Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 38: Kill to the Magic Jiao Island


The three key class students didn't expect that Li Yao would dare to take the initiative to attack, let alone his attack would be so fierce, they were instantly shocked!

However, their reactions were obviously faster than Zhao Liang's. Facing Li Yao, the students in the key class crossed their arms and pressed down, their waists folded strangely, and there was a loud "pop", barely resisting Li Yao's knees, but their mouths were muffled. With a snort, his face was full of pain - his arms were smashed to pieces by Li Yao's knee!

The other two key class students attacked from behind, trying to contain Li Yao.

"Bang bang!"

Li Yao didn't dodge or dodge, and abruptly resisted the attack of the two from behind. Two students from the key class kicked him hard in the waist, but it seemed that they had kicked a huge sandbag full of iron sand. Li Yao's muscles felt strange. The rhythm of the movement, the power was dispersed and dispelled in an instant!

"The ability to resist blows is so strong!"

The two key class students were terrified and felt the strange rhythm of Li Yao's muscles. They all knew that this was a very clever way to release energy. Only those who had practiced "platoon fighting" kung fu could master it under the special guidance of martial arts masters.

"Is there any mistake? This guy is a monster at all. His strength is almost the same as that of He Lianlie. How could he be a piece of shit in an ordinary class? Could it be that all the teachers in the school are blind!"

The three key class students looked at each other, and they all saw the fear deep in each other's eyes.

However, Li Yao didn't pay any attention to the attack of the two of them. His knees descended like a tiger, and he slammed out again. In just one second, he slammed out 11 crazy knee strikes in a row!

The key class student in front of him finally couldn't hold on anymore, screamed and fell out.

The unbelievable scene caused exclamation in the VIP room one after another. None of the audience expected that the siege of the three key class students would be defeated by a "bad fish" from an ordinary class with this kind of unreasonable, pure competition of strength and strength. The way of physical fitness is bluntly blasted away!

Li Yao let out a sinister grin, strode forward like a hungry tiger on a sheep, and continued to chase and bombard the students in key classes with broken arms!

His moves are not so subtle, each punch is straight and straight, and there are no mysterious changes hidden. The three key class students can even predict the trajectory of his next attack.

But they just couldn't find a way to crack it, because Li Yao's punching strength was too amazing, and his ability to resist blows was too strong.

Li Yao made it clear that he was fighting for his body, three against one, you punched me three times, and I punched you back, that's all!

——For Li Yao, who is used to confronting evil masters like "Demon Sword Peng Hai", the attacks of the three key class students are nothing more than tickling him; and his fist, even if it just brushes the opponent's cheek, slides past , is enough to make the other party cry!

After a while, the three key class students looked at each other, suddenly let out a whistle, and fled in three directions at the same time!

Facing a student in an ordinary class, three students in a key class chose to run away!

"This is a tactic specially prepared for Helian Lie by the three of them for several months of special training. I didn't expect it to be used on an ordinary class student. It's really..."

In the VIP room, the instructors of the three had complicated expressions. He was very pleased that the three of them used tactics properly, but more of them were ashamed and surprised.

Without hesitation, Li Yao chased after the first key class student. Every step he took, he could shorten the distance by half a meter. Seeing that there was only a thin line between them, the key class students who fled in front were about to cry.

The other two key class students turned back from the flank without hesitation, and harassed Li Yao behind him.

This time their fighting style was obviously different, they no longer wanted to attack Li Yao's vital points, they just wanted to harass Li Yao to a certain extent, delay his time, and let the first student keep a distance.

And when Li Yao was so annoyed that he turned around and attacked one of them, that person turned around and ran away without hesitation.

And when Li Yao was chasing after him, the other two key class students changed their roles again and became "harassers"!

"The strength of my three disciples may not be the strongest in the key class, but their minds are the clearest in the key class! Once this 'escape-harassment' tactic is used, even Helian Lie is not so good. It's easy to catch them up, but what solution can you come up with?"

Staring at the light curtain, the instructors of the three key class students talked to themselves, and then looked at the time displayed above the light curtain, feeling a little thirsty.

"You don't have much time left, Li Yao!"

At this moment, it is 2:59:30 in the afternoon, half a minute before the official end of the game!

Will a miracle happen

All the distinguished guests gave up paying attention to other pictures, and their eyes were all focused on the light curtain where Li Yao fought against three. Although everyone couldn't figure out how Li Yao could turn the situation around, everyone couldn't help but look forward to it. Expect a miracle to happen!

Twenty-seven seconds... twenty-six seconds... twenty-five seconds...

The speed of the three key class students reached the limit, their faces were flushed, their mouths and eyes were crooked, without the slightest demeanor and style of the favored ones, just like three bereaved dogs.

Thirteen seconds... twelve seconds... eleven seconds...

The three of them used all their breastfeeding strength, running, running, running all the way! The wretches who were being chased by Li Yao were foaming at the mouth, stuck out their tongues, and ran wildly, as if the one chasing him closely was a ferocious monster!

seven seconds... six seconds... five seconds...

The poor guy who was being chased by Li Yao suddenly had weak legs, fell hard, and rolled on the ground hugging his thighs—it was due to excessive exercise, his body was overdrawn, and his thighs were cramped!

The remaining two shouted at the same time, leaped forward, and hugged Li Yao tightly!

Three seconds... two seconds... one second...

Li Yao yelled violently, the muscles all over his body swelled, and he abruptly knocked the two key class students into the air, and fell to the ground.

It was exactly three o'clock at this time, the game was over, and the clear and sweet bells came from all directions on the campus.

"we won!"

"We made it to the end!"

The three key class students were stunned for a moment, then jumped up ecstatically, hugging each other, crying and laughing, as if what they just fought against was not a normal class student, but campus kings like Si Jiaxue and He Lianlie !

"I got the admission ticket!"

The first student took out a beautifully packaged box engraved with spirit patterns from his arms, waved it vigorously, and roared loudly.

"I got the admission ticket!"

The second student also held up his admission ticket, his face full of tears of joy after a catastrophe.

"I—where's my admission ticket?"

The third student fumbled in his clothes for a while, but couldn't find anything. He was taken aback for a while, as if thinking of something, his face turned pale immediately, and he looked at Li Yao.

Li Yao sat cross-legged on the ground, tilted his head, carefully looked at the magic treasure box in his hand, and found a translucent crystal card as thin as a cicada's wing lying inside. A long and narrow black island was drawn on the card, with "" Magic Jiao Island" three words.

Magic Flood Island is one of the venues for this year's Extreme Challenge!

Li Yao whistled lightly, pulled out the admission ticket, put it in his arms, and smiled brightly at the Puji Beast in mid-air.

There was an uproar in the VIP room!

"He, when did he get an exam admission ticket? Why didn't I see it?" Most of the parents looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't believe their eyes.

In the first VIP room, Zhou Yin couldn't help nodding and smiling: "That's right, this kid's body is so strong, he looks like a 'body refiner' who specializes in tempering his body in the northwest land, and uses martial arts to become a Taoist; and his fingers are so flexible , without anyone noticing, I stole an examination admission ticket, which is very suitable for making and maintaining magic weapons. It is like a pair of hands of a craftsman! Today's comprehension world is most lacking in this type of compound talents, really not bad!"

At this time, his secretary came in, leaned over and whispered something in his ear.

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

Zhou Yin's gentle eyes turned to Helian Ba: "I heard that your son and this classmate Li Yao have some misunderstandings?"

Helian Ba raised his eyebrows, and his face was full of doubts: "No way, why have I never heard of Xiaolie? But young people are full of blood, and it's normal to fight with each other. If you don't fight, you don't know each other. Brothers of life and death, didn't they come out of a fight? Maybe the two really had a misunderstanding, and that's okay, who will always take it to heart?"

Zhou Yin nodded slowly: "That's good. Your son is also a very rare talent. In terms of strength, he is better than this classmate Li Yao. Both of them have a bright future. It's not worth getting angry about a little thing!"

Helian Ba nodded again and again, and said very sincerely: "Yes, yes, what Elder Zhou said is very true! By the way, Principal Zhao, I heard that Li Yao's family is not very good. Doesn't our school have a special fund? Is it used to subsidize poor students? I suggest that I take 100,000 from this fund, and I personally add another 100,000, a total of 200,000, and give it to Li Yao in the form of a scholarship to praise him Wonderful performance in the competition—Elder Zhou, what do you think?"

Zhou Yin smiled faintly: "These are all the affairs of your school, and I will not interfere. In short, the quality of this year's students is good, and I am very satisfied. Principal Zhao, Director Helian, and everyone here have contributed a lot."

As soon as these words came out, Helian Ba's heart returned to his chest. He felt as if he had just been fished out of the bathhouse, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

"Li! Yao!" A fierce light flashed in Helianba's eyes, and he remembered the name deeply.

On the roof of Teaching Building No. 1, He Lianlie and Si Jiaxue stood on the roofs on both sides, turned on the miniature computer light curtains, and checked the list of ten people who had obtained the admission ticket.

"Several students who are relatively strong in the class were all severely injured by us and withdrew from the competition. I don't know which eight lucky ones can go to the Magic Dragon Island with us?" He Lianlie smiled and lowered his head. .

In an instant, his smile was completely condensed, as if he had put a clumsy human skin mask on his face, or as if he had been punched hard.

Si Jiaxue's pretty face also had a faint layer of doubt, and deep in her clear eyes, there were big question marks.

"Li Yao?" The two silently recited the same name, but the meanings contained in it were completely different.