Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3489: Iron Fist Enemy (57) is determined


Gus opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

The teenager has also reached an ignorant and fiery age. Sometimes he is awakened by hot power in the middle of the night, and he will be surprised at his own swelling.

So, he knew what it was like to be in love with a girl, and he knew, well, what the devil meant by "pick up."

It's just that I didn't expect that a high-ranking god and demon would be so... approachable, down-to-earth, and still need to pick up girls

The young man suddenly felt that the so-called gods and demons were no different from ordinary people.

In other words, mortals may also become gods and demons. Does the so-called "Ascension" really exist

This night, facing the dark road ahead, Gus thought for a long time.

He didn't rashly agree to the devil's request, but he didn't reject it outright either.

He decided to see more scenery along the way before making a decision.

In the next half a month, this fleet full of mechanical monsters and steam demon believers continued to sail downstream towards the "Land of Hope" in the south.

Along the way, they encountered several iron fist army interceptions.

But after all, the news from the Fist Temple was too slow, not many troops were sent, and the ranks of the strong were not as high as the "High Priest of Luotian" in Qianyuan City.

The residents on both sides of the river who eat on the water, even if they are not believers of the "Mechanical and Steam God", are often sympathizers and secret supporters. Gus also has the bolt gun and Vulcan cannon provided by the devil to help out.

Therefore, there is no checkpoint that can successfully intercept them.

Countless Iron Fist soldiers were turned into scarlet powder under the sweeping firepower of Gus.

As a result, Gus's status in the hearts of the remnant soldiers and defeated generals is getting higher and higher day by day. The name of "Holy Son" has long been worthy of the name and has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of all believers.

They were originally bereaved dogs who fled in a hurry, but under the encouragement of "The Coming of the Holy Son", their morale unexpectedly soared to the extreme, as if instead of fleeing to the south, they marched south to participate in the decisive battle between the Iron Fist Army and the Steam Army.

Indeed, the further south the fleet sailed and saw the scenery on both sides of the river, the control of the Fist Temple became weaker.

This can be seen from the facilities of the docks and towns on both sides of the river.

At the beginning, when we were still in the north, the wharves on both sides of the river were often driven by manpower, whether loading and unloading cargo or towing ships.

They have seen countless strong men with strong backs, who can carry hundreds of catties of goods by themselves, and step on the wooden planks laid on the pier until they creak.

I have also seen countless trackers with dark skin and strong muscles and bones like steel, dragging boats with cables as thick as arms, and crossing the turbulent waves of the fast-flowing water.

No matter how heavy the work or the most dangerous area, people seldom use tools, let alone complex machinery.

But as the fleet went all the way south, gradually, wherever it went, the Iron Fist Army battle flags painted with the Iron Fist became more and more sparse and dim. Leverage tools to lighten the load.

Those ingeniously designed levers and slings can be driven by thin ordinary people or even women to lift the goods directly from the ship and slide them into the warehouse on the shore.

Continuing to the south, Gus even saw water-driven mills and factories in some villages along the river, running day and night, and the rumble of machinery was more turbulent than the river.

Andre, the commander of the fleet, told Gus that in the south, the mills driven by water are used to grind white and fine flour, which is at least two grades higher in quality than manual grinding in the north, but the price is three times cheaper. to 30%.

Similarly, many spinning factories in the south use water power to drive the spinning machines. The fabrics spun are strong, light, and cheap. Even with the secret transportation to the north, it is more cost-effective than the hand-spun homespun cloth in the northern market.

Even the most devout northern believers to the God of Boxing cannot help but be moved when faced with flour or cloth that is cheaper but of better quality.

In the farther south, water power has gradually been replaced by more stable and powerful steam power, and the various commodities there are even more varied, high in quality and low in price!

Merchants in the south secretly transported these commodities to the north and made a lot of profits. The residents in the north never thought that there are so many exquisite things in the world, and the price is so cheap.

In this way, all kinds of goods that were originally enshrined to the Fist Temple entered the pockets of the southern merchants.

The Fist Temple was furious, and naturally labeled the southern merchants as heretics, and regarded the goods they manufactured with the power of machinery and steam as temptations from demons.

The Fist Temple cut off the commercial routes, arrested the merchants, and sent the Iron Fist Army deep into the swampy area with dense water network in the south, those towns that were originally considered unimportant, smashed the machinery, burned the factory, and tried to suppress everything in the "Mechanical and Steam God Religion" Activity.

Cutting off people’s wealth, such as killing their parents, the so-called disputes of beliefs are ultimately conflicts of interests. The southern businessmen whose factories were destroyed were not willing to sit and wait for death, so they spent all their wealth and organized a "steam army" to defend factories and businesses. Lu, invested a lot of money to support the activities of the "Mechanical and Steam God Cult" in the north, trying to dig the corner of the boxing temple from the root.

In this way, the "steam rebellion" intensified, and until today, in the south, the steam army has been able to compete with the Iron Fist army, and there is even a faint tendency to come from behind.

Such a magnificent and revolutionary change, if you listen to the old Gus, I am afraid that you will be full of enthusiasm and excitement, and you can't wait to join the steam army as soon as possible, representing the emerging force full of vitality, to eliminate the stubborn old forces.

But now, I learned from the mouth of the devil that the seemingly magnificent alternation of the old and the new is nothing more than a play that was expected by the "Fist God". The true God in their hearts, the believers who believe in a bright future, are nothing more than chess pieces played by the "God of Boxing", or even a series of insignificant data.

The boy was sad and angry at the same time.

He wanted to roar to the sky, but in the end he swore secretly in his heart.

He swore that he would make the damn boxing god—no, the damn boxing champion pay the price.

He will let the boxing champion see them—whether they are pawns, ants, or a string of insignificant data that can be tampered with and obliterated at will!

Finally, half a month after leaving Qianyuan City, the fleet sailed into the southern region.

The north-south boundary is a burning dilapidated fortress.

The fortress that was originally controlled by the Fist Temple and guarded by the Iron Fist Army was breached by the Steam Army at the moment. The seemingly solid copper wall and iron wall were riddled with holes from steam cannons. The blazing fire on the fortress was the once glorious Iron Fist. Military flag!