Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3507: Iron Fist Enemy (75) God please


Dozens of self-propelled steam cannons, like dozens of death harvesters harvesting life and soul, plowed out dozens of bloody scarlet ravines on the battlefield, these ravines filled with flesh and internal organs, It was also like dozens of indomitable arrows, which were fiercely projected toward the core of the Iron Fist army's battle formation.

However, in Gus's view, the unstoppable iron arrows, even though they could penetrate dozens of Iron Fist army's defense lines in a row, inexplicably slowed down or even stagnated when approaching the core. Normal flames and smoke, crumbling like clumsy toys.

Immediately afterwards, from the wreckage of these steam cannons that turned into scrap copper and rotten iron, a person surrounded by golden lights would often fly out, transforming into various forms of fighting spirit and battle flames, majestic and peerless, like a heavenly soldier descending strong.

It seems that these strong men got into the inside of the steam cannon at some point, and easily blew up the indestructible steel fortress from the inside.

And the source of these peerless powerhouses...

Gus squinted his eyes and saw a majestic and glorious platform at the core of the Tekken Army battle formation.

It looks like a square pyramid, which is a combination of an altar and a palace. On the top of the pyramid stands a lifelike statue of Fist God, but it looks like a thunderbolt with wide-eyed eyes.

At the foot of the statue is a square platform, hundreds of high-ranking priests of the Fist Temple, all sitting cross-legged, praying devoutly.

Their faces are expressionless, their eyes are calm, and there is no slightest wave. They seem to have not seen the bows, arrows and shells that are like a storm around them, and they seem to firmly believe that under the power of the fist god, any enemy is a clown. , can't set off a real storm.

Accompanied by the chanting of hundreds of high-ranking priests, waves visible to the naked eye really aroused around the pyramid, surging back and forth like pale golden waves, which not only boosted the morale of all the Iron Fist troops around them, but even gathered into a A pale golden beam of light shot straight into the sky.

It was as if hundreds of high-ranking priests were using their lives and the most pious beliefs to call out to the supreme god in their hearts, praying for the power of the god.

This is a world where gods really exist.

The prayers of the high-ranking priests were quickly answered.

On the dark sky where lightning and stars cannot be seen, a pale golden vortex is slowly being formed as the pale golden beam of light continues to shine, and soon, clusters of light that are more dazzling than stars follow the beam of light Send them down and input them one by one into the body of the extremely devout high priest.


The high-ranking priests who were still expressionless just now, who looked like machines, let out extremely refreshing roars, their figures soared at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye, their skin showed a variety of metallic luster, and even mysterious and complicated runes emerged .

When they suddenly got up, their momentum was more than ten times higher than before. They were no longer like normal humans, but like moving towers or hills. Fist, you can fight head-on.

"These... bastards have really gained the power of the fist god!"

Andre, who was observing the battle situation beside Gus, turned pale.

As a die-hard believer in Mechanism and Steam God, Andre has always sneered at many beliefs and legends of Fist Temple.

According to legend, as a high-ranking priest of the Fist Temple, as long as the faith is strong enough, the body is strong enough, and the situation is critical enough—at this time, praying as much as possible, and willing to pay the price of life, it is possible to guide the part of the Fist God The power pours into his body, turning himself into a container of "the power of the fist god", a "projection" of the fist god walking and fighting in the world.

Of course, the body of a mortal cannot carry the power of the fist god for too long. After the fierce battle, even if he survives, his meridians will be broken and he will become a cripple.

But for the priests of the Fist Temple who regard serving the Fist God as the only meaning of life, even if they can only let the power of the Fist God stay in their body for a second, it is a supreme honor.

They don't care about any side effects.

Even if the result is blood and ashes, they are all happy.

Now, hundreds of high-ranking priests of the Fist Temple are praying to the gods wholeheartedly, asking the gods to grant them invincible power.

Andre never believed in the existence of Boxing God.

Well, even if the God of Fist really existed, it would be at the end of its strength before the rising sun of the God of Machinery and Steam.

Such a belief, however, was riddled with holes and crumbling in the face of the cruel reality.

Dozens of high-ranking priests who were blessed by the power of the God of Fist and turned into "clones of the God of Fist" rushed down from the altar.

Every Fist God avatar is a humanoid war machine that is not inferior to the steam cannon.

With their bare hands and unparalleled fighting spirit, they can forcefully stop the roaring steam projectiles.

Open your bloody mouth wide, and roar like thunder one after another, you can turn the burning kerosene back, and instead make the steam army scream.

What's more, Gus was dumbfounded to see that a Fist God avatar skimmed in front of a steam cannon tens of meters high, shouted violently, and stuck his arms firmly on the tracks under the steam cannon. With force, fighting spirit surged like waves, abruptly flipping the self-propelled steam cannon backwards.

The steam cannon several stories high rolled like a rock rolling off a cliff.

Countless steam soldiers were unable to dodge, and were all crushed into meat paste and blood foam.

Such a horrific scene, compared to blowing up the steam cannon with a single punch, is ten times more damaging to the morale of the steam army.

Of course, there is a price to be paid for the unscrupulous use of power beyond human by the high-ranking priests.

Many high-ranking priests often burned themselves or turned into a cloud of blood mist after blasting out the thunderous trick and killing hundreds of steam troops in one breath.

This is the result of the power exceeding the limit and the data collapsing.

But on the altar of the God of Fist, there are still many high-ranking priests praying devoutly, but the steam army has fewer and fewer cannons that are enough to make a final decision.

The morale of both sides is showing a trend of ebb and flow, and the balance of victory is gradually tilting towards the Iron Fist army—more and more Iron Fist troops have been inspired by the true gods, as if they are not afraid of pain, and they have been injected like high-level priests. Brand-new power, and on the side of the steam army, the mob gathered hastily, after witnessing the supreme power of the fist god, they all gave up their ridiculous beliefs, screamed and fled in all directions.