Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3519: Enemy of the Iron Fist (87) was hit


Seeing Emerald's serious expression, Teresa also became serious.

She was lost in thought.

"It makes sense, the love model of a strong artificial intelligence should be different from that of ordinary humans—it is really ordinary people, and it is impossible to deceive Liuli from our family. Therefore, I must understand this model deeply in order to expose the boxing champion. Big hoof scam."

Teresa paced back and forth in the wine cellar, thought for a while, and her little face collapsed again, "Jade, the plan you mentioned is not feasible, should I go directly to the boxing champion and ask him how he cheated on girls?" Is it?"

"is it not OK?"

Jade said solemnly, "The boxing champion is a good friend of you, and has taught you a lot of magic, so you should approach him as a friend, find out the news, and then fight back, can't you?"

"Of course not. It's fine if I hold back all the way, but just now I was so angry and went to the boxing champion to settle accounts, and now I go to him as a friend as if nothing happened, and ask him the secrets of chasing girls. Isn't it strange? He will tell me. What a ghost!"

Teresa was distressed, "Oh, it's all my fault, I was too impulsive, if only I hadn't been so anxious to show the cannon just now."

"That's right."

Jade quietly walked behind Teresa, and the slender hands of liquid metal raised to the most comfortable temperature for human beings, pressed down Teresa's temple gently like a feather, and massaged her unhurriedly.

Teresa has been used to enjoying Jade's service during this time, and she hummed comfortably.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, it's all my bad idea."

Fei Cui took the opportunity to get close to Teresa's ear, and said softly, "I'm sorry, Captain, my bad ideas often trick you, but please believe me, I really didn't do it on purpose, I just did bad things with good intentions, just a person who has been dormant for too long , most of the core data is lost, and it will malfunction from time to time, just a very useless artificial intelligence."

When she said that, Teresa felt embarrassed.

"Don't say that, it's just a trivial matter. A man of steel like me is used to seeing big winds and waves, so how can I take it to heart?"

Teresa waved her little hand, and suddenly thought of something, her eyes widened instantly, "Wait, what did you just say, that you are..."

"I am an artificial intelligence that often makes mistakes, is confused, and is very useless." Jade bowed her head.

"No, no, the front is not important, the last four words are the most important, jade, you are also an artificial intelligence, just like a boxing champion!" Teresa jumped up happily, as if she had discovered a blind spot.

Emerald's expression was a little dazed: "So?"

"So, those tricks that the boxing champion knows, the ten thousand ways to deceive girls, etc., you can also, don't you?"

Teresa patted Fei Cui's shoulder excitedly, "Oh, there's nowhere to find it if you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it. We don't need to lurk around the boxing champion, we just look for you, don't we know everything?"

Jade hesitated: "This..."

"Stop this and that, just relax!"

Teresa said, "Come on, Emerald, tell me all the ten thousand ways your artificial intelligence tricks girls!"

"I do not know."

Jade lowered her eyes and said a little unhappy, "Master Captain, please don't confuse me with the boxing champion. He is an evil artificial intelligence, and although I am a bit stupid, I am a kind artificial intelligence. Only the evil artificial intelligence Only intelligence can deceive girls, our kind artificial intelligence, if we want to fall in love, we will never use deceitful means, and we will give sincerity."

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, don't put on such a resentful expression, okay, our family is a good jadeite, ten thousand times stronger than the big pig's hoof of the boxing champion."

Teresa said, "Then you just give your heart and tell me in detail how you used to fall in love. It's okay, right?"

"It's useless."

Jade still shook her head, "The power of language is pale. Just talking, our love is not much different from that of human beings. It is nothing more than eating, sending flowers, shopping, etc. There are a lot of details. The meaning is indescribable.

"Besides, I've been dormant for so long, and I lost a lot of emotional data. I can't remember many advanced methods at once. I'm afraid I can only think about it if I really fall in love.

"So, I'm sorry, Captain, I can't help you."

"Don't, don't do this, Jade, my dear Jade!"

Teresa finally found the hope of a counterattack, how could she give up so easily, she shook Jade's hand like a rascal, and said coquettishly, "Help me, you can help others, they know you The kindest and smartest artificial intelligence in the universe, you must be able to remember all the ways to pursue girls!

"As for the details that can only be comprehended and unspeakable, by the way, just talk and not practice fake moves, otherwise, Fei Cui, you can use all the methods on me, how about it?"

Emerald stays.

As if surprised by Teresa's brilliant idea.

" is it possible?"

Jade shook her head and said firmly, "I can't cheat your feelings."

"Nonsense, our Liuli is an ignorant little girl. The boxing champion took advantage of her ignorance. This is called deception."

Teresa waved her small fist, "But Fei Cui, you are so kind and honest, you have already told everything to me who has experienced many battles, and I asked you to perform it. How can this be called deception? This is called love between you and me." willing.

"Yes, I feel more and more that I am simply a genius who can think of such a good way.

"First of all, this kind of personal experience is definitely more powerful than words, and it can help me master the model of artificial intelligence to fall in love.

"Secondly, didn't you lose a lot of emotional data? It's okay. I'll help you find it together. The boxing champion has ten thousand ways to deceive girls. We figured it out together, but we can figure out ten thousand and one. It must be better than him. .

"Thirdly, the most important thing is that Liuli and I have a common language! You see, when I go to Liuli and say that I am also with an artificial intelligence, there will be a lot of topics to talk about. After all, for such a forbidden love, there are only us and Liuli in the entire Pangu universe, right

"While chatting, I logically told Liuli some artificial intelligence's emotional deception, so she wouldn't think I was talking on paper, or use your kindness to contrast the evil of the boxing champion. I will definitely save Liuli from the fire pit!"

Jade listened quietly, noncommittal.

"Hey, tell me something, okay!" Teresa pouted.

"It sounds reasonable, but there is a small problem." Jade said.

"What's the problem?" Teresa blinked.

"I don't want to." Jade said lightly.

"Why? Jade, aren't you willing to help me?" Teresa felt aggrieved.

"I am a kind artificial intelligence. I may be a little stupid, but I am also very stubborn. No matter what, I cannot deceive a human being, especially my captain's feelings."

Fei Cui said, "Besides, when our artificial intelligence falls in love, many tricks are very lethal, I'm afraid you will not be able to support it and you will be injured.

"I can't deceive and hurt my captain. This is a law written into my lowest logic. I can't break through it. I'm sorry, Captain."

"Oh, why are you so brainless? I said it's not deception, but your love and my wish!"

Teresa jumped anxiously, "Besides, you don't believe me that much? I'm Mr. Han Te, the gun king of Xinghai. How many girls have I dated? I haven't seen any scenes before. I'm afraid of your tricks and you will get hurt. Just kidding." !

"Come on, Fei Cui, it's fine if you don't mention it today, since you've already said this, you must tell me all about it, I'd like to see what kind of tricks your artificial intelligence has!"

No matter what she said, Fei Cui just turned around and ignored her.

She was still showing her teeth and claws, and Fei Cui simply cleaned up the scattered wine glasses and bottles, and was about to leave the wine cellar.

"Don't go, Emerald!"

Teresa was in a hurry, "Is it really not possible? Is it true that you are so reluctant? Is it true that you can't help me at all?"

"Really not, I won't break the precept."

Fei Cui had already twisted her waist, walked to the door, paused, and said, "Unless, as the captain, you order me to treat this matter as a combat mission of the Jade - the combat order is the highest level. Instructions are sufficient to override all laws."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"

The drunken magical girl knocked her head hard, put her hands on her hips, and said triumphantly, "I will order you now as the captain of the Emerald, Emerald, don't be silly, quickly use all your tricks to deceive girls Cast it out... ah!"

Before the last word was finished, it turned into an exclamation.

It was Fei Cui who retreated with unimaginable agility, and once again threw the slightly drunk Teresa horizontally, and the princess picked her up.


Emerald took a sip of wine.

A doting smile appeared on his mature and intellectual face.

"I really can't do anything about you, my lord captain, let's start, the 1352nd trick of artificial intelligence to talk about love."

She took another sip of her drink.

But did not swallow.

The crystal clear wine, stained with plump lips, is as gorgeous as a ruby.

Teresa looked at it, inexplicably flustered, and stammered: "Wait, why didn't you start with the first move?"

"Because, I personally like this move better, Captain."

With half a sip of wine in her mouth, Fei Cui leaned close to Teresa's hot earlobe, and said somewhat vaguely.