Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3500: Iron Fist Enemy (68) wakes up


Gus fell "whoosh" and felt that he had fallen from heaven to hell.

The brain is in chaos, and the consciousness is like drifting in a huge black whirlpool. Everything is spinning, spinning, and going straight to fuzzy thinking. Everything that happened just now, every word that was spoken, turned into dancing butterflies and kaleidoscopes fragments.


With a yell, he sat up from the bed and found that his body was covered with bandages, and the bandages were sticky with cold sweat, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Gus blinked, staring around blankly.

This is a small shabby room, the air is full of the scent of herbs, and there is a small stove in the corner, "Gudu Gudu" is cooking something strange and pungent.

Elder sister Gray curled up next to the small stove, looking very haggard, but accidentally fell asleep.

And in her arms, she was still tightly holding the steam ball that was dormant with demons.

"I… "

Gus opened his mouth, but felt his lips were chapped like fire, moved his hands and feet, and felt that his whole body was covered with tiny wounds. He was like a vase that had been smashed to pieces and then barely put together again. Every movement hurt his heart.

He recalled that he seemed to be surrounded by dozens of priests of Fist Temple on the battlefield, and the other party even launched a trick at him, and then... next...

Then, as if something happened, he seemed to see another corner of the higher, more real world, and clearly realized who he really was.

But now, his mind is blurred, but he has forgotten everything.

Gus held his breath and concentrated on thinking. He didn't think of anything, but his headache was splitting from thinking about it, and he couldn't help crying out.


My sister woke up with a start, and the steam ball with the devil dormant in her arms fell to the ground unconsciously.

Her sister threw herself on Gus, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Sister, I—"

Gus opened his mouth, feeling something stuck in his throat, "Wow", but spit out a piece of black blood, between the chest and abdomen, finally felt more comfortable.

"Gus, you're alright!"

Gray said tearfully, "Do you know that I have been in a coma for seven days and seven nights!"


Gus froze.

After his sister's description, Gus knew how dangerous the scene was.

When my sister and Andre came to support with a large army and desperately snatched Gus back, he had already been swept by the priest of the Fist Temple.

If an ordinary person suffered such a severe injury like being crushed by thousands of troops, he would definitely die on the spot, and Da Luo Jinxian would not be able to save him.

However, Gus relied on his tenacious vitality—perhaps the demon Lu Qingchen modified his body parameters, managed to maintain his last breath, slept soundly for seven days and seven nights in the bandage soaked in ointment, and finally gradually healed.

"Thank goodness, it's good that you're fine. It seems that Master Lu Qingchen's power is really miraculous. He can even save people who the God of Fist wants to kill. Now, we can only serve him to the end! "

My sister clasped her hands together and said reverently and excitedly.

Gus looked at his sister, feeling strange in his heart.

While unconscious, he seemed to know the truth about his sister.

I always feel... There is something wrong with my sister's current appearance.

He didn't like his sister like this, and didn't like how her sister behaved so piously towards gods and demons—whether the other party was a boxing god or a demon, they were not worthy of her sister's wholehearted service to the end.

But Gus didn't know how to say these words to his sister.

His sister is different from him.

Everyone in the boxing god world is different from him.

In the bottom of Gus's heart, for some reason, such an idea suddenly popped up.

Blinking, Gus felt inexplicably panicked and confused, perhaps, also lonely and angry.

He took his sister's hand.

My sister's hands, just as in memory, were a little rough due to practicing too many boxing techniques, but also very warm because they were full of strength.

It was the only thing Gus could hold on to after his parents died.

The sister's hand is real.

The sister is also real.

Like Gus himself, no one can erase their existence.

Gus got out of bed, endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth, and walked to the window step by step.

There was a noisy sound of people outside the window, and there were waves of steam hissing one after another.

Gus opened the window and squinted his eyes. Under the brilliant sunlight, he saw countless "huhu" steaming, spliced by rivets, rigidly suspended, and piled up with dozens of turrets. Pass.

The white mist steaming giant iron and steel beasts were still flamboyantly filled with the battle flags of the steam army, and the blazing gears shone brightly under the sunlight.

"This is… "

Gus was deeply shocked by the magnificent torrent of steel in front of him.

"It's the steam army!" Gray exclaimed excitedly.

The sister explained to Gus that during his seven days and seven nights in a coma, many things happened that may determine the future of the world of Quan Shen.

The most important thing is that the main force of the steam army and the main force of the iron fist army have finally locked each other's existence, just like two dragons entangled tightly with each other, and are about to launch the final blow to each other's throat to determine the outcome and life and death .

Speaking of which, the decisive battle between the two sides has nothing to do with Gus.

He and Gray proclaimed themselves the "Holy Son" and "Holy Maiden" of Mechanics and Steam Cult respectively. This incident did not cause any waves at first.

After all, in this kind of large-scale uprising that is slightly superstitious, countless foolish men and women will feel possessed by gods and demons in a trance, so they pretend to be ghosts and deceive themselves and others.

In an uprising, it is not impossible for hundreds of "Holy Sons" to exist at the same time.

But not every "holy son" can be besieged by dozens of high priests from the Fist Temple.

After the short and strange raid seven days ago, the Steam Army analyzed the situation and came to an astonishing conclusion—the Iron Fist Army came for Gus, and their purpose was not to destroy many Steam Army, but to kill Dead Gus!

And even dozens of senior priests of the Fist Temple bombed indiscriminately at the expense of everything, but in the end, they couldn't kill Gus.

Many generals of the Steam Army have personally experienced Gus' injuries. To be honest, no one has the slightest confidence that Gus can still see the sun tomorrow when his bones and internal organs are shattered.

But Gus seems to have an immortal body, and he is recovering at an incredible speed every day. The bones and viscera that were shattered yesterday are restored today, and their functions are stronger than before.

Such a "miracle" made the Steam Army have to believe in the identity of Gus' "Holy Son"—at least a hundred times more credible than those self-proclaimed "Holy Sons" who are foolish and foolish. , It can also stimulate all believers and fighters to strengthen their beliefs, muster their courage, and fight to the end with the Fist Temple.

Therefore, after confirming that the miracle had happened, several main elite troops of the Steam Army moved towards the village where Gus was located.