Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3501: Iron Fist Enemy (sixty-nine) wounded soldiers


As the saying goes, "one move moves the whole body", it is impossible for the large-scale mobilization of the Steam Army not to be grasped by the Fist Temple.

The main force of the Iron Fist Army was originally looking for a strategic decisive battle with the Steam Army, and now they no longer hide their true strength. Dozens of troops and hundreds of priests of the Fist Temple, like a swarm of irritated hornets, rushed Approaching the village where Gus is.

In the strategically important area with a radius of hundreds of miles, the elites of the two sides have been entangled with each other to death, and staged a good show where the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, and the brave wins until death.

And more troops are still rushing forward and coming from all sides to enrich their suicidal teams.

It was like two monsters with dozens of heads on each end, opened hundreds of bloody mouths, and bit each other tightly. One side was covered with bruises and blood, but the other side was still expanding and growing. And staring at the opponent intently, ready to give the opponent a fatal blow at any time.

There has been a bloody storm on the fronts with a radius of a hundred miles.

The small village where Gus lives seems to be the center of a storm, and it still maintains a fragile calm.

Speaking of which, the decisive battle between the two sides started because of him.

But in fact, he is like the fuse of an unprecedented big explosion. With him or without him, the explosion is just a matter of time.

Therefore, after the main forces of the two sides collided fiercely, the commanders of both sides focused all their attention on the opponent, and instead forgot his existence.

In particular, the commander of the Southern Steam Army does not want this so-called "Holy Son" to gain greater influence, so as to affect his own status, but he also does not want the "Holy Son" to be captured and killed by the enemy, which will lower morale. suffer a devastating blow.

The so-called "holy son" is like a mascot, and it is best to keep it in a relatively safe rear.

Therefore, in the next few days, even though Gus's body had recovered, he couldn't go to the front line where the fighting was fiercest, and he couldn't even meet the high-level and commander-in-chief of the Southern Steam Army.

What he saw most were the wounded soldiers sent down from the front line, as well as the old and weak women and children who were responsible for taking care of the wounded soldiers.

The steam army used his village as a field hospital.

Of course, the world of Fist God has just developed into the embryonic stage of the steam age. The concept of the so-called "battlefield hospital" is actually extremely imperfect. There is no good way to treat the wounded with broken tendons, fractures or even bloody flesh. In addition to smearing and bandaging with placebo-like herbal medicine, we can only expect that his "holy son" can bring about a miracle of healing without medicine.

It's a pity that the so-called miracle is something that cannot be copied.

For several sleepless days and nights, Gus stayed beside the wounded who were bleeding so badly that they were not in shape, praying and healing them awkwardly.

But the only thing he could do was to listen to the dying moans getting weaker and weaker, and then watched the wounded's mouths spat out one by one, one by one, until the last one.

Although their enemies are often unarmed.

But the Iron Fist Army, who has undergone cruel training, has a body as steel as iron, and their fists are like battering rams and heavy cannons. When they dance wildly, they have a strength of tens of millions of catties. live and die".

The meaning of sending the wounded from such an iron fist bombardment to the rear is not so much for treatment, but rather as not wanting them to die tragically on the front line, so as not to damage morale.

Although not many wounded were saved, no one blamed Gus for not doing enough.

Everyone still firmly believes in his identity as the "Holy Son". There are even rumors that if one can die under the prayer of Gus, the soul will be able to soar upward with steam and go to the real heaven.

In this way, there are more wounded who need Gus. Many wounded who were seriously injured and fell into a near-death ecstasy couldn't wait to die under Gus' prayer.

There are also those elderly, weak, women and children who take care of the wounded—there are no full-time doctors and nurses in the field hospitals of Boxing God World, and those who take care of the wounded are nothing more than displaced civilians affected by the war.

Many children's parents are fanatics of the Steam Cult, and they may have been turned into puddles of mud under the indiscriminate bombardment of the enemy's iron fists during their fearless charge.

Such children have all become Gus' loyalists, worshiping him fanatically, like little tails that cannot be shaken off, following Gus day and night.

And Gus also heard countless stories about fanatics of Mechanics and Steam Cult from the dying wounded and fanatical little admirers.

In fact, there is nothing unusual.

It's nothing more than how the Temple of Fist extorts money so violently that people can't survive, and it severely cracks down on various inventions related to machinery and steam. In the end, the officials forced the people to do nothing.

But these stories have happened countless times in the past, and will happen countless times in the future, uttered from blood-spitting mouths, from pairs of innocent eyes, with distorted trembling Written by hand, the shock to Gus was particularly strong.

This is a deformed world.

Gus had never realized this so deeply before watching hundreds of thousands of people die in front of his eyes in the form of blood and blood.

A centipede is dead but not stiff. Even if the steam army really wins this so-called "strategic decisive battle", it does not mean that the entire iron fist army is annihilated and the rule of the Fist Temple has completely collapsed.

The steam army will consolidate the rule of the South at most, and then the World of Fist God will enter a state of confrontation between the North and the South.

In the next hundred or even thousands of years, the fierce battle with countless corpses and blood will continue, turning this world into a Shura hell.

Even if the Mechanics and the Steam Cult completely defeat the Fist Temple and bring the whole world into the steam age, Gus already knows that the steam civilization is still not the highest form of civilization. One day, a new power will arise again, and it will be destroyed in a destructive manner. , sweeping the power of steam into the dustbin of history.

And in this process, how many innocent people will die tragically

Gus didn't know.

He is very torn.

Holding the gradually cooling hands of the wounded soldiers—many wounded soldiers were not much older than him, their green faces pale against the bright red blood, listening to them murmuring the names of their father, mother, and beloved girl, Gus really, really couldn't help thinking of them as real, flesh-and-blood people.

However, if Gus wants to watch the World of Fist God fall into a bloody battle for a century or even a thousand years, and let these flesh and blood people like him become meaningless numbers of casualties in Shura Hell, he also, he will never accept .

"If there is really a perfect paradise, where everyone can be transferred to live a carefree life and forget everything, wouldn't it be great?"

In the dead of night, when he was curled up tiredly at the corner of the bed and taking a nap, this ghostly thought would come to his mind uncontrollably.