Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 42: Nine Stars Rising Dragon!


Li Yao looked far and wide, and saw a huge curtain of light gradually rising from the midair between the billowing clouds, expanding rapidly in all directions, and soon spread out a length of dozens of kilometers!

What appeared in the light curtain was the setting sun like blood, the turmoil of wind and thunder, and the tragic battlefield where thousands of spar warships interspersed, collided, tore, devoured, and exploded!

"It was the 'Blood War' five hundred years ago!" Li Yao's spirit lifted.

The scene of the battlefield in the light curtain quickly progressed to the tragic scene where the Liaoyuan slammed into the Amano.

The Amano is the flagship of the Eastern Pole Demon Kingdom. It is said that the corpses and skeletons of hundreds of giant underwater monsters were condensed together through decades of sorcery and catalyzed to become an extremely huge skeleton warship.

With a total length of more than 20,000 meters and a weight of 190 million tons, it is simply an ugly mountain suspended in mid-air, giving people a terrifying impression of being indestructible.

In front of it, even the Liaoyuan is like a trivial small sampan, which will be torn apart with a light bump.

However, in the face of such a powerful enemy, the Liaoyuan still accelerated, accelerated, and continued to accelerate without hesitation, and sprinted towards the strongest front deck of the Amano.

Amano apparently discovered Liaoyuan's intentions, and the countless acid sacs, demon light cannons, and inflammatory glands around her body all sucked in one after another, shooting out hundreds of streams of acid, venom and demon light, and bombarded Liaoyuan's spirit head and brain. on the force shield.

The Liaoyuan was bombarded to the point of collapse, and the spiritual power shield flickered on and off, and it was about to burst at any moment.

Seeing this, many human warships rushed forward desperately to defend the Liao Yuan against the attack of the Amano.

The tonnage of these spar battleships was small, and their defenses were weak. Most of them were completely corroded after being attacked by acid and venom several times, and fell into the sea, and all the officers and soldiers on the ship fell.

But more human warships seemed to go crazy, filling in the blanks bravely and forming the most solid shield for the Liaoyuan!


There are only 500 meters left between Liaoyuan and Amano. For two such huge warships, this is the distance of a hair!

The Liaoyuan completely abandoned its spiritual power shield and sent all the spiritual energy into the driving circle. A fierce red glow burst out from the tail of the battleship, and the speed suddenly increased by another level, breaking into the demon power shield of the Amano!

"Hiss hiss hiss—"

Like a meteor rushing into the atmosphere, the Liaoyuan and the demon shield had a violent friction, generating a lot of light and heat, and the crimson light enveloped the Liaoyuan, turning it into a shining spear!

That's too late!

No matter how Amano evades, it will be too late!

No matter how Amano poured firepower on the Liaoyuan, it was too late!

No matter on the bridge of the Amano, how the Dongji Demon Emperor roared, roared, and cursed these extremely crazy humans in front of him with the most vicious words, it was too late!

The shining spear pierced into the front deck of the Amano fiercely with the momentum of piercing the sky, until two-thirds of the hull pierced into the enemy's body, the driving array at the rear of the Liaoyuan was still overloaded, bursting out a burst of fire. The bright light clusters like fireworks finally completely disappeared into the enemy ship!

Then, there was a series of earth-shattering explosions.

The majestic and invincible Amano is like a body that has lost its soul, smoking everywhere, leaking fire everywhere, and the bones that make up the hull collapsed, disintegrated, and fell into the sea one by one.

As the battle came to an end, the light curtain gradually dissipated, and the blood-stained sea turned into blue sky and white clouds again.

At the end of the light screen, the setting sun and blood gradually condensed, turning into three paragraphs of red text:

"In this battle, the 13,250 officers and soldiers on the Liaoyuan, including 300 practitioners of the Qi Refining Stage, 15 practitioners of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and the captain of the Core Formation Stage, all fell. , no one survived!"

"With them, there are 110,000 officers and soldiers and 4,352 practitioners!"

"What they created is a powerful country that belongs to human beings—Xingyao Federation!"

With this as the background, an overwhelming red flag flutters with the wind and unfolds slowly. Appearing in the center of the red flag is a golden dragon with teeth and claws. The dragon is perched on a translucent crystal bead, and inside the bead is Nine shining five-pointed stars.

The national flag of the Federation of Stars—Nine Stars Raising the Dragon Flag!

The nine stars represent the nine cultivation sects that first created the federation; the giant dragon represents the ambition of human civilization to dominate the galaxy and conquer the universe!

Seeing these three sentences and seeing the bloody red national flag, all the young people felt their hearts surging and their blood boiling. I don't know who was the first to shout loudly:

"Long live the Federation!"

"Long live the cultivators!"

"Huanghuang Human Race, Star Sea Contest! Long live human civilization!"

"We humans are the strongest fighting race in the endless star sea! We will always be the masters of this universe, and no existence can stop us! Whoever dares to stop us, we will fight him to the end!"

"Long live the Federation! Long live the practitioners! Long live human civilization!"

After a while, all the teenagers on the eight airships shouted excitedly together.

Sensing the purest courage and will of the young people, the Liaoyuan, which had been as silent as a tombstone, suddenly trembled slightly, and a faint golden glow surged around it, which turned into a golden spear, and slammed fiercely at the Mojiao Island below. stab!


The golden spear just hit the "head" of Mojiao Island, and the entire black ocean shook slightly, as if there was a shriek from the depths of the sea, and the vortex around Mojiao Island also appeared for a moment. solidified.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Li Yao felt that the air became fresh all of a sudden.

"Born as a dragon, die as a monument, guard the gate of the country forever, and guard the rivers and mountains forever!" Li Yao's mind came up with these sixteen words.

"It seems that the legend is true. The eternal flagship of the Federation, the 'Liaoyuan', has really been refined into a giant magic weapon, standing on the shore of the East China Sea forever, and suppressing the luck of the East Pole Demon Kingdom!"

Looking at the Liao Yuan, which was getting bigger and bigger in front of him, Li Yao suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

"At first I didn't know what a 'Master of Artifact Refining' should look like, but now I know that only the most important weapon of the country that has been refined like the 'Liaoyuan' can be called a true Artifact Master! "

"If you can refine such a magic weapon with your own hands... Even if you just participate in it and do some simple maintenance work, it is the supreme honor of a refiner!"

"I, want to be such a craftsman and refine such a magic weapon!" Li Yao's heart was surging, his hands tightly gripping the railing were dripping with sweat, as if even his palms were burning!