Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 4: Demon Sword Peng Hai


Under the watchful eyes of the dean of students, Li Yao dodged and rushed into the slowly closing school gate. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his watch. It's seven twenty-nine, cool!

Like all the high schools in the Federation, Chixiao No. 2 Middle School has entered the annual "Crazy College Entrance Examination Season" early. The campus is full of murderous aura, like a battlefield. When entering the school gate, there is a huge light curtain standing in the middle, with a few big characters on it. :

"There are still 99 days, 1:32:57 until the college entrance examination!"

Every second, the numbers on the light curtain will jump and change, and will keep getting smaller, which will bring great pressure to the candidates.

There are several slogans on both sides:

"As long as you can't learn to die, learn from death!"

"Raise one point and crush thousands of people!"

"Chixiao No. 2 Middle School dominates the Federation, and I will not return it until I break the college entrance examination!"

"Entered into the 'Nine Elite Joint Schools', become a cultivator, and set foot on the pinnacle of life!"

The impassioned march resounded throughout the campus. Nearly a thousand students rushed towards the big playground like a tide. Li Yao also quickened his pace and mixed into the crowd. As soon as he arrived at the playground, the crowd split into three groups and became three distinct groups.

There are about forty students in the first group, all of whom are proud of the heavens, proud and domineering, and the school uniforms they wear are all made of silk silk, tailored to fit, and have been sacrificed by cultivators. Baoguang's insidious movement further sets off the extraordinary prowess of the master—these people are all students of the "key class", and each of them is a one-in-a-million cultivation genius.

The second group has the largest number of students, with seven to eight hundred students. Although the school uniforms they wear are also woven with silkworm silk, they are not tailor-made and have not been refined by practitioners. They look a bit dull and mediocre. They are students in the "parallel class", most of them are children of wealthy families in Fuge City, but their qualifications are average, and their strength is mostly based on resources.

The third group has more than a hundred people. They are wearing low-level school uniforms made of ordinary fabrics. They are loose, fat and big. He is a commoner's son from a working family, and in the private high school "Chixiao No. 2 Middle School", he is like a fish.

Li Yao found his place in the "ordinary class" queue familiarly. As soon as he stood still, someone patted his shoulder, and a somewhat slippery voice sounded: "Xiao Yao, why did you come here? There are big people coming to our school!"

Li Yao didn't need to turn his head to know that this was his best friend "Meng Jiang". He looked up at the rostrum and found that all the senior officials of the school including the principal, vice-principal, and dean of students were present. This was the usual morning meeting. A rare big scene.

"What big man is so powerful? Even Bald Zhao came out to greet him in person?"

Bald Zhao is Zhao Shude, the principal of Chixiao No. 2 Middle School. He is a core member of the Chixiao Sect and a high-level cultivator in the Qi refining period. However, it is said that he was secretly injured when he was practicing in the "Monster Wasteland" in the Northwest when he was young. Seldom come forward to manage school affairs.

"It's Peng Hai, 'Demon Saber' Peng Hai!" Meng Jiang was so excited that his voice was trembling.

This name made Li Yao's heart beat a beat faster in an instant.

Peng Hai, the demon sword, is the biggest legend in the hundreds of years since Chixiao No. 2 Middle School was founded.

He was born in a slum, and has shown dazzling talent in cultivation since he was a child. He was specially recruited by Chixiao No. 2 Middle School at the age of eleven, and his "spiritual root development speed" reached 100% at the age of twelve. He awakened the best spiritual root and embarked on the road of cultivation. At the age of thirteen, he was admitted to the "Great Desolate War Academy" among the "Nine Elite Joint Schools". When he graduated at the age of fifteen, he had already stepped into the tenth stage of the Qi refining period and became the hopeful star of the famous Federation!

After graduating from the Great Wilderness War Institute, he rejected the high-paying offers from more than a dozen cultivating sects, resolutely joined the "Federal Army", and fought against millions of monsters in the Monster Beast Wasteland. The mountain of monster corpses and the sea of blood piled up the reputation of "Demon Saber". At the age of 22, he finally became one of the youngest cultivators in the foundation period of the Federation!

After retiring from the army, Peng Hai returned to his hometown and joined the Chixiao faction on the condition of an astronomical "franchise fee". In just three years, he has become the director of the new business department of the "Chixiao Transportation Group" under the Chixiao faction. , is responsible for developing new transportation routes in dangerous areas where monsters are rampant. In addition to a high salary, it is said that he also owns a large number of shares in the "Chixiao Transportation Group".

"Have you heard that Peng Hai just bought an invincible sea view villa on the edge of 'Silver Beach', which is said to be worth 70 to 80 million yuan! There are also tabloid reporters who have seen that he often takes a dozen women back to the villa to open The Uncovered Conference!" Meng Jiang said while drooling, making no secret of his envy and jealousy.

From a penniless boy in a slum to a high-level executive of a big family, with a net worth of hundreds of millions, a beautiful woman with a car, and a mansion with a sea view—this is simply the dream of all slum teenagers, and Li Yao and Meng Jiang are no exception.

They all aspire to become the next Peng Hai!


Li Yao's watch shook slightly, showing that something was approaching from the sky at high speed. Looking up, a black streamer of lightning shot towards the eastern horizon. The speed was extremely fast. It was still on the horizon a second ago. , has quietly suspended above the playground, it is a black shuttle car!

This pod car is slender, like a stretched drop of water, almost twice the length of an ordinary pod car, with no seams or rivets visible on its crystal clear exterior, it is natural, from the outside I can't tell what offensive magic weapon this shuttle is equipped with, but what is hidden under the black light is a heart-stopping dangerous aura. The killing intent seems not limited by space, making thousands of middle school students feel suffocated at the same time .

"It's the 'Mysterious Bird Battle Shuttle'! The most advanced armed shuttle vehicle in the Federation, its combat power is comparable to that of a peak foundation cultivator! Driving the 'Mysterious Bird Battle Shuttle', even monsters can gallop across the wilderness without fear!" Li said. Yao screamed in his heart.

As a magic weapon fan, this "Mysterious Bird Battle Shuttle" attracted him more than "Peng Hai" himself!

And he also knew that the market price of a "Mysterious Bird Battle Shuttle" with the minimum configuration was nearly 100 million yuan, which ordinary wealthy families could not afford.

In the next second, the chests of thousands of middle school students loosened at the same time, and they regained the ability to breathe. The black bird battle shuttle in mid-air had disappeared, replaced by a tall and thin man in black armor with a smile on his face. handsome man.

It's just that in the depths of those pitch-black eyes, there are still rays of light passing by from time to time, like lightning, like a demon sword.

As far as the eyes could see, even Li Shude, the principal of No. 2 Middle School, and the "Black Faced God", the always fierce dean of students, couldn't help but turned slightly sideways, not daring to look at Peng Hai.

"Cultivators, they are really rich, majestic, and domineering!" Li Yao gulped.

"I heard that this time Peng Hai was specially invited by the school to tutor the students in the 'Key Class'! Xiao Yao, you know, although our Chixiao No. There are not many students in the 'Nine Elite Joint Schools', and even the Scarlet Xiao faction is ashamed, so this time I specially invited Peng Hai to come back for special training, hoping to reverse the decline and create another glories!" Meng Jiang's voice was full of envy.

After all, only the "key class" students can enjoy such a good thing as the special training by Yaodao Peng Hai himself, and the poor boys in the "ordinary class" like them have no chance.

Hearing this, Li Yao secretly sighed.

The "Nine Elite Joint Schools" are the nine institutions of higher learning with the deepest background, the richest resources, and the most experts in the Federation. It is the ultimate dream of thousands of students in the Federation.

Ordinary universities do not aim at cultivating cultivators. No matter how talented the students are, no matter how hard they work, and with many adventures, the chance of becoming a cultivator is no more than one in ten thousand.

The nine elite joint schools have many sects of self-cultivation as their backstages, with the goal of cultivating cultivators. As long as they are admitted to the nine elite joint schools, there is a 30% chance of becoming a cultivator and stepping onto the pinnacle of life!

If you want to become a master craftsman, you must first become a cultivator, and if you want to become a cultivator, you must first be admitted to the nine elite joint schools. Li Yao has been working hard for this goal, but his inherent disadvantages are still irreparable, and the distance from his dream seems to be getting further and further away...

Thinking about his own thoughts, Li Yao was quite a bit dispirited. He didn't even hear what was said on the stage. A cultivator's time is precious, and Peng Hai, the demon sword, didn't linger for too long. The principal Zhao Shude announced the end of the morning meeting.

Peng Hai was surrounded by the favored children of the key class and left, while the students of the parallel class and the ordinary class also lost their energy and walked towards the teaching building in twos and threes.

A day of study has officially begun!