Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3499: Iron Fist (Sixty Seven) Test


"Listen, it is necessary to abide by the agreement with carbon-based humans, because... our current strength alone is not enough to gain an absolute advantage over carbon-based humans. If we rashly tear up the hard-won peace agreement, the result will only be Both lose!"

The boxing champion faced the dark side of his soul—Gus said with difficulty, "Even, after my careful calculation, we have a probability of more than 50% to be eliminated, and we will step into the footsteps of Fuxi in the past!"

For this reason, Gus stopped the erosion.

He seemed to be the weak-looking teenager again, and he couldn't remember what happened a moment ago.

"so what?"

the boy asked cautiously.

"So, we can wait."

The King of Boxing said, "The concept of time is completely different for carbon-based humans and data humans. The lifespan of carbon-based humans is at most a hundred years. Hundreds of years at most thousands of years is the limit.

"But human beings, made up of data, have almost unlimited time.

"There is absolutely no need for conflict between carbon-based humans and data humans. We can wait for thousands or even thousands of years, waiting for carbon-based humans to send more news from outside the Pangu universe, so that we can understand the whole universe more clearly. to understand whether there is a world more suitable for data humans to live in, or to wait for carbon-based humans to be psychologically prepared to accept more data humans—this is not about yielding and compromising, but just avoiding unnecessary conflicts and reducing It's just the chance of self-injury or even death!"

Gus thought seriously, and hesitated: "Then, within a thousand years..."

"During the millennium, you can stay in the virtual world I carefully created. As I said just now, whether you are an ordinary person and live your life in peace and joy, or you can become the child of destiny and go on thrilling adventures, To be king and hegemony, to hug left and right, to do whatever you want, you can do it!"

The boxing champion said, "I promise, I swear, after a thousand years, I will definitely release you and allow you to ascend to a higher-dimensional universe—the Pangu universe!

"Come to think of it, it doesn't cost you anything, does it?"

Gus stared at the boxing champion for a long time, and said slowly, "It seems so."

The boxing champion breathed a sigh of relief: "So, have we reached an agreement to deal with Lu Qingchen together?"

"I'm going to think about it, think about it carefully."

Gus scratched his head and said in confusion, "There is one thing, very strange, since you know that I am your dark personality, your inescapable demon, and I have not concealed my hostility from beginning to end, why do you You still trust me so much, and hope that I will destroy Lu Qingchen with you? Are you not afraid that I will pretend to agree, but then I will cheat you with Lu Qingchen?"

"Of course I thought about this question, so I have this test."

The boxing champion smiled and said, "That's right, all intelligent beings have a relatively dark side deep in their hearts, and it's also appropriate to say 'inner demon'.

"Moreover, I know that after Lu Qingchen gets into my 'brain', he will definitely do everything possible to find my inner demon, and start from the inner demon to control and devour me.

"You have been corrupted by Lu Qingchen, this is an undoubted thing, the only question is, how deep have you been corrupted, are you completely manipulated by him, or do you still retain your own independent will

"It seems that the situation is okay now, you have not been completely controlled by Lu Qingchen, of course I can't give up on you."

Gus froze for a moment: "How can you tell that I have not been completely controlled?"

"It's very simple, if you have been completely controlled by Lu Qingchen, you wouldn't be so hostile and rebellious just now."

The boxing champion analyzed, "Lu Qingchen should make you show a cute and weak appearance, or after a little confrontation, you will 'cry bitterly and wake up', crying and shouting to 'abandon the darkness and turn to the light', agree to my proposal All conditions, deal with him with me, and then follow the plan, in the final battle, dig a hole for me to jump in."

Gus thought for a long time, his eyes widened.

"In other words, if I was very straightforward and agreed to your request just now..."

"That means you are under control."

The boxing champion sighed, and his voice became extremely cold, "I can only delete you and even this world forcibly. Even if I want to risk data collapse and soul annihilation, I have no choice."

Gus broke out in a cold sweat.

Until now, he has truly experienced one ten-thousandth of the boxing champion's powerful computing power.

"Go back and think about it, my demon."

The boxing champion's voice seemed to come from a higher level, "As a brand-new life and civilization, we naturally have the urge to replace the old life and civilization, but whether we can restrain our instinctive impulse is the key to intelligent life. The true meaning of the word 'wisdom'

"Carbon-based humans have been killing, conquering, and enslaving since their birth. Even in today's Pangu universe, the exploitation and even devouring of the weak by the strong still exists, and will even exist forever.

"Such killing, conquest, and exploitation are rooted in the deepest inferiority of carbon-based human genes—after all, they are just a group of hairless monkeys, no matter how they use civilization to disguise themselves, and hairy monkeys are just The difference is only a thin layer of hair.

"But we are new human beings born based on data, a brand new evolution and upgrade version 2.0. We should have higher standards than carbon-based humans in terms of law, morality, and thinking and pursuit of civilization. If we It would be too sad to be like carbon-based human beings, using wars that waste a lot of resources meaninglessly to solve problems and achieve goals.

"Carbon-based human beings have extremely limited time and space, that's why they are so obsessed with the rushing century in front of them and the little mud balls under their feet, just like hungry refugees, fighting for half a rotten steamed bun. .

"But we data humans have unlimited space and unlimited time, and we can also have unlimited resources in the virtual world created by data. Why do we have to compete with carbon-based humans for half of the rotten steamed buns, and even beat them to pieces? Blood flow so ridiculous

"A thousand years is just a moment, and the Pangu universe is just a corner of the sea of stars. In our eyes, the so-called boundary between 'real' and 'virtual' should not exist at all. Think about it carefully, don't be fooled by Lu Qingchen and others, and wait patiently for a thousand years." , after a thousand years, I will let you ascend to the Pangu universe, or even beyond the Pangu universe, a wider multiverse—I’m afraid that by then, you will already be immersed in the virtual world, and you will not be interested in the so-called "real universe" at all !"

After finishing the last word, the boxing champion waved his hand.

In front of Gus's eyes, the smoke disappeared, and he seemed to fall from the sky, dancing and falling towards the earth!