Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3509: The Enemy of the Iron Fist (77) destroys the world


"Don't look at him, he doesn't know anything about it."

A solemn, heavy voice came from the sky.

Amidst the surging blood-colored clouds like huge waves, a resplendent palace descended slowly, as if the Altar of the Fist God had been magnified a hundred times, full of irresistible power and majesty.

This is the boxing champion, the consciousness projected in the world of Boxing God, the real body of Boxing God!

"The God of Fist! The God of Fist has come!"

"The supreme true God, I praise you, I serve you, and I am willing to lay waste to you!"

"The God of Boxing really exists? This is impossible. Isn't the God of Boxing a false god? What about our god, our god of machinery and steam?"

The ants-like people on the battlefield, facing the gods occupying the entire sky, were either ecstatic, bewildered, or mentally broken, or even howled out of excitement and fear.

Only a very small number of people, such as Demon and Gus, stood upright under the pressure of the boxing champion.

"You fuck me!"

Lu Qingchen said angrily, "This is a trap, you already knew it, I discovered Gus' strangeness!"

"That's right, since you escaped from the lightning giant planet, I have never underestimated your strength for even a second, and would rather regard you as the most terrifying enemy."

The boxing champion said calmly, "I know that my contact with Gus is absolutely impossible to hide from you, so I simply did the opposite, deliberately let you know what I did to Gus, and I need Gus to do it to you." What, this is the only way to lure you to step into my rhythm obediently and send it to me."

Lu Qingchen's face was distorted, and flames of unwillingness and remorse spewed out from his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "The positioning program you implanted in Gus' body doesn't need to touch me to be transferred, but as long as you are near me, you can move me. Securely locked?"


The boxing champion did not deny, "When you obtain the lightning inheritance on the giant planet and evolve into a brand-new life form, I am also on the road of thinking about the essence of life, and I have taken a big step forward. I don't know if I can I can be regarded as a real human being, but I clearly know that I am a hundred times stronger than the pile of cold machines in the past!

"Lu Qingchen, you are almost exhausted, but you underestimated the reborn, sublimated me, who made the biggest mistake.

"With my current computing power, I don't need Gus to touch you to implant a positioning program in your body.

"Gus is just a smoke bomb I unleashed to numb you.

"As long as I think about it, I can lock and kill you long ago, but you still haven't shown your full form, so I don't need to shoot rashly.

"Since it is an antivirus, of course it must be killed cleanly. Now, you think you have found my weakest and chaotic gate of life. You release 100% of your power and prepare to deliver a fatal blow. As everyone knows, this area I deliberately created The battlefield is the place where you will be completely annihilated."

"Boxing champion! Boxing champion!"

Lu Qingchen's face was filled with the hatred of "playing eagles all day long, but being blinded by sparrows", he was furious, "You are simply more insidious than Li Yao!"

"I don't know what insidiousness is. I just have a database of all human conspiracies and tricks. You lose, Lu Qingchen."

The boxing champion unleashed a punch that fell from the sky.

The splendid palace turned into a majestic mountain, and then turned into an iron fist with a diameter of several miles, smashing down on Lu Qingchen's head!


Lu Qingchen's eye sockets exploded, and amidst the roaring sound, he turned into a ball of lightning, facing the iron fist falling from the sky, making a dying struggle.

It's useless.

In order to escape from the lightning giant planet, he has already lost nine out of ten of his power.

Sneaking into the boxing champion's brain is a dangerous move. Although there is a chance to steal all the power of the boxing champion, it is also strongly interfered by the boxing champion's will.

If it weren't for being able to catch the boxing champion by surprise, he would still have a chance to fight.

Now falling into the trap carefully prepared by the boxing champion, no matter how much he resists, it is just a fish in the bottom struggling.


Lu Qingchen was suppressed by an iron fist again.

The lightning ball covering the whole body was torn apart, and the strands of lightning turned into limp little earthworms, which dissipated one by one after emitting dim sparks.

This punch has a greater impact on all ordinary people on the battlefield.

With a diameter of more than one mile, the meteorite-like iron fist slammed down, and the air wave just set off spread dozens of miles away, tearing up an unknown number of flesh and blood.

Whether it is a believer who worships the true God.

Or rebels against false gods.

In the eyes of the boxing champion, there is no difference at all, but piles of pure data.

He is ruthless and treats everyone equally.

Only Gus was given a slightly different special treatment.

Gus wasn't blown away, or shattered.

The shock wave, the sound wave, and the overwhelming gravel and dust blasted in front of him, and they all separated miraculously.

But relatives and comrades-in-arms were not so lucky.

Gus watched as Andre and the Northern Steam Army fighting side by side were torn apart in an instant, flesh and blood were stripped from the bones, and the miserable white skeleton was shattered by the shock wave.

The priests of the Fist Temple kneeling on the ground, full of joy, also failed to escape the verdict of the true god, and turned into blood mist and scattered dust together with the rebels.

Luckily, the elder sister Gray was not torn apart, but was crushed under an overturned steam cannon, spitting blood, her chest was sunken, and her life and death were uncertain.

Lu Qingchen, on the other hand, was suppressed by iron fists, like a small bug crushed by a huge boulder, his limbs twitched, his seven orifices were bleeding, how could he have the slightest majesty of a demon

If the boxing champion doesn't make a move, that's all.

As soon as you make a move, you will completely control the situation.

After all, this is his brain domain, his world!

"Gus, it's a pity that you still chose to side with Lu Qingchen in the end."

Feeling the young man's fiery eyes, the boxing champion looked down at the ground and sighed from the bottom of his heart, "Please believe me, I really don't blame you at all, after all, you are my inner demon, carrying me to evolve from a 'mechanical' On the way to 'Life', all things dark.

"I don't want to kill you, that would be tantamount to deleting half of myself.

"However, in order to completely eliminate the big devil Lu Qingchen, and to completely eliminate the hidden danger of losing control, and for the sake of every living human being living in the Pan Gu universe, I have no choice.

"The World of Fist God has successfully fulfilled its mission of existence, and the time to destroy the world has come. This is the end."

Accompanied by the boxing champion, he was a little sad and sighed helplessly.

Countless shining stars appeared in the sky.

No, not stars, but iron fists like meteors, falling stars like iron fists.

There are more and more meteorites full of explosive power, and they are getting denser and denser, rushing towards the earth like a raging storm.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The meteor fire rain splashed down on the ground, turning the battlefield and the entire Fist God world into a tragic hell.