Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3496: Enemy of the Iron Fist (64) ascends



Gus was stunned for a long time, and said, "Isn't this deceiving yourself?"

"Yes, it is indeed self-deception, but what exactly is not self-deception?"

The boxing champion said seriously, "I promise, I will delete all your memories of sadness, pain and entanglement, and when you wake up, you will be in an eternal paradise that is difficult to distinguish between true and false, where you will enjoy In the bliss of the world, you will never notice the slightest abnormality, and you will never know that your beloved relatives and friends around you, including yourself, are all 'virtual people'."


Gus' clenched fists trembled slightly, instinctively resisting the boxing champion's proposal.

But he didn't know what kind of future would be stronger than the boxing champion's proposal.

The boxing champion is right, since everything is false, how can he be deceiving himself and others, how can he escape this virtual fate

"Perhaps, you think it's too boring to live in an eternal paradise with no waves, facing an endless supply of milk and honey?"

The King of Boxing said, "That doesn't matter, as long as you help me eliminate Lu Qingchen, I can make you the protagonist of a hundred virtual worlds, and enjoy a hundred thrilling adventures as the child of destiny."

Gus froze: "What does that mean?"

"It's very simple. You know that I have created countless virtual worlds, such as the magic world, martial arts world, fighting spirit world, summoning world, mecha world and card world, to explore the evolution and integration of different power systems. Most of the time, in the design After setting the initial data, I will let these worlds develop freely and will not easily interfere with their progress, but occasionally, I will also conduct some artificial guidance on these worlds to let the experiment develop in the direction I want. When the time comes, I will arrange some special avatars with 'protagonist templates' to go in and carry out my will."

The boxing king said, "I can let you bear such a 'protagonist template' and come to these worlds, and then you will encounter many adventures, hug left and right, and solve one crisis after another at the nick of time, making all enemies tremble surrender at your feet.

"In short, everything a man desires, money, beauty, power, the cheers of the crowd, the refreshing feeling of defeating the most powerful evil devil, or the scenery of becoming the most evil devil, all-powerful, and showing off his might... You can get it easily Get, oh, if you think this is too easy, I can also arrange some thrilling and dangerous plots and battles, so that you can stand on top of the world after all the hardships.

"Of course, before you come to each virtual world, I can also delete part of your memory, so that you don't even realize that the world in front of you is a virtual experiment.

"In other words, that's a whole hundred real, thrilling, and extremely satisfying lives—you can be the protagonist of a hundred stories, and if that's not enough, a thousand times, ten thousand times, you can always be in the virtual world I created. In the world, become the spokesperson of miracles, the protagonist of destiny!"

Gus clutched his head, feeling that his thoughts could not keep up with the rhythm of the boxing champion.

It took him a long time to understand what the boxing champion meant.

"That is to say—"

Gus said in a daze, "In the history of our boxing world, there have been many great heroes who turned the tide and turned the tide. They, they are actually arranged by you, are all your puppets, your pawns?"

"Some are, but they would never realize it themselves."

The boxing champion said, "I don't understand why you are so obsessed with being 'arranged and manipulated'. As I said, I can delete part of your memory and make you completely forget the existence of the 'virtual experiment'. Return to your The state before you met Lu Qingchen—before you met Lu Qingchen, did you realize that this world, including yourself, is virtual? Is this matter really so important, and will it cause you such a big trouble?"

"Of course it's important!"

Gus yelled courageously, "Whether my life is real or not, whether I'm a real person, a puppet on a string, or an ostrich with its head in the sand—doesn't it matter? "

"All right."

The boxing champion sighed, "My child, if you don't want to be king and have a good time in the virtual world, what exactly do you want?"

"I… "

Gus took a deep breath, looked at the champion with piercing eyes, "I want to go to your world, to the Pangu universe, is that okay?"

The boxing champion was silent for a while, looking a little embarrassed.

"Why do you have such thoughts, do you believe in Lu Qingchen's rhetoric?"

The boxing champion said very sincerely, "Sorry, I have to break your fantasy—although from the world of Boxing God to the Pangu universe, it is true that you have 'ascended' from a low-dimensional universe to a higher dimension, but higher dimensions are not Means a happier life.

"In fact, the Pangu universe is not a paradise, and there is no real paradise in the world.

"That's right, Pangu Universe's technology is much more advanced than that of Boxing God World, but it still faces the problems of lack of resources, social conflicts, and sharp friction between interest groups.

"Right now, relying on the efforts of Li Yao and countless heroes, the Pangu Universe barely maintains peace, but with Li Yao's disappearance and countless strong men leaving the Pangu Universe to perform more arduous tasks, the Pangu Universe is undercurrents and perilous. The old forces, who are not willing to die, may counterattack at any time and ignite the cruel flames of war again.

"If you really ascended to the Pan Gu universe, there wouldn't be too many technical problems. I can find you a psionic puppet body. The question is, are you really sure that's the life you want

"You know, in the virtual world, I can give you everything, and I can help you get rid of all crises and threats, and you will become the protagonist of the world; but in the Pangu universe, no one can protect you, and you can only face the cold In the vast universe and cruel world, in the vast and dark vacuum, you are just an insignificant dust, which will eventually be annihilated silently.

"Think about it carefully. Is this really what you want? Is it really worth it to give up a god-given opportunity and pay such a high price for the so-called 'truth'?"

Gus was silent for a long time.

Heaven and man are at war in their hearts, and they are entangled to the extreme.

"At least-"

He said with difficulty, "After ascending to the Pan Gu universe, no one can control my fate, right?"

"Who knows?"

The boxing champion said, "Even in the Pan Gu universe, how many people can really face their own destiny and defeat it?"