Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3490: Enemies of the Iron Fist (58) join forces


Andre ordered the fleet to revoke the shore and land to search.

It was discovered that the Iron Fist army stationed in this fortress had been slaughtered by the uprising steam army, leaving only dried blood on the ground.

Following the bloodstains, not far from the fortress, the fragmented corpses of the Iron Fist Army were piled up into a tall tower by the Steam Army.

They even placed a huge gear at the top of the tower.

The steam army used this extremely arrogant method to show off its might to the Fist God Hall, to declare its power, and to call on the people of the Quartet—look, the Fist God Temple is nothing special, the dark era when the Fist God ruled the world for ten thousand years is about to Gone forever!

The further south you go, the more frequently similar scenes appear.

This place has already arrived at the war zone. The elite priests and iron fist troops drawn from various fist temples in the north have continuously gathered here to form an army of one million. They are actively searching for the steam army, which also claims to have millions of people, waiting for the opportunity to launch a strategic decisive battle. — This will also be a battle that will determine the fate of the world of Fist God.

It's like two behemoths, before colliding with each other fiercely, they must first roar, show their teeth and claws, and test each other's reality.

Regardless of the Iron Fist Army or the Steam Army, they sent countless scouts, death squads, rangers and other small-scale armed forces to spread to all parts of the southern land, acting as their nerves and eyes and ears.

These small-scale armed forces often meet unexpectedly.

Every time the battle where the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, it is extremely fierce and even cruel.

Except for torture, almost no one will be left alive.

And those captives who have been tortured often find no bones in their bodies, but they can't find half a piece of intact flesh and blood. It would be better to be killed with a knife on the battlefield.

The "Jingguan" built with the corpses and heads of both sides can be found everywhere. You can often see the tragic scene of Iron Fist army corpses strewn all over the field in this town, and you can see countless smashed corpses in the next burning town. The rotten machinery, and the bones of the steam army that guarded these machinery had been turned into minced meat and mud.

The fight between the Iron Fist Army and the Steam Army has reached a fever pitch.

The southern land has almost lost all order, and wild beasts and bandits are rampant—those demons in human skin are often more cruel than the Iron Fist Army and the Steam Army.

More and more towns along the river have turned into empty tombs—anyway, for the residents in the towns, even if they stay in their homes obediently, when the Iron Fist army arrives, they will be killed as heretics or brutally murdered. tortured by beasts and bandits.

Both left and right are dead, it is better to go to the steam army early, and die vigorously.

In this way, the steam army's mass base in the south is surprisingly good.

Even in the barren land that seems to be burning, seeing Andre's fleet under the banner of "Mechanical and Steam God", the rear of the ship is also equipped with mechanical drive, exquisite wheel rudder, and even "chug chug". "Steaming, soon there will be "mechanical and steam cultists" dressed as civilians coming out, providing them with information and exchanging supplies.

With the help of these steam believers, Andre and other steam troops from the north finally connected with the "main altar" in the south.

Some of the wounded were left in the homes of the southern Christians for secret recuperation, and they received sufficient supplies. The northern visitors finally breathed a sigh of relief and recovered most of their combat effectiveness.

However, the Southern Steam Cultists they saw couldn't tell where the main force of the Southern Steam Army was now.

It is said that the main force of the steam army holding the flag of righteousness is going south with the oncoming force, trying to use the force of thunder to plow the courtyard and sweep the hole. The Iron Fist army, who has accomplished all its achievements in one battle, is playing hide-and-seek and going around in circles, while wasting the enemy's supplies, strength and will to fight, while looking for opportunities .

This is the final decisive battle, and the positions of the main forces of both sides are top secret, so it is naturally impossible to reveal them easily.

Several small teams of the Southern Steam Army warmly invited Andre and the others to join forces and cooperate with them in peripheral battles. When the decisive battle really broke out, they would naturally have a lot of opportunities to make contributions and serve the God of Steam.

Andre didn't want to lose the independence of the team at hand, and he didn't want to do these thankless dirty jobs outside the theater, so he pushed Gus and Gray out, and solemnly pushed them out as "holy sons" And the status of "saint".

The Southern Steam Army's attitude towards these two "Holy Sons" and "Holy Maidens" is very ambiguous.

There is no "worship at the head", but there is no categorical denial of their authenticity.

This kind of uprising launched in the name of gods and demons is often mixed with strong feudal superstition elements. Often, in extreme madness, some believers say that they have heard the "sacred teachings" of the true god, and even invite the power of the true god.

The Southern Steam Army has seen this kind of thing a lot, so it’s not easy to simply and rudely dismiss it as a scam, so as not to dampen the enthusiasm of most believers, but it is impossible to admit it right away—this involves the ownership of each other’s power , profit distribution, high and low status, all kinds of troublesome things.

In the end, after many discussions and compromises, the northern steam army led by Andre temporarily formed an independent team, listening to the instructions and not listening to the announcement, in a tributary of the big river in the south, a small river called "Chisha River" Nearby, station down.

This area is regarded as the rear of the Steam Army. Seven or eight towns within a hundred miles are controlled by the Steam Army, which can provide supplies for Andre's team. The condition is that if the Tekken Army invades here, they must also fight side by side. , and when the news of the decisive battle came, they would immediately follow the surrounding friendly forces and rush to the battlefield together to eliminate the "false gods".

Gus didn't care whether the identity of the "Holy Son" was recognized by the Southern Steam Army.

After all, he has seen a higher level and a wider world.

Knowing that everything in front of you is an illusory deception, just a chessboard where data and information are intertwined.

These days, Gus has been thinking about the authenticity of the demon Lu Qingchen's words.

After repeated calm thinking, he came to the conclusion that even though Lu Qingchen had ulterior motives and must have concealed his real purpose, he did not lie about the truth about the world of Boxing God.

Moreover, the boxing god world is really about to be destroyed.

All the way south, Gus has seen more and more evidence.

First of all, more and more solidified lightning appeared in the sky.

It was fine during the day, but at night, dozens of lightning bolts crisscrossed and criss-crossed the sky, making the sky look like a broken bowl, which made people very worried. I don’t know when it would fail and shatter with a bang , crashed down.

Secondly, various abnormal phenomena that violate the laws of nature can be seen everywhere.