Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 36: Li Yao enters the stage!


12 o'clock noon.

The average strength of the second group was exhausted from fighting, nearly half of them were injured and downsized, and they could no longer fight.

At this time, the students in the key class walked out of the classroom, exercised their muscles and bones, and began to fight.

As soon as they entered the arena, the intensity of the competition increased several levels in an instant. Soon, all ten admission tickets fell into the hands of the key class students, and the competition turned into a civil war among the key class students.

At 1:30, all members of the key class came on stage except He Lianlie and Si Jiaxue!

At 2:10, Si Jiaxue slowly opened her beautiful eyes and joined the battle group!

At 2:15, He Lianlie, the king of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, walked out of the classroom with armor-like arrogance and officially joined the battle!

He Lianlie and Si Jiaxue obviously possessed a level of strength higher than the other students, and the gap between the two sides could not even be narrowed by simply relying on numbers.

It took the two of them less than a minute to grab an exam admission ticket, and then fought back a wave of siege involving at least seven or eight students, and even sent six students directly to the medical shuttle.

In this way, no one would dare to snatch the exam admission tickets in their arms—after all, there are still eight exam admission tickets left, so there is no need to seek death at the hands of these two monsters.

"He Lianlie, Si Jiaxue... Chixiao No. 2 Middle School hasn't produced such a good seedling in three to five years!" Zhou Yin, the elder of the Chixiao School who had been stern all day, finally showed a faint smile on his face.

"It's so boring. I knew I would come here now. I wasted my morning!" In the second VIP room, Zheng Dongming lay comfortably on the female teacher's round and strong lap to sleep, occasionally looked up, curled his lips, and I buried my head in sleep.

At 2:30, in the deepest part of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, in the logistics warehouse, in the ancient practice field.

Li Yao's two index fingers penetrated deeply into the solid wooden floor, and with the strength of his two fingers alone, he stood upside down in a very standard manner.

His feet are not close together, but spread out to 180 degrees, as flat as a ruler, standing upside down!

The feet that are separated to the limit are not wearing shoes, and the toes are as flexible as fingers. Each foot is holding on to a dumbbell, which weighs 100 kilograms!

"Snoring... Snoring..."

In this state, Li Yao's nose made a very strange snoring sound, his eyes were slightly closed, a trace of saliva was hanging from the corner of his mouth, and he was actually sleeping!


"Ring, ring, ring, ring!" The micro crystal brain on the wrist vibrated violently, making an alarm sound.

With a flash of Li Yao's figure, two "slaps", two black shadows flew out like electric light and flint, and hit the wall more than 30 meters away, and there were two loud "booms" again.

Two dumbbells weighing 100 kilograms were kicked by him for more than 30 meters, and they were deeply embedded in the wall!

The entire wall is full of craters, pits left by the indiscriminate bombardment of dumbbells, like the surface of a meteorite, which is simply horrible.

"Little monster, I have lifted the restriction on 'Give Up', take it off quickly, and go to the competition, you still have half an hour!" Sun Biao laughed.

"You don't need to take it off, it's too troublesome." Li Yao yawned, scratched his disheveled hair like a bird's nest, and walked out casually.

At 2:32, Li Yao appeared in the campus and walked sleepily towards the battle area where the students gathered. His figure soon appeared on the huge light curtain in the VIP room.

Everyone was curious about the last student admitted.

According to the usual practice, the students who appeared so late were all strong players with absolute confidence in their strength, but all the cultivation geniuses from Chixiao No. 2 Middle School had already appeared on the stage. Who was this guy? Could it be that he was a poor student who gave up the competition completely

The second VIP room.

Zheng Dongming suddenly jumped up from the female teacher's lap, and his whole body became extremely sharp in an instant, like a sword just drawn out of a wine vat, the murderous aura was already alive before the smell of alcohol dissipated.

"He is the one you want to see. Will he be better than He Lianlie?" The female teacher was extremely surprised. She hadn't seen Zheng Dongming so serious for a long time.

"Of course Helianlie is better than him, but if I had to choose an opponent, I would rather choose Helianlie than him." Zheng Dongming stared straight at Li Yao.

"Why?" The female teacher didn't understand.

"Because he and I are the same kind of person." Zheng Dongming smiled, with dimples showing on his puffy face.

At 2:34, Li Yao walked into... Canteen No. 2!

"What is he going to do? There is no one in the No. 2 canteen!" Many distinguished guests were discussing.

At this time, most of the fighting had come to an end. Many students were sitting on the ground panting. There were not many scenes worth paying attention to. Li Yao's strange behavior naturally attracted everyone's attention.

At 2:35, Li Yao walked out of No. 2 cafeteria with a drawer of meat buns on his shoulders. He ate while walking, and killed more than a dozen fist-sized meat buns in half a minute.

"Is he here to compete or to eat!" The distinguished guests were stunned for a long time, and when they confirmed that they were not dazzled, they couldn't help but laugh.

Just now I thought this guy was the secret weapon of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, some kind of hidden master, but I didn't expect it to be just a big eater!

On campus, many students also saw Li Yao.

"Look, look, the unlucky Li Yao is here too!"

"Hey, he wasn't injured, and he's still alive and kicking?"

"He must have been hiding secretly just now and didn't take part in the battle, so he's still alive and well right now."

"Hey, Li Yao, don't go any further. The front is where students from key classes gather, and they are still fighting fiercely. Be careful of accidental injury!"

While chewing on the steamed stuffed bun, Li Yao buried his head in checking the miniature crystal brain, and turned a deaf ear to everyone's comments. He only raised his head when a classmate kindly reminded him, smiled at the other party and thanked him, and then continued to walk forward.

"Couldn't his brain be broken?" The classmate who reminded him said to his companion with some pity.

Every half a minute, the ten exam admission tickets would send out a special spiritual wave, marking the location on the virtual map, and Li Yao quickly locked on the first exam admission ticket!

Na Lanying leaned against a big tree, gasping for breath, her vigilant eyes were like sharp knives, sweeping in all directions.

There was still a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth, but she didn't care, and didn't even think about licking it away.

She wants to inhale the largest amount of air in the shortest possible time, try to keep her mind clear, and restore her combat effectiveness.

Because she has a precious admission ticket on her body!

Na Lanying is the 21st student in the key class, with a spiritual root development rate of 65%, it is a great luck to get an admission ticket, she really has no confidence to keep this admission ticket for three years. o'clock.

Fortunately, she had a lucky star today, and several masters in the class went to besiege He Lianlie and Si Jiaxue, but they were seriously injured and quit the competition.

The rest of the students are competing for the other admission tickets. There is no too strong threat around her, at least not yet.

While thinking wildly in her mind, Na Lanying suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart, as if someone had stabbed an ice pick into her heart!

The girl let out an "ah", and every hair on her body stood on end, like a frightened little white rabbit, her body reacted instinctively, and jumped seven or eight meters desperately.

Na Lanying had a feeling that if she had stayed where she was just now, she would have been torn to pieces!

Seven or eight meters behind her stood a scruffy, ordinary boy. If there was anything unusual, it would be that the boy's cheeks were stuffed with buns, and he kept chewing, chewing, chew.

"Li Yao?"

Na Lanying couldn't believe her eyes—unlucky Li Yao was a well-known "man of the hour" in Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, of course she would not admit it.

"It turned out to be him? But when I turned my back to him just now, why did I feel so creepy, as if facing a terrifying monster, I couldn't bring up the slightest bit of resistance, I just wanted to run away!" Nalanying's heart was beating like a drum. , the slightly protruding chest heaved up and down, unable to stop at all.

Li Yao casually chewed the meat buns, and walked towards her.

Nalanying's scalp exploded, her sense of crisis became more and more intense, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably, no matter how deeply she took a deep breath, it was useless!

"I was completely suppressed by his aura, I couldn't even move a finger, what's going on!" The girl screamed in her heart.

"What the hell? Why didn't Na Lanying knock this guy down with one move?" Seeing this scene, the distinguished guests were puzzled and discussed.

"This kid is a well-known unlucky guy in Chixiao No. 2 High School. Does Nalanying disdain to do anything to him?" Someone finally found out Li Yao's identity and said with certainty.

Li Yao walked up to Na Lanying step by step.

He raised his neck and swallowed the last meat bun with some difficulty. Li Yao burped, with a contented smile on his face. In Nalanying's eyes, it looked like a Tyrannosaurus Rex had just swallowed tons of meat. Flesh and blood seemed to be embedded between the teeth.

"You, don't come here..." Nalanying said weakly from the bottom of her heart, about to cry.

"Hi, this is student Na Lanying, may I ask where did you see student He Lianlie?" Li Yao smiled slightly and asked politely.

Nalanying froze for a while, then pointed tremblingly in the direction of the school's playground: "I, I don't know, probably in the playground."

"Okay, thank you, classmate Nalanying." Li Yao nodded his thanks, turning a blind eye to the girl's admission ticket, passing by Nalanying, and walked towards the big playground.

Na Lanying's legs gave way, and she almost sat on the ground. She watched Li Yao's back gradually leaving in shock, her school uniform was soaked in cold sweat, her delicate body trembled slightly, her lower abdomen hurt, and her mind was full of robbery. A fluke for the rest of my life!