Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3487: Enemy of the Iron Fist (55) Inheritance


"A universe full of... stars."

Gus looked at the dark sky.

It was strange, he had never felt that there was anything wrong with such a sky—the night was always so dark like an abyss, and he couldn't see the slightest light. He didn't care about the stars at all, and he didn't think about what the lightning was.

However, ever since he saw the star-studded world, the vast galaxy and the burning cantilever in the "hell" where the devil taught him how to use the bolt gun, he was involuntarily intoxicated and fascinated, eager to be in the Travel among the stars and the sea.

He could have tolerated the darkness—as long as he never saw the real light.

"You, what do you want me to do?"

The young man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, moistening his parched and sore throat, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"It's very simple, I just need you to believe in me 100%, completely open your heart, and be willing to let my power pour into your body."

Lu Qingchen paused, and said, "In a sense, I hope you can become my believer, my disciple, or even... a lightning life like me."

Gus hesitated: "Be, become your believer?"

"That's right."

Lu Qingchen pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid it's hard for you to understand it in terms of crystal brain and data. Let's put it this way, my current situation is that a virus has invaded the human body and wants to replicate infinitely and infect the whole body. Until the central nervous system and brain are controlled.

"But the first difficulty I face is that the body's own immune system, once it discovers my existence, will definitely attack me in groups.

"The virus is the most powerful and weakest form of life. If it is discovered by the immune system before it replicates infinitely, it will definitely be wiped out, and there is no way to fight back.

"So, I need to sneak into a normal cell first, carefully analyze the structure of this normal cell, find a way to replicate infinitely, and at the same time, use the disguise of this normal cell to deceive the menacing immune system.

"At the same time, I also want to find the place where this body is the most fragile and chaotic, it is festering, the immune system is weak, and the immunity is the lowest, where I will start my infinite replication and erosion, and the chance of success will be the greatest— That's why I need to go to the battlefield where the steam army raises the banner of righteousness.

"Although this uprising of the steam army is very likely to be expected by the boxing champion, it is impossible for him to monitor every battle of the steam army. We have a lot of opportunities to make the boxing champion play with fire and set himself on fire."

Gus still half understood.

It's just a ignorant understanding that the devil needs the most vulnerable breakthrough point, just like the hunters in the town were bitten by a fierce beast. If they don't pay attention, the wound will fester, inflame and even ooze pus.

He is the "wound" the devil needs.

Gus swallowed another mouthful of saliva, and tremblingly said: "What are you going to turn me into... Lightning life?"

"Otherwise, if you really want to 'ascend' to the Pangu universe, what life form is more suitable than the lightning life?"

Lu Qingchen smiled slightly, and said, "Although lightning beings are fast and changeable, and have infinite possibilities of evolution every second, they actually don't have the 'soul' and 'free will' in the human concept, and you boxers The virtual human imagined by Wang, although not possessing a real life form, has some miraculously free will.

"If a large number of virtual humans and lightning life can be combined, tsk tsk tsk, maybe a new miracle of life can be created. I am looking forward to how exciting such a lightning army with free will will appear in the Pangu universe. s story."


Lu Qingchen spoke so bluntly and frankly that Gus didn't know what to say.

The other party throws out so many brand new concepts, all of which are beyond his comprehension. Facing the fear of the unknown, he subconsciously wants to reject it.

Moreover, even if the World of Fist God itself is a big lie, Lu Qingchen does not deny that he is a demon.

What is the difference between cooperating with demons and seeking skins from tigers? I will definitely be swallowed down to the bones, and not even a single scum is left.

The boy hesitated.

The demon also saw his hesitation.

"Don't worry, think slowly, don't force yourself."

Lu Qingchen said, "I took a huge risk in making such a gamble, and now everyone has room for maneuver, but if I really entrust all the 'power of lightning' to you, and you I would be embarrassed to have even 1% remorse.

"What I need is a person who believes in me 100%, no matter what the price is, he will pierce the falsehood in front of him and pursue a higher level of truth. If you are not sure that you are such a person, it doesn't matter, I will never force you. It doesn’t matter even if we stand hand in hand and watch this world be destroyed—anyway, after this world is destroyed, I still have the opportunity to go to other virtual worlds to find the Destiny Child I want. In the language of magic, It's 'the one', hee hee hee!"

Lu Qingchen spread his hands and said with a smile, as if he really didn't care.

He was so indifferent, but Gus became anxious and said, "I—"

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be impulsive, don't be provoked by me with a few words, and then agree with enthusiasm, and when you really face the wrath of the boxing champion, you will be scared to shit."

Lu Qingchen withdrew his smile, and said with a serious face, "What I need is a real warrior who is extremely determined and knows what a difficult and dangerous road he is walking on, not a coward who is ruthless and indifferent.

"If you haven't heard the voice from the depths of your soul clearly, penetrated into your heart, and don't know what kind of path you're going to take, I suggest you not agree so hastily—maybe, destroying with this world is the only way to go." It is the best ending, because in the higher-dimensional universe, there are some challenges that are a hundred times more cruel than death. It is a world that is a hundred times more terrifying than hell, and not everyone can bear it.

"Anyway, there is still some time left for our journey. You might as well take this time to think about what you really want, do you want to 'really live'? And how much are you willing to pay for 'really living'? How unrecognizable has the price become?"

Lu Qingchen patted the young man's shoulder, sending a feeling of coldness and pain into the young man's bone marrow.

Gus couldn't help trembling slightly, and licked his chapped lips.


The boy hesitated and began to think about some questions that he had never thought about before.

The devil laughed, and lay down on the deck, looking at the starless night sky, humming a ditty tune.