Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3517: Enemy of Iron Fist (85) goes home


The first contact between the world of magic and the world of comprehension begins.

Although it's too late to change clothes, the magic queen from a different dimension has her own demeanor and majesty.

Countless golden horns and various musical instruments flew out of the Emerald Horn and lined up in two rows in the void, as if a majestic march was played by an invisible band.

Even in the vacuum of the universe, the music is still rippling in the form of golden ripples.

And under Teresa's feet, there is also a red carpet created by light magic, like a winding red satin, extending from the Emerald to the Boxing God.

Teresa walked slowly from the red carpet with a proud face and a small chest.

"I am the ruler of the bloody battle demon world, the liberator of the glorious world, the destroyer of devouring beasts, the operator of the largest and most powerful cannons, the captain of the Emerald, the Scarlet Queen II, Teresa Han, all of you You can call me Your Lady Queen."

She stared at the stars and said calmly, "I come from a magical world that you can't understand. I was entrusted by an old friend 'Hante', and I came here for peace and friendship."

Command Center of the Fist God.

Liuli looked at the beautiful magical girl in the light curtain who was desperately holding on to her momentum, her eyebrows frowned, and she pondered over the long term of address for a long time, but she still couldn't figure it out, "But, aren't you Han Te?"

"how do you know!"

Teresa was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, she subconsciously blurted out, but she felt something was wrong, she hurriedly covered her mouth, and said falteringly, "No, I mean, who, who said that, I'm not Hunter, I'm not, I don't, you talk nonsense !"

"I just saw you transformed." Liuli said.

"... Can you see my face clearly, is it not blurry at all?" Teresa couldn't believe it, she turned her head and gave the Emerald a hard look.

"Of course I can. Although the eyes are covered, we are childhood sweethearts, how can I forget your nose, mouth, ears and face shape?"

Liuli said naturally, "You still call yourself 'Xinghai Cannon King', your voice has not changed, and among the people I know, you are the only one who has learned magic and vowed to be the Xinghai Cannon King , Hunter!"

"Liuli, do you still remember that we are childhood sweethearts, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

I just changed back to Teresa, affected by the secretion of hormones, my emotions are particularly easy to lose control, and I am very sentimental. I didn’t feel it was right until tears came out. Teresa waved her hands desperately, "No, I’m really not Hunt, just, uh, Mr Hunt's friend!"

"Friend? Impossible, 'Teresa Han', isn't it just reversed the name and surname, and then changed it to be more feminine?"

Liuli looked suspiciously at the beautiful magical girl's broken court attire, still not understanding, "Hante, how did you become like this? Could it be, oh, I understand, did you always suffer in front of me in the Pangu universe? You suppressed yourself, embarrassed to reveal your true orientation, and even took great pains to cover it up with a 'playboy' mask, until you went to another world, did you completely break free, let yourself go, and found your own way?"

"certainly not!"

Teresa jumped up angrily, "No one, he is a playboy, no, Mr. Hunt is a playboy, that's not right, oops!"

She was speechless, pursed her mouth, extremely wronged.

"Isn't it?"

Liuli was suspicious, her eyes swept back and forth between the magical girl and the powerful and mysterious Emerald, and for a while, her pretty face was covered with anger, "If it wasn't voluntary, could it be forced? Hunter, tell me, it is Didn’t the evil forces of this mysterious world do something excessive to you, they imprisoned, ravaged, transformed you, and turned you into such... unrecognizable appearance?”

Liuli's mind turned.

Swish Swish Swish Swish.

In an instant, a long story of two million words emerged from my mind.

There are also countless outrageous images.

They were the kind that Li Yao would blush when he saw them.

Liuli was furious, her voice trembling with anger: "Damn, these guys from the magic world are all perverts, how could they torture you like this? Han Te, don't be afraid, if you are under control, just blink now , I will try my best to save you!"

"Yeah, not at all."

Teresa covered her face, not knowing how to explain, "I wasn't forced, well, maybe it was a bit..."

"A little bit at first, and then, you get used to it?"

Liuli gritted her teeth, "Impossible. The Han Te I know is a good man with strong bones. Although he is a little unreliable at ordinary times, he can definitely stick to his way at critical moments. It is absolutely impossible to get used to this kind of thing. You must be Forced, oh, I see, hypnotized, brainwashed by magic!"

"No, it's not brainwashing!"

Teresa couldn't help screaming, "Liuli, please don't have such a rich imagination, okay, I, really, no, yes, Han Te!"

"Then how do you know my name?" Liuli asked.

"..." Teresa was speechless.

"It's okay, think about it slowly, I can wait."

Liuli sighed, "Hante, you are my childhood sweetheart and best friend, no matter what you become, our friendship will never change, so please trust me absolutely, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you can Tell me without reservation, I will help you wholeheartedly.

"It wasn't voluntary, nor was it forced, nor was it brainwashed. What's going on, I can't think of it!"

Liuli's bright eyes widened, and she looked at Teresa curiously.

Theresa couldn't take it anymore.

I really want to cross the communication channel and cover Liuli's mouth with a small fist.

"I'll repeat it again, for the last time, I'm not Hunter, I'm Teresa, the Crimson Queen from the Bloody Demon Realm and the Glorious World!"

The beautiful magical girl said angrily, "If you ask the bottom line again, there will be diplomatic friction!"

"All right."

Liuli thought for a while, "If you're not Han Te, then what about Han Te, why didn't he return to the Pangu universe? It stands to reason that if Han Te really discovered the magic world, he should come back with you and act as a middleman, right?"

Teresa had already prepared for this question.

She put on a sad expression: "It's like this. Of course, Mr. Hunter also wants to go back to his hometown and see Miss Liuli and other relatives and loved ones, but he was injured."

"Injured?" Liuli was stunned.

"That's right, Mr. Hunter is really a superhero who shakes the world and weeps ghosts and gods. His personality is so brilliant that it cannot be described in words. He has paid too much for the unification of the bloody battle demon world and the liberation of the glorious world. .”

Teresa said, "Especially in the final battle with Devouring Beast, he risked everything on himself in order to save hundreds of millions of innocent girls. While defeating a powerful enemy, he was also seriously injured. All the people of the country, we all have great admiration for him.

"Of course, his life is not in danger, and the medical technology in the magic world is very strong, so you don't have to worry too much. He only needs to cultivate for a while, and he will be back to normal. When he comes back, he will recognize Miss Liuli."

"Extremely injured..."

Liuli thought about it.

All the threads are strung together like pearls.

Her eyes widened and her eyes gradually moved from Teresa's chest to her crotch.

Staring at Teresa's crotch, Ruri's gaze changed from suspicion to shock.

She took two steps back, covered her mouth, and couldn't help but burst into tears: "So, I, I understand everything, Han Te, you, you have suffered such a serious injury, no wonder..."

"I've said it all, he's not Han Te."

Teresa hadn't figured it out yet, she scratched her head and said a little embarrassedly, "However, Mr. Hunter must be very happy to see Miss Liuli caring about him so much."

"Just be happy, be happy."

Liuli nodded with tears in her eyes, and forced a smile, "To be a human being is to be happy. No matter what setbacks you encounter, how badly you get hurt, or precious things, you can't be depressed, let alone despair. Direction, start over!"

"That's true, but why do you always feel that Miss Liuli's gaze is weird... where are you looking?"

Only then did Teresa realize that her legs could not help but tighten, "It's not the kind of injury you thought!"

"I understand, I understand, it's definitely not that kind of injury."

Liuli nodded quickly.

Time is like an arrow, she is no longer the young and ignorant girl in the evil land, she has already understood what she should understand, "Don't worry, you understand me, I am not the kind of person who loves to gossip, and I will never say anything about it." .”

"Why don't you like gossip, what do you want to gossip about?"

Theresa turned around in anger, "And when did I know you, I told you, I'm not Hunter!"

"Yes, yes, you are not Hunter, you are... Scarlet Empress Teresa, that's the name, no problem."

Liuli patted her chest and promised, "Let me testify for you, you are Teresa, not Han Te, the me of yesterday is like dying yesterday, from now on, let's completely turn over Han Te's article, let's start again, and be a lifetime Good sisters, we will always be together."

"Whoever wants to be your sister, I have gained a harem sister in the magic world, okay?"

Teresa wanted to cry, "Liuli, well, I admit it, I, I am Hunter, but things are really not what you think, about my injury..."

"No need to explain, everyone has secrets, and everyone has bloody wounds that cannot be revealed."

Liuli said empathetically, "We are good friends, and no matter what a friend becomes, we must trust and support him unconditionally. From now on, no one is allowed to mention the word 'Hante', let alone mention Hant The injury, whoever mentions it, I am in a hurry with whoever!

"In short, no matter what, welcome home, Han... Teresa!"

Liuli wiped away the crystals from the corners of her eyes, and with a bright smile on her face, she hugged the distraught magical girl in the light curtain.