such power, the world of Fist God will come to a standstill, and it will no longer be possible to create new and valuable miracles in the next ten thousand years." Excellent work.

"Then, the boxing champion still retains this side of the 'World of Boxing God', why waste precious energy and computing power for nothing

"So, I speculate that the steam army is a trick created by the boxing champion himself, at least deliberately letting the steam army develop as a sign.

"Perhaps, he has set up many similar 'boxing laboratories', and set some 'experiment end conditions'. Every time, when an organization similar to the Steam Army appears in the virtual world, it means that the world relies on fists and feet The civilization of hand-to-hand combat has developed to the limit, and the social conflicts have become too acute to be out of control. Continuing the experiment will only waste time, energy, and computing power. It is time to end the experiment.

"Look, because of this, I don't want to be exposed to the steam army, and I don't want you to get too involved with the steam army.

"Including your sister, who is obviously a devout believer in the power of 'machinery and steam', I dare not bet on how much attention the boxing champion puts on her, even, whether she is a pre-programmed That's why I chose you, who looks weak and mediocre, instead of your talented sister."

Gus was dumbfounded.

At most, he understands 10% of the devil's words, and 90% of them don't understand anything.

But in the 10% that the young man understood, he felt a great crisis.

"If, if we really are living in a giant virtual experiment, and now the experiment is coming to an end, next—"

Gus swallowed hard, and asked guiltily, "What will happen next?"

"Next, it's over."

Lu Qingchen said lightly, "If the boxing champion thinks that this experiment is designed well, and he can extract a lot of useful fighting skills from it, even if he doesn't use it, he can teach it to ordinary humans in the Pangu universe. The initial parameters will be fine-tuned, the experiment will be restarted, and the world of Boxing God will be redeveloped from tens of thousands of years ago.

"If he has conducted similar experiments several times and can extract less and less useful results, maybe he will permanently close the world of Fist God, and invest the energy and computing power supporting this virtual world in other fields. Fields—such as "Gun God World", "Card World", and "Ghost World".

"Anyway, it shouldn't make any difference to you guys, it's just that the end will come and the world will be destroyed!"