Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3492: Iron Fist (Sixty) Shrine



Gus's heart tightened.

Although I hate the boxing champion for creating them like pawns and playing with them like puppets.

However, the education he received since he was a child and the edification of the general environment still gave him an instinctive admiration and fear for boxing champions.

Just hearing the news that "the boxing champion is coming", his brain went blank with fright, and his legs felt a little weak.

Taking a deep breath and clearing his mind with the strong gunpowder smoke and pungent bloody smell, Gus trembled, "Then, what should we do?"

"Let me see, I need to do the math."

After Lu Qingchen said this, he got back into the steam ball and remained silent.

Gus could only grit his teeth and persevere, open his bow left and right, and continue to sweep with the Bolt Gun and Vulcan Cannon with unlimited ammunition.

But this time, his fire suppression tactics were somewhat ineffective.

Because the enemy had been prepared for a long time, those who surrounded him were all super masters with a higher level than the high priest Luo Tian, and they were all great boxers who had cultivated to the "Deep Sea Realm" or even the "Heavenly King Realm".

——In the world of Fist God, fighters are divided into "Beast King Realm", "Deep Sea Realm" and "Heavenly King Realm".

A strong person in the deep sea realm can shake his fists and cross the deep sea without touching a drop of water.

A strong person in the realm of heavenly kings can practice the "Fist of the Sky", and can step on the void and walk against the wind!

At this moment, there were several priests of the Fist Temple, as well as ascetic monks who dedicated everything to the Fist God, as if they were stepping on invisible steps and lotus platforms, condescendingly attacking Gus.

Their eyes are like hawks, and they can often predict the movement of Gus' muzzle and calculate his trajectory.

The speed is extremely fast, and it can move between bunches of scarlet rays.

With one punch, the front of the fist can still explode tens of meters or even hundreds of meters away, and it can still blast the rocks, blasting several meters deep ravines on the ground. The power is extremely powerful, which is not inferior to Gus's psionic guns in the slightest. .

Flesh and flesh are like steel and iron, and the skin faintly exudes bronze, silver and dark gold, all kinds of metallic luster.

Many people even have thick hair or scales, which greatly improves their defense.

Even if Lu Qingchen helped Gus modify the parameters and opened the cheating device with "unlimited ammunition" and no need to change magazines.

Even the recoil of the psychic guns helped him adjust to one-tenth of the real world.

But after pulling the trigger thousands of times, the recoil accumulated. Gus's arms, shoulders, and chest were still bruised and swollen, with blood oozing faintly.

As a result, the hit rate, which was originally unsatisfactory, plummeted to the bottom.

"I, I can't hold on anymore!"

Gus fights and retreats, trying to find his main force to join.

But there are more and more Iron Fist fighters around, all of them charge towards him bravely, even if they are smashed into a pulp by him, they will throw blood plasma into his face and eyes.

The young man almost collapsed, screaming to Lu Qingchen for help, hoping that the devil could help him retrieve a more powerful weapon.

"Of course I can modify the parameters of this virtual world even more exaggeratedly. It's no problem to help you get a set of crystal armor or even giant soldiers."

Lu Qingchen said, "But I doubt it very much. This is the boxing champion's trap. Once I really exaggerate and modify the data, I will be locked by the boxing champion in an instant!"


Gus was a little dumbfounded.

Suddenly saw Andre's battle flag.

The shouting and roaring of the steam engine all around suddenly became louder, converging into a sea of noise.

Gus has attracted the strong firepower for so long, and finally paid off.

Except for this point surrounding him, in other places on the battlefield, the steam army is advancing triumphantly, but the iron fist army is retreating steadily.

Andre also found that the "Holy Son" was in a desperate situation and was rushing to rescue him desperately.

Gus was overjoyed.

There was a sharp stab between the eyebrows.

When I looked back, I saw seven or eight priests and ascetics of the Fist Temple lined up like a ferocious python.

The people in the back put their hands on the shoulders of the people in front, gritted their teeth, and looked ferocious, as if they were pouring all their strength into the body of the people in front through their palms.

Their hair turned gray in an instant, their skin became wrinkled in an instant, and their flesh and blood withered in an instant, like skeletons covered in wrinkled skin.

In this way, one transmits one to another, and all the power is concentrated on the priest of the Fist Temple in the front.

This person's figure swelled three to five times around his body.

It looked like a huge tumor that grew abnormally, and the facial features were squeezed out of sight.

And between his gently parted palms, a dazzling ball of light suddenly appeared.

The extremely powerful energy that condensed the vitality of seven or eight priests and ascetic monks rose slowly like a small sun, reflecting all the faces on the battlefield pale.

"Devil, die, this is a verdict from the true god!"

In the hysterical roar of the priest in the front, all the priests and ascetics behind him offered their last piety, all torn apart and wiped out.

And there seemed to be a light ball with a temperature of thousands of degrees in his palm, and it was like a cannonball, and it slammed towards Gus.

In Gus's field of vision, the white light of destruction became more and more full until it filled the entire field of vision.

He subconsciously blasted out the strongest firepower, but he couldn't stop the huge wave of white light from swallowing him.

He vaguely heard Andre's shout, his sister's scream and Lu Qingchen's growl.

Immediately afterwards, at first, I felt the stinging pain all over my body, and then it was as warm and comfortable as soaking in a mother's body.

After that, I don't know anything.

Gus fell asleep for a long time.

It's been so long that I almost forgot everything since I came into contact with the devil.

When Yoyo woke up, she was in a daze for a moment, not knowing where she was.

Looking around, Gus still couldn't break free from the dream.

Because he found himself above the sea of clouds, lying in a fluffy cloud.

The sky is so close, it seems like you can touch it.

The mountains, rivers and land are so far away. Through the gaps in the clouds, you can look down from a high position, as if looking at a false model.

The clouds are steaming, the sun is shining, golden waves are churning among the clouds, and Gus can no longer tell the difference between the sound of the wind and the sound of the waves.

"I… "

Gus was in a daze, not knowing whether he was alive or dead—he had never figured out this question since seeing the demon.

"This is… "

Gus narrowed his eyes and stared at the place where the sun was brightest.

He saw that indescribable building, majestic like a mountain, magnificent like a palace, layer upon layer, row upon row, resplendent and resplendent.

Gus held his breath.

He suspected that he was dazzled.

"Is this the legendary 'Sky Temple'?"

Gus muttered to himself.

According to old legends in the World of Fist God, the core of the Fist God Temple is not on the ground, but its real temple is floating in the clouds in the void, known as the "Sky Temple".

God of Fist is in the Sky Temple, waiting for the arrival of his most loyal and powerful followers, to help them comprehend the ultimate mystery of the Iron Fist Way, achieve the "Broken Realm" that is more powerful than the "Heavenly King Realm", and achieve the supreme power of breaking the void .

However, this is the treatment that only the most devout Boxing God believers can enjoy.

Why, myself, a betrayer, a fallen person, and a follower of demons, can come to the "Sky Temple"

While Gus was in confusion, the Sky Temple suddenly shook.

This palace, which was originally majestic and majestic like a mountain of ten thousand feet, rose from the ground and rose several thousand feet.

And at the position of the "mountain top", two shining small suns suddenly appeared, emitting a ray a hundred times more violent than the sun, as if piercing Gus's heart, and transmitting mysterious and surging information flow to Gus.

"There you are, my child."

In a trance, Gus seemed to hear a low and deep sound wave coming towards him from the palace standing on the clouds.

Gus was shocked, and a clear understanding was born in his heart.

The boxing champion is not in the sky temple.

This sky temple itself - is the champion of boxing!