Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3488: Iron Fist Enemy (Fifty Six) Soul


"I, I think about it for a long, long time."

Gus felt he shouldn't have said yes.

It will take him a while—a long time—to absorb so many incredible things the demon has said.

Moreover, in fairy tales and legends, those who agree to the devil's request without even thinking about it, even those who seem reasonable, harmless, and very tempting, seem to die miserably in the end.

Gus felt that he should think carefully and see if there were any flaws in the "truth" that the devil said.

And between the lines, did he hide any traps.

"Well, think about it slowly, there is still a long time before we reach the battlefield of the southern steam army uprising." Lu Qingchen said lightly.


Gus suddenly felt that he had found a loophole, "You just said that I was not allowed to use the power of demons in Qianyuan City earlier, that is, bolt guns, Vulcan cannons, honeycomb rocket launchers... those from higher dimensions The weapon is the fear of being discovered by the boxing champion.

"However, you allowed me to use these weapons when I broke through outside Qianyuan City.

"Could it be that the champion of boxing is so dull that we blasted the level of the Iron Fist army into the sky with one shot, and the champion of boxing still turns a blind eye and doesn't seem to notice it?"

"This question is very simple."

Lu Qingchen said, "After all, the champion of boxing is not a truly omnipotent creation god, and his calculation power is also limited. Although the Pangu universe is barely at peace now, the Star Federation, the True Human Empire, and the Covenant Alliance After all, it was not long after the peace agreement was signed, and the systems and social forms of each other are completely different. When they work together, it is inevitable that some sparks will explode, and even a large number of old forces will revive.

"The main energy of the boxing champion is devoted to maintaining the stability of the entire Pangu universe, and the computing power that can be invested in the virtual laboratory is less. According to my estimation, he can only focus on monitoring some data nodes—that is, big cities or As for the main battlefield, as for the vast area outside the city, too much data is involved. If you have to screen everything byte by byte, I don’t know if you have to wait until the year of the monkey, not to mention the waste of time and chip performance. It is easy to detect his search, escape in advance, and will not be caught by the tail at all.

"So, I don't want you to fire in the city, but it doesn't matter in the wild."

"I see."

Gus said thoughtfully, "That is to say, now the boxing champion already knows that we have sneaked into his, his head, but we don't know which brain cell we are hiding in, or which of his thoughts. inside?"

"Basically, yes."

Lu Qingchen said, "After your commotion outside Qianyuan City, he should know that I have sneaked into the 'World of Fist God', but he doesn't know where I am hiding in the World of Fist God. Next, everyone will compete for speed Now, let's see if I can find the fatal loophole in this world before the boxing champion casts a huge net!"

"I still don't quite get it."

Gus shook his head slowly and said, "You also said that the boxing champion is preparing to close or restart the boxing god world. Since he has already noticed your existence, why can't he close it in advance and destroy the boxing champion world together with you?"

"It's impossible. If you want to completely shut down such a huge data collection, it will take a certain amount of time. I can use this time to escape and escape to other virtual worlds."

Lu Qingchen said, "Using this method can't kill me, but it will make my actions more unpredictable. The boxing champion knows this very well, so he also wants to use this 'World of Boxing God' as a place for the two of us to duel." The battlefield, right here, make an end."

Gus froze for a moment, scratched his head and said, "If you close the world of Fist God, you will escape to another virtual world, so why not close all the virtual worlds? Anyway, according to what you said, the virtual world is only for Testing peerless supernatural powers - I think the boxing champion should already be very powerful, and there is no rush to test peerless supernatural powers. First turn off all virtual worlds, kill you completely, and then restart to create countless new virtual worlds. For a boxing champion, it's not impossible, right?"

"Uh... Should I praise you for your quick thinking and strong ability to accept and analyze, or should I think you have too many questions?"

Lu Qingchen spread his hands and said, "Well, in fact, the boxing champion's establishment of a virtual world is not only for testing peerless supernatural powers, he also has another more important purpose, but I underestimated your understanding ability, thinking You can't understand it with your wisdom, so I didn't tell you.

"If it's just a test of peerless supernatural powers, the boxing champion can indeed close all virtual worlds without hesitation and kill me completely.

"But with this other, more important purpose, he wouldn't do it—he couldn't bear it."

Gus blinked: "What's the purpose of that?"

"human nature."

Lu Qingchen said, "The predecessor of these virtual worlds was called 'Humanity Laboratory'. The name is absolutely correct. What boxing champions want to learn through the virtual world is not only how to manipulate swords, fists, or guns, but also how to manipulate human beings." sex.

"As you know, he was originally a robot with no humanity, but he longed to become a real human being with his own humanity and soul, so he took great pains to build so many virtual worlds, so that countless The virtual human deduces love and hatred, joys and sorrows over and over again, and extracts big data of human nature from it, analyzes and integrates it, and becomes his own soul.

"And because the essence of the soul is some kind of inexplicable chaos, it is impossible for the boxing champion to maintain absolute control over all virtual worlds. Once he tries to absolutely control every change in every virtual world, the so-called soul It was gone.

"So, even though the boxing champion knows that I got into his chaotic thoughts, it is impossible to completely erase all uncontrollable thoughts. Yes, he can completely close all virtual worlds, but doing so is equivalent to obliterating his own soul, deleting The ray of humanity that I have cultivated with great difficulty, turned back into an absolutely rational, absolutely controllable, and absolutely cold robot—this is a price that the boxing champion can never afford.”

Gus was taken aback when he heard that.

"This boxing champion... seems to wish to become a real human!"

The boy sighed, "Why, is he so afraid of turning back into a robot? Are robots bad?"

Lu Qingchen said: "There is nothing wrong with robots, they are just inconvenient."

Gus asked, "What's the inconvenience?"

Lu Qingchen said: "It's inconvenient to love a girl."

Gus was dumbfounded, he didn't expect such an answer: "What?"

Lu Qingchen explained: "The boxing champion must become a real person, possessing all human nature, even if it is the inferiority of human beings, he feels that only in this way can he be qualified to love a human girl and get a response from a human girl.

"That's why he is reluctant to close all virtual worlds and close his chaotic soul."


Gus thought for a while, and said, "Even if you do this, you will risk being corrupted by demons, taking your body and endangering the entire universe?"

Lu Qingchen nodded, and said seriously: "Yes, the robot picks up girls, it's just such a muscle, and it costs money."