Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3504: Enemy of the Iron Fist (72) Tushen


For a brief moment, the rift in the night sky looked extraordinarily bright.

It's really like the legendary lightning criss-crossing and reflecting each other.

And under the reflection of "lightning", the devil's eyes are also like crystal clear gems, shining with the light called "sincerity".

Under the shroud of this light, the young man felt deeply guilty and blamed himself for deceiving the devil, and he was almost about to fall.

"He knows! He knows that I have met the boxing champion, and I have the mission of being the boxing champion!"

From the bottom of Gus' heart, a voice screamed.

After taking a few deep breaths, he barely managed to stabilize his mind. Looking at the dark night sky and beyond the cracks, the bottomless universe, Gus said in a daze: "Give me a reason, tell me why I want to help you, Break out of this illusory and painful world, and go to another equally painful and illusory universe?"

"Because, it's closer to 'real'."

Lu Qingchen paused, and said, "Because this is the only thing we can do."

"The only... thing to do?"

Gus opened his mouth, wanting to say that there are many things they can do, including enjoying eternal life in a perfect paradise.

But if you think about it carefully, if the world is virtual, then everything that happens in this world, whether it is enjoyment, struggle, suffering, or struggle, is not "what people want to do", it is just what the creator allows them to do. , or even manipulate them and order them to do things.

They can't choose at all, and they don't even realize the options exist.

In an imaginary world created by an all-knowing and all-powerful Creator, everything is unreal except for one thing that has the potential to be real.

That is to resist the Creator, find the loopholes in the illusory world, go to a higher level of the real universe, and—kill the Creator!

"It seems that you already understand what I mean."

The devil looked at the young man, and a smile gradually appeared in his eyes, "How about it, would you like to join me?"

The demon stretched out his hand towards the boy, but the boy was trembling.

The boy licked his lips and tremblingly said: "I, I don't know, you won't succeed."

"It depends on your definition of success."

Lu Qingchen said, "Everyone is mortal after all, and even the world they live in will be turned into wisps of chaotic dust after hundreds of millions of years, but this does not mean that everything they did when they were alive It doesn't make sense, and it doesn't mean they haven't been successful.

"In many cases, victory may not be achieved by defeating the Creator. As long as you muster up the courage to break the puppet string behind you, blow the horn of battle to the Creator, and pursue a higher level of reality, this is a kind of success. And dare to do so A human being—no matter what form he is, whether he is composed of data, cells, or electricity, I think he is a real human being.

"Now, there are two roads in front of you, Gus, do you want to be a virtual person for the rest of your life in a perfect eternal heaven under the mercy of the Creator, or are you willing to be with me in the chaotic and dark world?" In the real world of the real world, how can we go all the way through thorns and thorns, slay tigers and dragons, bear all the pain and torture, face our creator, and become a real human being in the process of fighting him?"

Gus' breathing came short.

The devil painted to him an incomparably magnificent and tragic picture scroll, a period of real life that he had never imagined, which was obviously painful and cruel, but full of attraction.

"and then?"

Hearing his own ghostly voice, the boy murmured, "Suppose, I mean suppose, I really helped you defeat the boxing champion, destroy the boxing god world, and escape to the Pangu universe, what will happen then?" Woolen cloth

"According to what you said, the Pangu universe was also created by a higher-level intelligent life. On top of your heads, there is also a creator similar to the boxing champion. You, no, we may even be just in a certain story. , an insignificant supporting role, so what should we do?"

"Close your eyes and imagine that you live in a small village surrounded by mountains. Although you have no worries about food and clothing, you always feel aggrieved. You have had great ambitions since you were a child, and you want to leave the mountain village and see the outside world."

The devil said, "One day, you will grow into a young man with strong muscles and bones, and you have prepared enough food and equipment. You finally set off and climb all the way, with your limbs worn out and even your bones broken. The realm, conquered the once unattainable and unattainable peak.

"As a result, when you stand on the top of the mountain, breathe the thin and icy air, and look at the world farther away, what you see is only endless mountains, and each mountain is taller than the other—this What should you do then

"There's only one way to go, and that's to keep climbing, conquering every mountain in sight, until the criss-crossing scars tear your body apart, and the jagged rocks grind down every bone and every drop of your blood Drained, the corpse shattered, until the life is completely terminated.

"The mountain is there, what else can we do but keep climbing?"

Gus was silent.

In a trance, it seemed that I was really hanging on the mountainside with many scars. Looking up, there were high mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, and I could faintly hear the neighing of wild animals and birds. A mountain is taller than a mountain.

Looking down, it is a small mountain village surrounded by mountains that I am familiar with.

The upward climb is certainly difficult, and there is no end to it.

But he has already seen the vast world on the mountainside, and knows that he has the ability to climb to the top.

Looking down at the closed mountain village and the past life from a high height, I feel that it is so unbearable to shrink back and spend my whole life in the mountain village.

Up or down, where to go, the young man is deeply at a loss.

"You ask me, if the Pan Gu universe is really a scene in a story, and we are all characters in the story, what should I do?"

Lu Qingchen smiled, and said lightly, "This is the biggest difference between me and Li Yao - I'm afraid Li Yao will never think about such a problem, as long as he can defend the Pangu universe, defend the small world of 40,000 years of cultivation I am content.

"But if I say it, I will definitely do everything possible to escape from the story of 40,000 years of cultivation, ascend to a higher-dimensional universe, find the creator of 40,000 years of cultivation, and then kill him.

"That's right, if the Pangu universe and the world of 40,000 years of cultivation are really a story, then only by killing the author of the story can we have a real life, be considered a real human being, and be closer to the ultimate reality.

"Of course, this is destined to be an extremely long and difficult journey. It would be too boring to embark on such a journey alone, so I have been looking for travel companions and comrades-in-arms. Luckily, you are the first one I fancy. Ask again Once, how about, willing to ascend with me, to kill all the creators who are above us and manipulate our destiny, to slaughter gods and prove the way, and become a real human being?"